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Grim Embrace block not long enough for the work.

Anyone else feel the gen blocking should last longer?? Perhaps 60-80 seconds. Killer works hard to get 4 stacks, 4 hooks on 4 different survivors which sometimes can cost them the game getting to many mixed hooks.

This would be an extremely healthy change as it would give killer a huge reward for not tunneling 1 or 2 survivors which all survivors seem to complain about 24/7. So it benefits the killer by stopping gen progress for playing in a more fun way but also allows the survivors a more fun game as no one is getting tunneled to death. I feel like 40 seconds is just not enough and that's why not many killers run the perk.

Of course one issue would be getting 4 stacks of it at 4 or 5 gens against bad survivors but that's more of a "get better" issue as no killer should be hooking everyone on the team that early unless the team is just putrid.


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2022

    Yeah, but that means survivors have to sit around twiddling their thumbs for 60-80 seconds, which would be boring and people would complain. That's why the Incapacitated status effect on add-ons and perks rarely lasts longer than 16 seconds.

    Grim Embrace is never going to be particularly good, but if I had to change it, I'd make it activate again when all survivors are hooked twice. It'd be more useful because it'd be in the late game, and would cement Grim Embrace's role as the "wholesome honest 12 evenly spread hooks perk", instead of a meme mid game gimmick that only activates if you're winning enough to afford spreading hooks on everyone sequentially.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379
  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195
    edited April 2022

    tbh grim embrace should reveal ALL survivors instead. this would make survivors truly feel grim.

    i am aware this would be amazeballs on Nurse, but not even Starstruck has gotten her nerfed and shes gained an additional blink since then.

    Imagine Mikey with this

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,197

    The only issue with buffing the timer to a minute plus is it becomes just as long as a sacrifice stage, so the killer can put up a tent and claim their free hook state, and that isn't exactly that fun for anyone.

    Yeah, honestly, that's a cool idea. I'd like to see it buffed this way.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    It needs a total rework. Awful activation requirement for a laughable reward. Even worse if your last needed hook was the obsession.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    "The first time you hook a Survivor, block all Generators for 8/9/10 seconds and reveal the aura of the closest Survivor you haven't hooked for 5 seconds"

    What do you guys think of that? It would give you the same amount of gen block but over 4 activations, while giving you the aura to keep the snowball going.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    It shouldn't last longer as it would then allow the killer to camp an entire hookstate with 0 gen progress.

    However, it does need a change and/or rework. The reward is just bad for the activation requirement and half of it is nullified if your last token happens to be the obsession. I don't need to see the aura of the obsession for 5 seconds when I just hooked them.

    I also don't like that it's an all-or-nothing perk while not even being a fragile perk like a hex perk is. A lot of the time with grim embrace, it either feels like you get it when you don't need it (as if you're hooking every survivor once then hopefully you're doing well enough that you can afford the leisure of doing so), or there's 1 gen left and you need someone out ASAP, so you have to ignore someone, meaning the perk doesn't activate when you need the extra help.

    Imo, it either needs smaller effects prior to getting all 4 tokens, or the reward for 4 tokens needs to be substantially more impactful and probably needs more added to it.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,613

    it would be more fair if this perk will activate 2 times (1st time after hooking everyone, and a 2nd time once you hook everyone again)

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Unless they buff it to 60 seconds, it will never be worth running.

    And to people who say it would be OP... Lol nah.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    That change doesn’t address the core problem of the perk: needing to hook every unique survivor to activate. That is terrible perk design, as there is no guarantee a killer will come across every survivor in every trial. Some trials go too fast, some survivors immerse, etc. etc.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    It definitely needs a buff, but it's not an easy fix. Buff the timer to 60-80 seconds and the Killer would just face-camp while Survivors can't do anything but watch. It probably needs a rework entirely.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,613

    this is also true, but the perk was probably thinked that in order to work you must chase every survivor (incentivize non tunneling gameplay), so if devs will eventually rework this perk, the requirements for using the perk will probably be the same... the problem about this perk is that isn't worth it to use... if you were rewarded with a BIG slowdown (or BIG buffs for the killer itself) for doing this kind of gameplay, i bet that most killers will stop tunneling... the idea behind this perk isn't bad at all, but it was applied badly, as usual...

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    I think it's fine, I mean I am always trying to hook all four survs anyway, so it's not like I am having to do something abnormal to trigger it.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    I like that idea, but even a decent nurse would completely dominate if this perk would activate.

    Maybe a mini lethal pursuer at the start pf the 40 sec would help.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    This is why BBQ & Chili and No Way Out are good design: while encouraging going for different survivors, they don’t require it; it simply boosts their reward/effectiveness. But to have a perk that activates if and only if all four survivors are hooked, it’s basically dead on arrival. Especially when you can’t choose when to use its ability, at the very least.

    Someone a few weeks back proposed this as a rework for NOED’s activation requirement; and as much as I hate that perk in its current form, argued how ridiculous that change would be.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    If I was to offer my improvement, increase the timer as OP suggested but while every gen is blocked, all hex and dull totems become visible for the duration of the perk.

    Now gens are blocked, survivors can’t complain they have nothing to do and Killer can try to merge this perk with other perks where they might benefit from survivors working on totems.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yeah, but that also means Survivors can't progress the game and if it's a Killer like Bubba, that's literally a free facecamp with nothing the Survivors can do about it.

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Free face camp? He apparently worked down 4 chases or baited at least 3 survivors to hook trade. Not like he was gifted 4 stacks, your free to go do totems during the time and get rid of his NOED. That way, when he face camps that ONE PERSON in a team of FOUR, you’ll have had plenty of time to meet up, heal, open chests for flashlights, get rid of NOED and possibly separate and wait for the timer to end so you can all finish gens and leave.

    Its only free if you decide to surround Bubba and bask in the glory of his facecamp.