BHVR fix dcs
Alright so I am genuinely confused and want to understand why BHVR can't program the game to where actual dcs are penalized but dcs the players legit have no control over aren't penalized?
Mostly because it would be complicated. Network error? Could of just been you pulling the plug on your wifi. You're computer randomly shut down? Could of been you holding the power button. A repeating instance causes the server to flood and shut down? Could of been you making a DDoS attack.
That's just a few examples that are easy to understand.
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But lwfiti
But legitimately most games like this are able to understand that "Oh okay they left bc they were getting destroyed" or "Oh I see they're internet died" I was punished bc my internet died while playing with a friend how is that at all fair simply bc some might abuse it?
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What they need to do is let other players in a que take over a dced players char for extra bp even if its on a hook
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What games? I've played many online games and even ones as big as League still give you DC penalty's when disconnecting is outside your control.