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Played Sifu, Everyone Killer needs to know about Wude to have fun

D3spair Member Posts: 715

Played Sifu alot on my break on DBD. Sifu basically discusses Wude which is the practice of letting an opponent know that you could defeat them handily, but allowing them to live as a mercy.

These are example Matches that I am having fun as a Killer

Coming back from DBD from a long break (Pre SBMM I had a 80% Kill Rate as a Killer Main). My matches are me playing for 8 Hooks 4 Escape matches. I still play seriously after 8 hooks just slugging or farming (depends on the Survivor if they want to farm or loop).

My Recent match on all my Killer are all 8 Hooks 4 Escape and I haven't encountered any Sweat Squads recently which puts a smile on my face. These Matches are high fast paced no camping, always on a chase gameplay.

After 8 Hooks, I just Slug people then just chase another one which is more FUN I had since SBMM was introduced in September.

You might say "I consider winning to be the most fun in this game". WUDE comes at play here. After 8 Hooks I keep downing people and still play seriously when chasing Survivors. I essentially just let them live, on my mind I just think to myself "I could have Hooked/Killed/Sacrificed them <insert number of times you rekted them> times already". Thinking I could have killed this Nea or any of the four Survivors 15+ times already is a super win for me.

WUDE in DBD makes the game fun as you don't get cucked by BHVR's Bad SBMM and makes all 5 Players in a match Happy.


  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715
    edited April 2022

    BHVR Balances on casual bracket anyways. By their standards, These mistake filled matches is peak DBD.

    Edit: Besides, I rather play like this instead of aiming for a Two Kill 1st Hooks Basement Bubba match.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Doesn't smurfing normally imply making the other side miserable instead of letting them leave happy and full of BP?

  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    I mean the point of this is that for you to feel as though you won is by getting the 8 hooks but not trying to kill. You get the 8 hooks you win. You don't get the 8 you don't win.. As for them bullying you for what they perceive as a win that is them just being toxic and sore winners.

    I could see this as being fun to do as it would take the stress of the survivors getting out out of the equation.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2022

    I tend to play like this as Killer. Especially is there's a cake or BPS in the offerings, or if there's an early DC for whatever reason. I basically go into a match expecting to sweat but hoping to mess around.

    Post edited by Zeidoktor on
  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,438

    Well we will have to disagree, as a killer who doesn't kill anyone imo is a bad killer, might as well play against tutorial trapper if everyone will escape in the end.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    honestly? I think this is the right way for me to play and enjoy the game on its current state as much as I used to enjoy before. I'll sure give it a try!

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    If you have to hoot and holler about how you could have won but chose not to, it kind of makes it gross. I do the same thing, but I don't talk about it. Pretty sure survs know.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Still though, As a Survivor if you are looping seriously for the whole duration of the match and the Killer downed you 10+ times. You won't think your opponent is skillfully bad.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    I agree, post game I just leave a "gg, I just a 8 hook match". I encounter less toxicity here too with this gameplan as most people leave "thanks".

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited April 2022

    Still managed almost 30k....not bad.

    You could have gotten 4ks though just sayin.....

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Again this is just me letting people know another way to have fun as a Killer in DBD.

    This solved the fun = winning/killing mindset for me. Let's say you got a toxic Meg head on our match here. Wouldn't downing her 10+ times make her insults meaningless as you just rekted her an ungodly amount of times? It's sending a message of "I could kill you anytime I want."

    Letting Survivors escape and losing SBMM is always a win for me with this method. Less Sweat Squad more Fun.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I like this a lot, especially since I have had quite a few days where I'll do this too.

    Sometimes it's just the thrill of the chase, you know?

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    And gain SBMM? No thanks. Even if I didn't kill anyone, I did convey on this matches that I can kill them anytime I want to 4 survivor which is as good of a 4k for me.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Agreed, Matches like this are more fun as its always non stop chases, no dead times where you camp someone and no stress of you N E E D I N G to kill someone.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited April 2022

    The problem with this playstyle is that games can be very very long…

    I got to a point where I would get 8 hooks at 4-5 gens, and then slug them all. After that, you have to pick them up, let them heal, and do the gens. Sometimes they would DC before, or hide in lockers afraid to be killed.

    The good thing is that you get a lot of +rep lol.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    I didn't know there was a name for the practice. It definitely made my time better.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I don't think killers are complaining that they are decimating survivors.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    A Big Part of Killers are complaining that they are sweating Balls for Kills and generally find their time to be unfun. Wude makes games fun for both sides as technically you loss as a Killer on the match but on the hearts on 5 players, you won by a land slide.

    Also I keep seeing people complaining they aren't getting enough Kills, with Wude, you embrace that you won't get kills as you down Survivors multiple times after their 2nd Hooks. You won by your standards by a mile but technically loss because of BHVR's bad SBMM system.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I agree. Having to let the survivors know that you weren't trying to win sounds like insecurity.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Hmmm I guess I'll just do a giga chad move and just type "gg" on all of my matches in the future

  • CrashofRhinos
    CrashofRhinos Member Posts: 30

    Manipulating your MMR by losing, then applauding yourself for pseudo winning while still driving your MMR down is smurfing. Yay. You are having fun beating people up you shouldn’t be matched with.

