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SoloQ is still not buffed

_VTK_ Member Posts: 383
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

Haven't played for half a year, played 6 soloQ games today, won only once, because another survivor sacrificed himself for me and died on the hook. 5 games out of 6 ended in 4k. 5 out of 6(!) and that's the usual number for soloQ from my past experience. How is it balanced? It's a joke.

MMR doesn't fix anything.

For YEARS(!!!!) we are asking BHVR to do something about soloQ.

See you again in another 6 month.


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They are afraid that buffing solo queue will buff swfs. Very scary stuff when you think about it.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    They recently said in a blog they were working on a ping? system, or at least a system that would notify other players what each survivor is doing.

    It was shared In Developer Update, January 2022. Part 2, under the section FUTURE: SOLO SURVIVOR EXPERIENCE

    I would likely think they will have more information about this system during the Anniversary stream.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I played a few solo q games today and it was just pure misery. I’m convinced now that it’s far worse than playing killer, which is also miserable a lot of the time. Every single match I played the first survivor who got downed suicided on hook.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Hopefully it takes less time to appear after anniversary than Boon Totems and/or the basekit Mori and key rework they've been going on about for a while

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    They are promising so much but they are slow. I mean they did not even finish map reworks yet. But i just hope this solo-q buffs come to game soon.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,995

    I'm a solo player and honestly I just accept the disadvantages and play how I feel. Sometimes I feel altruistic, sometimes I feel selfish, sometimes I look forward to getting into chases, sometimes I cbf and just want to smash out some challenges. I also don't play expecting to escape. I go in expecting to die, so escape is just a nice surprise.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Quick Message Radial

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    But that's not a balance issue. Just teammates that rage quit. Which should be punished just like DC's.

    Devs could buff survivors all they want, but there would still be people that rage quit because they lost a chase or are matched against a killer they don't like.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    You're right with this. You can't expect to win when you solo, you''l just get frustrated at yourself for even queuing up. I don't think there is even a way they can "buff soloq" it will always be like this, unless they decide to add comms. Which will never happen.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    You cant communicate with your team that's balance issue

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    From what i can tell there working on a ping system similar to IDENTITY V.

    But would probably be more like small images of Gens, totems, chest, unhooking, pig trap, lament configuration, trap disarming , ect.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Do you really think that being able to communicate with others would prevent rage quits?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    It won't but at least you will know who is going to save, killer is chasing who etc. This will make solo close to SWF. And balancing killers will be easier.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    "I'm not winning most of my matches after a half year hiatus. Make me stronger"


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Communication often causes more harm then good. One reason I dont play CoD anymore is due to screaming 12 yos thats why a ping system is better solution as the pitch of your voice wont detract from good play advice.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes it would. I´ve been arguing for ingame voice chat for a very long time. But people are against it, because they fear that they get screamed at or something. Voice chat has worked for a very long time in other pvp games. There are mute buttons and you could just dodge the lobby if you don´t like what you hear before the match. Ingame voice chat is the only way to balance solos for SWF. Because as you see, OP claims that the devs have done nothing for solo queue, when in fact, survivors have more information than ever before.

    Anyway, all this won´t solve the rage quit issue of survivors suiciding on first hook, even if someone comes to rescue them. I´ve had people run straight to killer, after i made a save unhook; people stay and point at the hook until the killer comes back; or people that started throwing every pallet after a failed suicide.

    Some people are just petty and there really needs to be a system that prevents or punishes this. Most people that would just dc, simply suicide to avoid the dc timeout.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    I don't think people commit suicide simply because they want (have fun doing it), but because the lack of communication or synergy with the team vs the killer they are facing. Some killers are quite difficult to deal in SoloQ because their base kit is exclusively geared towards punishing lack of teamwork, and they are easily countered in SWF, like Pinhead, Hag, Ghostface, etc and if people don't feel motivated to continue, mainly because they don't have the minimum tools that the game must offers for them, there's not much to do, these situations will continue to occur.

