Which Killer can you never catch a break as?

For me, since coming back from that break, I can't seem to get more than a 2k on PH without camping a bit.
I feel like that varies from time to time for me. For the longest time it was trickster for me.
Now? Usually I don't feel to good about playing Twins, even when using a strong build for... Their play style. Hit n run in general is just tough now, too
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literally all of them
beside the "op" ones
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Sadako easy
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Nurse. It's almost always a 0k. Because the stupid MMR system doesn't make your other killers' specific MMRs go down that much from the ones you're better with, you're gonna have to lose a lot just to start playing against people of equal skill if you're trying to learn/practice Nurse.
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Hillbilly post nerf. Pre nerf I never used M1 and chainsawed the entire match. The answer to everything was chainsaw.
Now I have to M1 when all I want to do in life is...UNLEASH THE CHAINSAW. I'm gonna get ya...overheated. Oh okay.
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Whenever I play Billy, Huntress or Nurse I always get farm map or indoor map. It never fails
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Nurse for me, for some strange reasons while learning nurse I have to go against efficient squads. I play as my mains with proper builds in case of a sweat squads, I get soloq's trying their best. I'll then be chill and go play nurse to improve with her plaid add on and strictly information perks... I get sweat squads lol
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Hag for me. If I don't run gen freeze perks like Corrupt + Deadlock as well as faster trap setting add-ons and work quickly, it isn't uncommon for 2-3 gens to pop before I can establish a nice web. Even then though I know this is part of Hag's (And Trapper) play style as a setup killer and once I get things rolling it can snowball into really good scenarios for me but.. When the survivors somehow find me straight away and harass me so that I can't set my traps my GOD is it miserable and will generally end up in a 0k
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Nemesis and Blight.
My own fault really. I pushed them as far as I could.
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ugh, Huntress😩
dodging my hatchets like I’m tossing toothpicks at them