end game timer too long and 99% gate is stupid and should just turn on end game after a short time
4 mins are the devs high so i have to sit there and wait 4 mins for people to stop tbagging and leave? come one what a joke make it faster maybe 1 and then 2 30 or 3 for downed surv.
99% gate should not be a thing. after a min or 2 the gates should open all or 1 up to you guys idc but end game should start sooner. wasting10 mins or whatever in chases and it wont end cause end game is not a thing and if ytou open the gates they can just leave and dont do a ani but even then you are wasting time doing that as a killer.
fix end game and fix 99%ing this is stupid and should not be a thing. killers have been saying this for years now do it already geez i swear the devs are toxic surv mains who have no idea how killer is and what the experiance should be.
yes i know its 2 but if you got someone on hook it goes to 4 and he just have to wait for 4 mins just to secure that 1 kill
It’s only potentially up to 4 minutes if someone is downed or hooked. It’s 2 minutes if not.
14 -
1) Open the gate yourself
2) You are not forced to go to the exit gates
Break leftover pallets
Go stand in the corner away from the exit gates or push them out
Walk away and go make a sandwich, look outside
Do anything else then coming to the forums crying about this.
52 -
easy solution, hit the survivors
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I have to agree with the 99 gates thing. There is no reason it should exist. You actually get yelled at by Survivors when you don't do it as well. Very bad mechanic. The gates should regress fairly quickly if not held onto.
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why dont u make it an instant open then u cant 99 it anymore wouldnt that be better?
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- Open Gate.
- Watch dbd plays on Tiktok.
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Mhm. Way too much slack given to Survivors.
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When a Killer leaves you to bleed out, instead of just hooking you.
There a comparison, just one is 4 minutes waiting to bleed out to a Killer that won't hook you, and the other is 2 minutes of waiting for survivors to leave the match or you can push them out faster.
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I agree with this too. I've always thought the bleed out timer takes too long. It should compound. 1minute is normal then 2 minutes doubles the bleed etc etc..
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I think the Killer should have a surrender option if certain conditions are met, and Survivors should have a button to speed up or end their bleeding out when they are bleeding out.
I just believe it's unnecessary to force players to not have fun in a game they have paid for.
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Go to the gate and force them out?
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I agree with those as well. There are for sure plenty of little changes they could make to ensure stuff like that is impossible. :)
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Remember Me should regress gates as well.
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The ONLY purpose that EGC has is to prevent hostage situations. Is it really that hard to understand? Its not to cater towards anyone. If survivors stand in the exit just force them out. Its on you if you waste 4min waiting for them to get out. And its as well on you if you chase them for 10 min after all gens are done. you could even open the gate by yourself.
Pls, stop writing threads where you just show off you lack of gamesense.
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killers won't risk a hook if there is no hooks. i do this too if i see no looks you are bleeding out i am not gonna get dsed or whatever. or that wiggle perk.
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funny how i am a rank 1 surv and prob could get rank 1 killer as well and with 1k hours and you say "lack of gamesense" funny surv main funny. you go and do the same things every game i bet you enjoy that same playstyle
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99% gates is a counter to blood warden
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no one uses it, its like noed a useless end game perk that has no value, rather 4k than play for end game
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I have seen a few blood warden uses also its a case of better safe than sorry also noed isn't useless more like meh but it can be countered hard if the survivors do bones and or snuffs it out during end game
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I hope the same applies to survs that cry about bleeding to then right
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What the person you're quoting is saying is 100% true, even though I don't think their assumption about your gamesense was called for. Not that you assuming they're a survivor main doing exactly what you're complaining about is called for in any way either. EGC exists to put a hard cap on match duration once endgame comes.
I would totally agree with systems to cut down on the two main "pointless waste of time" endgame actions - waiting in the gates and bleeding people out when there's no "tactical" reason to do so. But it shouldn't be done through punishment, it should be "gg, lets stop wasting time and go next" mechanics. A lever in the basement the killer can hit to instantly make all living survivors escape, slugged survivors being able to straight up teleport themselves onto a basement hook where they get instantly sacrificed under the right conditions. That kinda thing.
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killers like Trapper, Onryo, Hag and Demo can use their power to keep gates closed much longer. Removing this from them (especially for The Trapper) would be devastating.
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EGC is fine and only exists in the first place so that the game ends. It was never introduced to buff killers, although it indirectly does because the timer is on your side. So it shouldn't be buffed to be further in the killers favour, as you suggest.
