Dead Hard nerf when, it ruins this game
Real talk though. I don't think DH would be such a problem if maps weren't as bad they are. Map and tile layout have been ruining the game since day 1.
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This is also True, which is why im happy they are redoing some of the maps but like
Maps such as Coldwind hell haven't changed design wise just looks it needs a new lay out
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Just bait it out
Half the time their so focused on when you're going to swing their not paying attention to what's in front of them they run in to walls, trees and things. Don't swing like a crazy person and you'll be all right.
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Coldwind actually received layout changes. It made them even worse for killers. Cowshed is the most survivor-sided map in the game right now.
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That only happens against bad survivors.
Any good survivor will just wait a few seconds and then Dead Hard right into a safe pallet, which is impossible to counter in any way.
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It would be less problematic, but still, it would take years for the maps to be fixed (if they are ever fixed, that is. I don't really have hopes for it), and some of the most problematic maps have already been reworked while the devs show no plans of making further changes to them (Gideon's and Cowshed are the best examples of that).
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Thinking about my luck with matches and map gen as survivor
Had a match where against a billy all 5 of the tiles spawned as pallet gyms (tile with only 1 pallet no windows) so against a billy who is very susceptible to windows there was 1 window on the whole map
Then another match on shelter woods I had 4 LT walls and a pallet gym vs a ghostface
Then as killer
3 matches on father cambells where there is a long wall window directly into shack window
a match on eerie of crows before it was changed with a main building window into a long wall window
and most recently a match on temple of purgation with a long wall window 1 tile away facing shack window with a pallet loop in between as a m1 killer, nothing I could do even do because there was always a free fast vault on any of the windows from any direction
On a fundamental level antiloop killers don't really exist so they can counter the loops from skilled survivors they exist as a band aid for the bad map gen in the game that cripples killers who have to play around it
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Git Gud.
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Bait it out, it’s not hard. Also there’s killers like nurse in the game, they would need a nerf then too.
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It does ruin the game. 90% of the game is hitting someone with a melee attack. This perk makes it frustrating and takes all the satisfaction out of it.
Turn it into what other exhaustion perks do, which is giving the survivor distance in chase when some condition is met.
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I can agree with that. All the maps should be the same size first and foremost.
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Please stop saying bait it out. Killers know to bait it out, the problem is the distance it provides to God pallets.
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At least fix the bug where it eats a killer's power - it's been acknowledged as a bug since they changed validation but it's still making things far worse even more than it's designed to!
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I mean, it always was the most survivor sided map in the game, but prior to the changes, the most survivor sided maps had a 60% escape rate, now it has a 53% escape rate. Thats going from an average 2.7 survivors escaping, to only 2.2 survivors escaping.
So it's less survivor sided.
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Dead hard is used more to get safely to a pallet or a window to extend chases so you can't bait that one....
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Please stop saying they DH to god pallets every time. If killers know then just bait it out.
You're taking one match where DH outplayed you and you act like it's every match. Over exaggerating like always
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Oh you spoke bad about survivor.
Quick call him a killer main!
You so bad, baby killer, bait it out, DH is fine.
I cant wait to hear the tears when it gets a nerf, these forums will be funny af. Who knows I might actually play killer
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If it's one match then how come so many people are complaining about it across different platforms? I thought there was only 5 people per game?
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Over exaggerating over their one bad match. A angry mob starts everyone joins in they grab their pitchforks and torches and start screaming nerfs.
It was the same with spirit before she got her changes. No body wants to learn from their mistakes they just want to blame something or someone instead of learning from them and getting better.
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Also, say you mindgame a survivor then they proceed to DH to the pallet? How does one “bait” this out??
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Its so disgustingly op if the killer isn't at least high B to top 3. So many loops you can chain while almost every pallet is hard to mindgame
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Devs have already stated that they’re looking into Dead Hard Changes.
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A typical way is to do a sudden upward movement with the camera. A nervous survivor will think it's your attack and will DH. An experienced survivor will not though. (Nothing new here, a survivor who doesn't make mistake will win.)
As Nurse it's harder as you have to blink close to the survivor and decide if he will DH or not and consequently to charge the second blink ready to follow or attack immediately.
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True but it it would take bhvr an incredibly long time to properly balance every map though. It would be better to just nerf it sometime soon.
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Yeah man I love hugging every survivors ass, for forever, on the chance they have dead hard(they do). Then if they hold it weirdly long you miss anyway. Super compelling gameplay.
