Survivor play style

I haven't played DBD myself in quite awhile. Some in my house still do so I still see it played frequently. I am noticing a lot of survivors playing in a manner that seems intentionally antagonistic towards other survivors. Examples:
1 - I have watched multiple times recently where 2 or more survivors are in the same area when a killer shows up. The survivor that ends up being the one chased by the killer will follow right behind another survivor regardless of where they go. They will even stop and stand still if the person they are following does. I can only assume their hope if to be able to juke the killer a slight bit and get them to chase the survivor they are following.
2 - I have watched a lot where one survivor will come across one of more others and start vaulting through windows or slamming doors. If you aren't being chased by the killer yet you are repeatedly fast vaulting through windows or slamming doors you are doing so to attract the killer.
3 - Survivors that will run right by another survivor on a hook on the way out the gate when they have plenty of time to unhook them.
These are just some of the examples. I am seeing things like this far far more often recently than I ever have before.
While everyone is entitled to play how they want even if I don't begin to understand it I'm curious. Has there been an influx of survivors recently that play exclusively to sabotage other survivors? Are there lots more survivors working with the killer recently? Or is there something else going on I'm not picking up on. It's just weird to me. It seems like at least every other game I see played there is at least one, if not more than one survivor who isn't attempting to do gens or anything else. The only thing they appear to be doing is intentionally sabotaging other survivors.
I feel like some people play with the intention of irritating other people and some survivors are just jerks. I've been sandbagged plenty of times and had a survivor come up to my hook, point at me, and just teabag for 30 seconds while the killer was away looking for them.
Could've saved me. Just chose not to
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Had a similar thing happen yesterday.
I was on the hook and a jake ran pass me to do a gen close to me. I didn't feel like continuing in the match after seeing that, so I suicided and he started crying about me doing so in post game chat. Even the blight we were against called him out on being on a gen close to the hook instead of unhooking.
Unfortunately, sandbagging survivors will always exist and there is nothing you can do to stop them, but for a long time, if someone tries to sandbag me and I know they're doing it on purpose, I'll do the same to them and ruin their fun as well. If they get hooked after trying to sandbag me, they are staying on the hook until they die.
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Solo que garbage
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Honestly sandbagging and generally toxic survivors that just sit on gens and never unhook, was a rarity for me before this reset. Now I get them every game. My fix, be more toxic than they are. Lead the killer directly to them, sit on a totem, gen or point at them right in front of the hook they are hooked on. If the killer comes I just unhook them and let the killer hook them again.
The best one I gotten so far, was me looping the killer until someone sandbagged me at a pallet and I got hooked. Fast forward sixty seconds and I was unhooked, and the survivor who sandbagged me ran into a bear trap. Teabagged the survivor for a good minute, then he got hooked, and it costed him his hook stages and they died on hook.
I'mma continue this trend until next reset or I play with friends that I can count on.
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Survivors sometimes are the best killers in Solo q