    Do I blame you? Not really, killer sucks right now. Do I agree you should do it? No.

    Sorry but it is still the cowards way out. But hell I can’t bring myself to play killer anymore so you’re a better person than I.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    This is exactly what I've been telling people that are complaining that the only way to play is slugging and camping. No it isnt. MMR is an invisible number that means nothing. I play for 8 hooks and points, although I also go for kills when I can. Fun is literally dictated by yourself, so if you aren't having fun, then change and figure it out.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    I dunno, I don’t play survivor but I’m the type who doesn’t appreciate the gesture. I played sports all my life and what is described is basically the most humiliating way to shame your opponent. I’d respect a Killer more for Killing me then playing with me like a toy and deeming me unfit to Kill at the end of the match.

    Granted I have an over active imagination and get emotionally involved in my matches, taking my role more seriously then how most would.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I did this for a bit at the beginning of mmr, eventually your competitors become so bot like it is way to ez and wasn't fun for me.

    I was ending chases in seconds, gens weren't getting done, even after 8 hooks there was so much game still left to be played.

    Sweating every game is more rewarding then stomping and farming every game, imo.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you supposed to NOT brag about letting the other side live because you were more then capable of killing them?

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited April 2022

    If Wude is " the practice of letting an opponent know that you could defeat them handily, but allowing them to live as a mercy", then you'd be already destroying them in the first place and just choosing to let them go.

    without that it just looks like this

    which is just accepting that you lost. I feel like an overwhelming victory but showing mercy and getting destroyed yourself but being okay with it are two different things.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    Never heard of Wude before, but I agree its a fun way to play. I've been doing this for years now though my reasons for doing so have changed over time. Don't do this every game, but i'd say every time I play killer i'll do it at least once every three or so games.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    If playing with people you should not get matched with is smurfing, wouldn't that mean before SBMM was introduced all Killers were smurfs? What made DBD fun back in the day was due to casual players/ not so good players were getting matched with you. If this is smurfing that would mean 1.8K Hours on my Killer was just me smurfing.

    Getting 8 Hooks 0 Kills is way better than getting 2 hooks 2 kills with a basement bubba.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    The win condition is still getting 2 hooks on each survivor or 8 overall hooks. After this the Killer then still proceeds down Survivors on Chases (Depends on the Surv if they want to Loop or Farm). When downing the Survivors multiple times after their 2nd hook, The killer sends a message to 4 survivors that they can be killed anytime the Killer wants simulating Wude.

    The 8 hooks 0 kills condition is to make sure you don't look like you got destroyed.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    I have a somewhat strong feeling I've matched against you. The "RustyHero" name is familiar to me though I have no actual recollection of anything in specific.

    Alas, I just play for the fun of it though I must admit, for some reason, I am often matched with Sweat Squads despite rarely getting kills through my gameplay. I think, to some extent, the idea of DBD is to spread hooks evenly, but I can't blame Killers for playing dirtier at times.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    The simple fact that there is no Set In Stone definition of a "Killer Victory," means that the Devs don't know how to balance the game accordingly. Some people say "getting 1 hook on each survivor" is a victory (usually just for the BBQ stacks, though if that WERE a victory, you'd think the BP bonus would be baseline, not eat one of your perk slots).

    If you want to define "getting 2 hooks on each survivor" as your own victory, that's fine. Other people are not going to agree, necessarily, and the kills/escapes mmr system ends up getting twisted up by your "4 Escapes Every Game" principle.

  • Ramondiola
    Ramondiola Member Posts: 26

    Before sbmm this kind of gameplay used to be fun. You could still get pips without any kills. And as you'd be ranking up you would still get challenged.

    Now with sbmm not getting kills means you face easier survivors in next matches. And if they are not good but still escape, they get a harder/meaner killer next.

    Doesn't seem fun with sbmm

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Until “ggez baby killer you suck”

    thats when this stops being so fun.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,582

    If you play too nice, you get desperately weak survivors as opponents. It's a vicious circle.

    I believe the best you can do is 3 kills plus one hatch.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Their insults are meaningless when you bodied them 10+ times.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ah yes. The overwhelming gratitude those survivors show, truly makes up for the "gg ez" comments you get after playing like this.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    Their "gg ez" are meaningless when you got everyone on 2 hooks with 3 generators remaining and you proceed to rekt them Multiple times and let them live. Imagine Downing a Nea 20 times in a single match, do you think their "gg ez" message means anything other than a cute weakling looking tough?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I like doing that sometimes but I'd be concerned doing it too much and tanking your MMR will result in going against babies - they may be happy to live but a series of <10 second chases aren't going to be that exciting for anyone involved either.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 715

    The point is to have fun. It beats playing with 4 Survivors with the Best Items with the Best Add Ons and the Best Perks. Anyways this matches last 5 minutes top as Gens fly fast when you go against with this survivors.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    I mean the developers themselves encourage smurfing. Their recent SBMM change made it so that super good killers are facing even less experienced survivors so that they can have fun. I've personally made Sadako my 1k 3escape killer. It's really fun playing against unskilled players who are still afraid of you instead of looping you for five gens and tbagging because predropping on Gideon is skillfull somehow.