    Here's my idea for the ping system for those who don't know yet, enabling real support for SoloQ without offering voice communication,helping every survivor level much more than just beginners, decreasing the gap between SoloQ and SWF

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It probably won't be. Their most recent concrete idea (and it was a while ago) of buffing soloQ was to add a totem counter to a PERK. Usual band-aiding philosophy. I'll keep an open mind, I doesn't mean I can't be skeptical about any of that recent talk actual coming to fruition.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well i would argue for a mute button and that this game is rated for mature players. But i remember high pitched voices from R6. So i totally understand.

    BUT voice com is superior over a chat wheel in every single aspect. Just yesterday i saw a video of Otz using voice com for a duo escape streak and holy #########, for just being 2 players, they had a coordination...

    So either the devs prevent SWF from using discord, teamspeak and whatever there exists (highly unlikely) or they implement a ingame version. Because i don´t see a way to balance solos queue to SWF with voice com levels by just adding a chat wheel or adding more icons.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 513

    Solos get buffed by joining SWF.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    That’s not true. Killers only get buffs after buff. At the beginning bnp, infinite, intaheals,... made killer experience miserable

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    When infinite heals exist all you have to do is use exposed ghostface for instance still has a good time

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,261

    theres only a few things that could actually "buff solo", namely a message system like the IdV example posted earlier in this thread (or a chat wheel, whatever they design it like) or actual voicechat. EVERYTHING else they graft onto the base survivor kit will unsurprisingly also buff swf (probably more than solo cuz swfs tend to have advantages lol).

    The devs really have to be careful here.

  • ElmosPayPig
    ElmosPayPig Member Posts: 128

    The real buff soloQ needs is either text or voice chat and for survivors to get better game sense in general.

    Survivor is already strong as is, and honestly doesn't need much else.

  • Remohir
    Remohir Member Posts: 17

    Sure do.

    I run kindered because I soloQ and never, while being on hook, have the other survivors done anything stupid like stand still, walk really slowly or even crouch towards the hook or something alike (all of them together). What people need is not babysitting, but to learn to play.

    If that information is also fed, what else than pressing a button is left to do while you are sitting on a gen?

    Learn to read the map, who is working there so you can pick up when you finish whatever you are doing, or where not to run to not run the killer to other survivors. Even seeing which direction the killer is leqving the hook helps a ton.

    The only way to solve this is by smarten up in game, or communicating. Otherwise, even if you know 3 people are on gens, which one will be the one who decides to go for the rescue? Who will consider to be the most fit to do so.

    Want that info? There is a perk for that that I already mentioned, kindered.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    I am a mostly solo queue survivor with thousands of hours now and i really worried about them over buffing solo survivor and making it to easy, the way some people are going on about how bad it is make them seem like crybaby killer mains!

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited April 2022

    All the devs need to do is to actually act quickly when something is blantantly over performing and not wait half a year to "let things settle" for a wrist slap change.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,929

    Killer buffs first. If they can beat SWF, we definitely know they can beat solos.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,459

    pretty sure the survivor icons will happen before they ever improve any killer in any significant way. I'm semi excited for icons because at least than, dev and survivor will less execuses for why they're making safe/weak killers.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    I don't think you were meant to reply to me but you did so I'll respond anyway

    Solo queue shouldn't have to use perks, items, or addons to get information that SWF get for free and thinking they should only perpetuates the lack of balance in this game

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    you can't do much when the issue comes from the people in your team... most solo survivors are just trolls or EXTREMELY bad, both in taking decisions (example, you have kindred and they see the killer camping... the entire team will try to do the save anyway without borrowed time instead of doing generators... this is a stupid and bad play... you can't change how the people apply their logic) or regarding proper gameplay (imagine people that go down aganist a trapper without traps in less than 10 seconds). i can assure you that the moment that you'll find good solo survivors in your team, you'll have no problems to escape (the only killers that could still be problematic in those cases are nurses and blights)

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    No Tsulan, and i read all your comments....first "stop calling it a rage Quit" if i get in to a game where a killer stompes on a solo team at 5 gens then give me one good reason to stay in that game? So i wont screw my teammates who are also getting stomped?

