Would you be happy if this would be some changes for the 6. Birthday Upate?
6. Anniversary [ UPDATE 5.8.0 ]
*Disclaimer* all just suggestion and fanmade ideas. If you have something to add or discuss about feel free to post it.
Perk Changes would be Added to the current state of the perk and wouldnt be a completely change to it
If you have serious change ideas for Survivor and killer perks add them pls.
*Some ideas from other Forum members included
● General Changes:
• Level system / Prestige rewards rework:
▪︎ Loosing all your progress and always leveling up to lv. 50 just to get the prestige items can be really tiring. instead with the new level system you will no longer being able to prestige your Charakter for leveling your bloodweb up to Lv. 50+. but for reaching level 50 as a playtime reward with this character.
You will get about the same amount EP. as the match EP. you gain but you will be able to boost your EP gain with new Offerings.
Aside of the traditional Bloody Skin Parts you will earn Bloodpoints, Shards and Charms for each 10th level.
While we now that the grind will constantly rising with a new chapter realese everytime we will change the amount of Perks available in the bloodweb levels 20, 30, 40 and 50.
* Level 20 will start with 4 available Perks and every 10th lv will rise the amount by 1 so you will be able to choose out of 7 Perks on lv 50.
By changing that you will able to unlock all teachable perks still on lv 30/35/40 BUT once you unlocked the teachable perk for one character all other characters will unlock this perk on lv 1 aswell.
• Pip System Change
▪︎ since grades aren't no longer the indicator to determine a players skill and getting used for matchmaking we will change the amount on "points" you need to gain a Pip.
Before you needed almost 14-16 Points as Survivor and 15-16 as Killer to double Pip.
That's almost all categories on Iridescent and really ridiculous for the current state of the game.
So we will change and make it easier to gain pips for the majority of casual players to climb up the grades faster and being able to get these delicious bloodpoints rewards to feed the entity.
• Bloodpoint Cap
▪︎ since the realaese of Dead by Daylight we caped your total points on an amount of 1 million bloodpoints and 32k each trial. Since this is really outdated we will remove the cap of 1 million bloodpoints AND we change the points earned per trail.
Before for each category you were only able to get 8k points each but now you can go beyond this mark and will be able to get bonus points for doing a objective better than the others.
* e.g. The killer comit only for one survivor the whole round and you can't get any points in the boldness category but you're slamming generator after generator so why should you be punished for that and get less bloodpoints right?
In the other way its the same if you get tunnele all game you will not be able to get any points in the Objective category
● Events and Boosts
▪︎ We heard you loud and clearly and you get what you want.
More Main and more little monthly events!
We will start gathering more and more of you're feedback and suggestions on this but be prepared for Midnight Groove, WInter Solstice, Lunar New Year and Summer Barbecue.
We will change these events back to real events with little tasks to complete while in the trial to earn limited event currency to unlock new Events Skins and more.
Aside we will do more monthly events like:
Bloodhunt x3 , Snowman Amageddon, Charakter EP Boosts and more...
● Custom Game Changes
▪︎ you can now practice alone with each killer/survivor or with Bots on different difficulties.
● Loadout Changes
▪︎ added a search bar and categories for Perks
● Daily Rituals
Instead of getting a random ritual for Survivor OR Killer you will get one mixed ritual that you can do by playing killer or survivor.
Hook 5 Survivors / Rescue 5 Survivors
Kill 1 Survivor with your Hands / Escape 1 Trial
We will also add ritual that takes a little longer to do but you will get gently rewardes with Bloodpoints, Shards and Auric Cells [ max. 5 - 10 Auric Cells for one Hard Ritual ]
● Perk Changes
• Survivor Perks
▪︎ Balanced Landing:
• Reduces Stagger duration by 100%
• while exhausted staggers reduction of 50%
▪︎ Sprint Burst:
• You walk 20% faster
• Grunts of pain and regular breathing is increased by 30%
▪︎ Dead Hard
• removed dash
• Added I-Frames
• 3 second Sprint forward after successful dodge
▪︎ Lithe
• You vault windows 15% faster
• Slow vaulting notifies Killer
▪︎ Head on
• After successfull stun you break into a Sprint for 2 seconds at 150%
▪︎ Fixated / Self Aware
• You walk 20% faster and 30% while injured
▪︎ Red Herring
• After working on a Generator or staying in a locker for 3 seconds press the Active ability button to trigger a loud noise notification for the killer.
• The aura of the Gen or Locker will shown as a Red Aura for all survivors
• While active survivors will see a little Symbol right next to there perk loadout
▪︎ Power Struggle
• While wiggling you will push the killer slightly closer to pallets
▪︎ Smash Hit
• After stunning the killer by any means you break into a Sprint for 4 seconds at 150%
▪︎ Overcome
• you're scratchmarks stay hidden for the first second of the Sprint
• Killer Perks
▪︎ Unnerving Pressence
• Increase Skill Checks trigger by 30%
• Good Skill checks result in 5% regression
• Great Skill checks grant 0% bonus progression
▪︎ Prdator
• Now shows Scratchmarks / Footsteps of walking survivors
▪︎ Bloodhound
• Injured Survivor will lose life points for the dying state at a rate of 1% but only to a max of 50% health
There was a reason Balanced was nerfed.
Don't bring it back.
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Alot nerfs to survivor perks ... Only reasonable one was deadhard
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Balanced could just be made to only reduce stagger and not give a speedboost at the benefit of not being an exhaustion perk. That's a good idea, right?
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laughably bad game balance here...this would destroy survivor game play
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Don't see there any nerfs imo
Didn't made it clear that these would be Changes to ADD instead of Changing the perk completely
Sprint burst would be still 150% Sprint + the 20% walking boost
And Lithe would be still the 150% boost while fast vaulting + the 15% vault boost
Yea there are some downsides added to exhaustion Perks but these are so small changes to the benefits they would get ADDED to.
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Yea I know but it would bring it back for use and would add more diversity in survivor perks instead of using all same 4 perks all the time
Especially the old BL was 75%?? Stagger reduction while exhausted I think... could be wrong but yea
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Are they adding changes to anniversary chapters/updates? I don't remember any.
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No they are not but these are just some wishes for Changes especially for grinde reduction ect.
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Am I the only one that wish events were only seasonal? If there are monthly events, I'm afraid all events will loose quality.
As of seasonal events, I mostly think of: Halloween, Christmas, Lunar event, April fool, Easter Egg (I can miss some seasonal events I think could be relevant). I'd really love some stuff for April fool.