You ever decimate a survivor team so hard you just have to let them go?

Like, you hit the point of effectively infinite pressure and it's an obvious win?
I put a cake in, someone put BPS, but I am doing so much harm to the survivors that I've gotten them all on death hook and just hidden in the basement so they can at least get something out of these two offerings and not just die with like 4k bloodpoints each.
I've done it quite often, it's always nice seeing them say "gg thank you :)" in post game chat
it is also funny watching their teammates scream at me in post game chat
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That's also a good way to control your MMR
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If I see that my skill is way higher than the opposite team in an unfair way I most likely will let them escape yes.
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Every match. I don't remember the last match where I haven't let the last survivor escape. I think I should do a 50 letting-the-last-one escape streak.
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I had a match yesterday where I was looping a pig and she couldn't really catch me but ended up destroying the rest of the team we had two DCs and someone immediately kill themselves I knew I was done for with 2 gens up still, so right as she was sneaking up on me I had spine chill on and I crouched around the corner right as she was about to come by and I popped out , booped the snoot and she let me live lol
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Yes, often. And before MMR I wouldn't have minded.
Now if I'm trying that I get an ever worse next game so the plan is 3 kills with 2 gens left and a hatch.
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whenever I get in these scenarios I just start playing silly immerse mode. I get a silly down at a pallet? I spend a good while looking back and forth to the pallet and the survivor. I miss a hit at a window? I waste a while standing still looking down as if I'm just thinking "how the hell did I miss that?". I get a survivor in a dead zone with no way out? Spam W to approach them as slow and menacingly as possible. This and other stupid harmless behaviour that gives them some time to either earn some points or just have a lighter time in the match. Usually ends up with either I give the hatch to one of them or just drop the one that could be "killed" at the exit gate with the others (if they happen to open it)
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Honestly as either role the games now always seem to go one way or the other; either I’m stomping or getting stomped, no in between :(
I think an issue is the matchmaker and MMR not taking certain things into consideration which aren’t based on RNG.
Like I can go into a game with as killer with crappy addons and meme perks and get wrecked by a SWF with matching names; then next game go in with the best addons and a meta build but get put with random solos doing things newer players would do. I really think it should take these sort of things into account when finding a match, though I don’t know how or if that would be possible.
Same vice versa too; I play solo survivor using a meme build and get matched with teammates doing weird things and get stomped by an amazing killer who knows I’m going to sneeze next week, then I play with friends or get paired with an obvious SWF and stomp a killer that keeps missing swings and plays they it’s their first time.
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All the time.
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Yeah, pretty often. Usually due to awful matchmaking, and the team is obviously really green.
If I dominate a good team because I just played especially well, I won't show mercy, but if I feel like they were just completely overmatched, I'll lay off more often than not.
Funny thing is, sometimes they are so new they don't realize they've been spared. If I'm feeling really nice, I'll play just enough that it doesn't feel totally like pity.
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Sometimes if I notice everyone is on death hook at 4 gens I'll be like o.o oh... well f*ck and I'll just mess around and let them go 😂 well .. at least 3 of them lol
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All the time. Was play Sadako just a bit ago and I just let 3 of the survivors go, they were doing so horrible. Accidentally killed the 4th and felt really bad, I think they had like 3k blood points.
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Not everyone but I let last 2 usually go if I don't do rift challenges so then I just do farming with them it's better than farming with 4 survivors cause then they usually do gens fast and I get less than 20K xp usually or bit over. But by farming with last 2 I at least get close to 30K xp or over and I can get even 100K+ Bp so then im much more happy than sweating for 4K which usually makes me feel bad unless I truly deserve it.
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All the time.
If everyone's on death hook at like 4 or 5 gens, i'll knock one down, carry them to a generator, and whack it while I spin 'till they wiggle off and hop on it. Rinse and repeat 'till we're all friends.
Won't win the match, but i'll win a more important battle.