how would you improve Doctor?

he is weak even with his power
Hmm that's tough, personally I think he sits really solidly in B tier overall. If he was to receive a buff, maybe make his charge up time for his ability a little faster? IMO I think he is fine as is, maybe just tune up his addons instead of power.
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I wouldn't say he's weak but he could do with some QOL and add on adjustments.
Maybe 2m increased range on shock therapy, doctor hallucination linger for people in T3 longer, and detonation delay nerfs because ######### DDDoc.
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i like his kit, just lacks mobility and the servers mess him up just like plague. What’s the point of hitting people with your power if it doesn’t infect them or doesn’t prevent them from vaulting?
If he was to be implemented mobility, then I say whenever he shocks a survivor he gets an adrenaline boost and gets a minor speed boost or he triggers bloodlust sooner (shrugs)
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The only thing that i would do add to doctor, is a small range increase to his shock, and maybe add one of his delay addon as basekit other than that he just suffer from the same thing as most antiloop killer, predrop, shift W, a lack of mobility and lethality to create pressure.
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Add the current 3 meters of his yellow electrode to base kit and then shorten his base kit detonation delay maybe even make his blast cooldown shorter as well
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Anything that makes him not add on dependant.
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I literally just said this in a thread like 30 minutes ago, make it so he can see the scream aura from static blast when they're already tier 3
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He could really do with a range increase to Shock Therapy, not having range addons hurts him a lot.
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Give his laugh a f*cking mute button 😂
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This one. The shock delay needs to be slightly less. The timing is really punishing with latency.
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Maybe minor or unnecessary, but I’d like to be able to charge gens (similar to Plague’s vomit on an object, scenario) where Doc has the option to add voltage to gens... 1st interaction with that gen by survivor electrocutes them, causing them to scream out.
Just think it would be a fun addition to his gameplay.
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He just needs an addon pass. That's it.
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I think he’s fine as is.
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I think the shock detonation delay needs to be reduced a little bit. He's too reliant on Discipline addons as it stands.
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He needs some power adjustments.
The old saying "nerf addons buff base " is a tired line but it really is true for Doc.
You can either have an inconsistent badass shock or a functional one. Feels bad needing either a range or a shock delay addon when Doc has so many decent addons.
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Doctor is fine balance wise. But I’d love to see them make his Hallucinatory Doctors chase survivors. They could even maybe just import the Nemesis zombie pathing for this and have the illusions use those to go after the survivors (without actually ever being able to damage them obviously)
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he is pretty fine the way he is tbh.
but if i could change one thing about him, I'd make it impossible to return to Madness Tier 1 once you reached Tier 2, just like it was back in the day.
And this is mostly nostalgia speaking, but I would love nothing more than seeing him swapping between Treatment Mode and Punishment Mode again. Balance wise that wouldnt change anything, but it was a fun mechanic that really helped you getting into character with him.
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I'd give him two stances. One would have madness slowly build up passively as you walked around and allow you to shock but the second stance would be your attack stance where you can swing your weapon to injure the survivors.
...but I'd add an attack that gives you more range if the survivor is in higher madness similar to the Nemesis whip so like...if you're chasing a survivor in tier 3 madness they'd see an electric whip come out of the Doctor's normal attack and it'd be able to down them but if they're in madness 1 you'd just have Nemesis' floppy garbage noodle. So there is a benefit to maddening the survivor first before going in for the kill and suddenly Doctor would become anti-loop in a WHOLE different way.
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I feel like static blast should be built up through shocking people with static shock like how Oni works with demon dash and maybe blast causes injury on top of madness. His addons maybe could be changed instead to allow this so its not something you can always use. As far as madness tho I do think illusionary doctors could be given ai since we know zombies have a weak one already his imaginary friends could as well chase.
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Make his range and shock delay add-ons base. There's no reason why those aspects of his power should be variable.
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I think madness should come with a debuff to healing/actions. Remove the ability to do anything in tier 3 and give me debuffs similar to Hex:Pentimento.
Tier 1: 25% reduction in action speeds
Tier 2: 50% reduction in action speeds
Tier 3: 75% reduction in action speeds
To offset it the speeds you'll give survivors the ability to tier down. Tier 3 to tier 1: 10s, tier 2 to tier 1: 30s
You give them the ability to tier down from 2, but it'll take longer. It'll be better for you to be tiered up and then snap out of it for 20s reduction.
Just an idea lol
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Hit Validation for his shock.
The second a survivor screams, they need to be locked out of interacting with windows/pallets. Currently, they have a full second after the shock to drop a pallet and it feels like the game just rejected your power.
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I am a vet player and can say that he is way better than he used to be. Of course top teams are going to probably dominate him without good perks or addons but he is a solid B tier at least. I used to main the crap out of him also haha.
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I would improve him, and the game in general by clicking on him and pressing the "Delete" button. Seriously, whenever I get into a game and instantly see two survivors with the shocks around their HUD It makes me instantly lose all focus and will to play DBD for the day, most of the time when I play against The Doctor, even if I win it almost never feels like it for some reason and I almost always have to endure 15 minutes of a match where my will to just DC and eat 5 minutes of sitting in a lobby is tested to the maximum. The worst part is, he's not even a High-tier killer or anything, He's High C-Low B tier at best and he's still the most annoying killer in the game by a longshot, at-least with the fabled God Nurses the game is essentially ended after 5 minutes of pain, The Doctor matches always have to last 15-20 minutes and make you want to jump off the nearest building after.