Delete midwich thanks
I absolutely LOVE losing games purely because for some reason a hook doesn't spawn for 2 full hallways.
On the other side of the coin, I love having 2 people camped at the same time because you decided to spawn 2 hooks right next to each other whenever I verse a bubba on midwich. But noooooooo you wont ever give me that RNG on killer just when I'm on survivor okok/
Oh yea as well I absolutely adore the fact that 1 boon takes up literally a quarter of the map + totems are incredibly hard to snuff very fair yes yes as if I didn't detest circle enough already.
Why yes I did just unfairly lose a game on midwich how could you tell?
Let me explain this post: Leachy Jr wants a whole map deleted because a hook didn’t spawn close enough and they didn’t like a boon perk.
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Whaaaa? Midwhich is the only "indoor" map that doesn't completely cuck over killers whose powers don't depend on stealth!
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I guess I'll rephrase it then if people like taking stuff literally.
My dearest BHVR, also known as behaviour interactive, I have stumbled upon a noticeable issue in one of your licenced maps known as 'midwich elementary school' from the popular game franchise silent hill. This issue includes a lack of hooks in the downstairs and upstairs corridors. While this issue may not seem to significant on paper, in game it can make a killers match very frustrating due to being forced to slug, and can sometimes (such as in my situation) result in the killer losing their pressure (also referred to as 'snowball') and possibly losing the match overall with no counterplay opportunity from the killer.
I kindly request that something were to be done about the issue stated above as the issue is most certainly not uncommon, I have seen lots of similar reports of frustration including hook spawns in the corridors. I would suggest enforcing a 'forced spawn' rule in which at least 1 hook should spawn in the corridor regardless of other surrounding hook spawns.
Thank you in advance.
PS: Delete circle of healing and I will donate 100 bri ish pounds to the dev who does it.
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To be fair, this map has the worst and most unfair (for the killer) hook spawns ever.
Just buff / fix the hook numbers there. Thanks.
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It's annoying , I don't want midwich deleted since it's the only map that I regularly get at least a 3k on.
But gosh the bottom floor of this and The GAME have no dang hooks. At least it feels like it. I've had times where I had to bleed a survivor out or else they escaped
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I agree that hook spawns are horrible on that map. But that is definitely not a reason to ask for a map to be deleted.