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Place your bets. How will they nerf Legion?

Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

I don't think they should, don't get me wrong - but we've all seen this song and dance before. A killer gets introduced/buffed to a point where they are pretty strong, but also very easy to play. Then they proceed to dominate low MMR gameplay while being average or weak against skilled survivors, causing their average killrates to skyrocket, and then they are nerfed into mediocre irrelevancy. Freddy, Wraith, Pinhead, (can play as basic M1 killer and still get passively carried by the box at low ranks) Pig on release, arguably Nemesis... the only killer of this kind who's escaped this cycle (as far as I can remember) is Bubba, for some reason.

Now, let's look at Legion. Provided he comes to live the way he is, Legion is a killer who counters stealth, has passive slowdown with Deep Wounds which gives survivors a secondary objective that downs them if they forget to do it, punishes survivors who make the mistake of grouping up, and can pressure, injure the whole team quickly and even down survivors in his power. And he's still pretty easy to play, and popular. Despite seeming like just a decent killer in normal play, he's a low MMR survivor team's worst nightmare.

I'll be very, very surprised if Legion's killrate doesn't skyrocket upon the midchapter, and then is nerfed in some way. My guess is that they'll make it so that your 5th Frenzy hit has to be on a survivor without Deep Wounds, so you have to chain hits between survivors 5 times instead of 4 and then hitting the last guy again, and then nerf add-ons like Mural Sketch, Never-Sleep Pills and Mischief List. I hope I'm wrong, but they've set a precedent.