    Or should i just give the killer the fun to chase me for 10 sec and beat me down after i get unhooked again....nope, i'm not going to give him or here that fun. After playing for long enough to know excactly from the start what kind of player i'm facing, i decide if this game is the game i want to be in or not.....why do you think players are asking for years now to have a casual mode, instead of getting matched up with pro players who think they are gaming for a life or death situation in real live.

    I said this before, most players are not good in looping or chases in general....when a killer is not intrested in adjusting his skills to the team he is facing then d'cs and hook suicide's are gonna happen...not something i want to do myself, but if your only goal is to stomp then that is what i do.

    Blame mmr, blame toxic survivors...i blame players who forget to have fun in a game.

    I Myself picked up killer out of frustration, and i face mostly new wouldn't even cross my mind to down a player who is hidding in a spot where i can clearly see him, when i see they loop for #########, i would never down them in the first 10sec.

    If players really wanted those dc's and hook give ups to end, then they should take a good look at the game there playing.....and yes i heard it all before, your srewing your team, killer is not responcible for survivors fun, we all seem to forget that a game is suppose to be fun.

    And i myself wouldn't care less to lose every game i play, but it all comes down to the how, if you play u fair game, without the tunneling and camping, cchase me ffor a litlle longer then 3 whole get my point....but that not the games players are getting

  • Remohir
    Remohir Member Posts: 17

    Yes, sorry. I meant to mention the same person you mentioned. Thanls for replying though. And as you agree and replied, let me answer as well.

    Using that logic, we should also be able to know who the killer is chasing, where in the map, what pallets are being dropped, where thers surv has seen the traps for the hag or the trapper, as well as if someone has passed by a hex whilw running or looping the killer...

    Yet again, as I said, the problem is not about having that information. I don't mind sacrificing that perk slot, the problem is that once I am on the hook and that perk is active for everyone, a huge amount of players don't know how to use all that information. I've seen guy running to safe me, while another one is standing, and the first one turning around running away from the killer, while the other keeps crouching around unable to understand that this means free way to come and save. If you turn those explicit auras into icons that won't give the second survivor the position of the killer (you can guess accurately where he is because it should be within a few meters from survivor one), that sirvivor won't do any better.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    I may be alone with this, but I am 100% against buffing solo queue unless killers are also compensated at the same time. Survivors being able to communicate (in-game or via 3rd party apps) is one of the largest contributors to why the killer experience can be so terrible at times. I have no interest in making solo queue closer to swfs unless swfs get toned down (they won't be). You think gens fly now? Just imagine giving every survivor the ability to coordinate/communicate with their team. No thank you.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,068

    I agree. If solo q is given more game information to make it easier to know where the killer is, then the killer needs to be given more game information to make it easier to know where the survivors are.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that when people say they want to bridge the gap between solo q and SWF, what they really mean is they want to bridge the gap between solo q and voice comms? The suggestions people have given (like map pings, or canned messages like "being chased by killer", or survivor status icons) have absolutely nothing to do with the information people get just for being in a SWF group. These solo q buff suggestions are really trying to mimic the benefits of voice comms.

    Bridging the gap between solo q and SWF would be doing things like adding in-game communities like guilds, or having some other game system that makes it much easier for people to find consistent group members that want to be in the same group for multiple games. This game does have a friend list, but we have no idea which people are looking for friends, so even when we're in a game with a group that really did well together, we usually end up just clicking through to the next game instead of sending out friend requests.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,068

    I agree. If solo q is given more game information to make it easier to know where the killer is, then the killer needs to be given more game information to make it easier to know where the survivors are.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that when people say they want to bridge the gap between solo q and SWF, what they really mean is they want to bridge the gap between solo q and voice comms? The suggestions people have given (like map pings, or canned messages like "being chased by killer", or survivor status icons) have absolutely nothing to do with the information people get just for being in a SWF group. These solo q buff suggestions are really trying to mimic the benefits of voice comms.

    Bridging the gap between solo q and SWF would be doing things like adding in-game communities like guilds, or having some other game system that makes it much easier for people to find consistent group members that want to be in the same group for multiple games. This game does have a friend list, but we have no idea which people are looking for friends, so even when we're in a game with a group that really did well together, we usually end up just clicking through to the next game instead of sending out friend requests.