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Well that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about DH to reverse an already made mistake. The survivor isn’t being rewarded for not making a mistake, they’re having a mistake they made be fully compensated.
Same with DH for distance. You can’t bait it. You just have to let it happen. I’m curious though, what do you think about NoED?
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Is there a rules somehwere that says a perk cannot be used to fix a mistake? I mean, we are calling these second chances perks for a reason. (And survivors have a lot of these.)
You can't bait it for distance for that case, true.
I think NOED is fine. It means the killer plays the game with 3 perks. It can also be denied by doing totems, something that this Boon era makes kind of likely. Besides it's usually inexperienced killers using it so you can see it coming from a mile away. All this for one down that is likely to be saved after the bones have been dealt with.
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It's no different then any of the other awesome gameplay we have in this game.
Camping, chasing one survivor till their dead
Slamming out gens, how many loops can you make before dropping pallet
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Dead hard can completely ignore mistakes, though. Nothing the killer can do about it themselves.
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How do you "bait out" a DH for distance? Sub 100 hours comment.
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I saw this kind of posts since the game appears. And we’ll see killers posts about other perks until the game dissapear. Survs can’t have any perk that help them
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It happens every single day I play this game at least once. I will chase an injured survivor they will dead hard to the other side of a God pallet. If they did not have dead hard they would not have reached that pallet and went down. What's the counterplay to this??? There is none, you have to break the pallet and watch them shift W to the next loop which destroys your pressure. There is no baiting this out, it's an insanely strong play that killers cannot do anything about, except NURSE.
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True, but they were "looking into" Nurse fixes and that took 3 years so I wouldn't hold your breath...
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I was just about to say this.
Notice how it is always “distance to a pallet”, never the other 300 different scenarios in which DH sucked.
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Hopefully the dev who came up with Dead Hard has left or will leave the company. They made the most overloaded perk in the game.
The other 300 scenarios in which DH sucks is because the player is a potato who ran into a wall. Lol, get real.
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Are you serious? Just wait for the survivor to play bad? Why didn't we think of that before?
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Maybe because the game shouldn't be balanced around walking potatoes that don't know how to press a button correctly?
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I know I guess we're the only lucky ones that see these other 300 different scenarios.
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Get rid of bloodlust then. It only helps a losing killer
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Sure - as soon as survivors lose the speed boost after getting hit. After all, that only helps a losing survivor by that logic.
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A nerf to a perk that is used by 50% of the survivors while the average kill rate is hovering slight above 50% would require a massive nerf to all killers to balance out the massive change in the kill rate.
I don't use Dead Hard but, when you are talking about game balance, that perk is a corner stone perk of 50% of survivor builds.
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The game shouldn't be balanced around noobies. There is a learning curve. There is MMR to pair noobies with other noobies.
Average kill rate is 2 because most noobies die resulting in a 4K. BHVR doesn't release kill rates at high MMR levels because they don't want us to know the truth.
In the six years they've spent "working" on this game - and lets be honest the biggest improvements are to the graphical fidelity - they haven't added an API for players to use to look at stats. They simply don't care about balance or aren't good enough to make the game more balanced.
They do nothing and expect us to be happy. I've seen more done in two years from indie devs in early access than BHvR with 800 employees working on DbD.
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Remember, MMR places new players with new players and experienced players with experienced players. So new players are getting a 50% escape rate, just like experience players.
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you can't. anyone one who said they can are lying.
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Yes, with the MMR expectations. We haven't seen kill rates since MMR has taken effect but I expect noobies vs noobies to result in 50% kill rate.
The problem is that during peak hours there just aren't enough killers.
It's inevitable that new survivors will be placed with experienced killers and noobie killers with experienced survivors.
The thing is there are far more survivors than killers 12:1, 30:1, 50:1 at various times during peak hours and late at night. So more survivors will be placed with more experienced killers resulting in more 4Ks.
If BHvR would just stop being lazy and provide an API then we could look at stuff at escape rates and make our conclusions without them drip feeding and cherry picking information they want to show because they're afraid of their own ineptitude.
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A free third health state and distance as a reward for failure is always a big deal. Too much value.
OG Undying was gutted after 5 months, while Dead Hard has existed in it's current state for years...and Undying wasn't even as strong. Survivors were just lazy.
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Dead Hard is in the top 3 most used survivor perks. 50%? Your math is incorrect.
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It's data from an aggregate site that process a few thousand matches a month. So it's probably the most accurate data we will have outside of BHVR giving out information.
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Good survivors have understood that the hit validation on DH removed the bait option for killers.