I don't see the issue with 99ing either. If you want the game to end, open the gate yourself. Like I said, that's why EGC exists.
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Quite the opposite that literally lets them know that they got to you and you aren't willing to push them out
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Here it is, the post that will save DBD.
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giving them what they want
funny how people don't want FNAF in this game because (I don't want to play with Children) like sorry to break this to you but you already are.
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I couldn’t agree more with this.
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Nice exploits.
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As much as you hate it, just go push the survivors out. It only takes 15 seconds to hit out all the survivors waiting at the door. If you have STBFL it's even quicker.
Not all survivors are there waiting to t-bag you. Some survivors have reasons for wanting you to hit them out.
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Hahahahaha i still love this 😂
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You have the option to open the gate yourself and chase them out. Survivors don't have the option to die quicker if they're left to bleed out on the ground.
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Hit them out? Half of them dead hard or dodge to deny even that. Not worth anymore to even try.
It's a lose/lose for the killer most of them time. Either feed their ego and show up at the exit and push them out while the enjoy showing off their "superiority" IN A VIDEO GAME (imagine being proud of that) or don't go there and they think they "broke" the killer or whatever.
Option 2 is still better since you can use it to farm more devious bp via power spamming, or break pallets/walls or and that's the best kicker, just let them waste their own time boasting to each other or whatever and use that time for something productive or entertaining.
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Going around and breaking pallets or walls is a good idea. Though I don't agree with people just afking in a corner or waiting for 2 full minutes till they leave. I'd far rather get the game over and done with and move on. You'll forget about the game quicker if you do that.
It's a mindset thing. They might not be waiting to t-bag the killer and be toxic. Could be a challenge or point thing.
Like your saying imagine being proud of showing superiority in a video game but I'd also say why care so much about a videogame? It's tough I know but you gotta push then out and move on.
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99'ing gates is something that has come up often, and regressing those gates was something that was tested internally and decided against.
EGC is not there to help either side - it's to prevent situations where the games could last forever by being taken over in a hostage situation, old hatch standoffs etc. That's why the ability is there for the killer to open the gate, so if you're having a hard time and just want that match to be over, you have that option.
99'ing the gates is a tactic that has risks attached to it (especially in solo queue), as if someone is injured and being chased and then they run to the gate, they still have the animation of having to work on the switch, and they're also out of position to get through the gates.
Prior to EGC survivors could just open the gates and do whatever, now they can't so there's more pressure on them when the gates are open - that's purely for the hostage situations. As a killer you can force these survivors out, you can choose to break pallets on the map, you can wait out the timer (same as a survivor has to wait out the timer being slugged at the end of the match).
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just something else survivors exploit.
end-game was supposed to stop the hanging out wasting time after match, but nope, just gonna 99 the doors and crouch all around map for 10 minutes
doors should regress
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If survivors have 99'd the doors and are hiding around the map - the killer can open the doors!
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I dont open doors, this does not address 99ing doors or that they should have regression.
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It does address that, though. What it doesn't address is the problem contained in the first part of your sentence. Which is not a game problem. It's a you problem.
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I explained that in my previous post - EGC is not there to help killers get kills but to end the match. Having regression on doors would heavily favour the killer.
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right, its always the killer who is the problem. \\You are right, no one but me complains about 99ing the doors. Yep, its me.
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Maybe but i for example got bullied from second through 10 grade and had enough. I am 33 now and am just petty enough that i prefer to let them waste their own time while i fetch something new to drink, go to the toilet or switch my attention to YouTube on my second screen.
And for the challenge/point thing, i did that in the past but it developed more and more in to little twerps that dead hard or dodge at the last second and neither care for my challenges nor points nor do they often even have a shred of respect and I am too old for that #########. The off chance of some nice survivor isn't worth it anymore.
Well come to the sixth year of DBD were most have learned how to be max efficient and are bored enough to seek excitement from less social sources in the game.
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No you're just making stuff up and playing the victim card. The killer is not the problem either. Just like the gates aren't.
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Look all I did was make a drive by comment in a thread someone ELSE made about 99ing the doors, go troll them. I am free to comment without you attacking me for some drive by comment. 99ing the doors and hanging out in exit gates is one of the less fun things remaining in the games.
I made my comment but not gonna debate anyone about it, go troll someone else.
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I would like BHVR to imagine End Game Collapse being on the Killer's/Entity's side.
As a Killer, Survivors who 99% gates and open just as people come running is infuriating.
If the exit gates would regress just at a very slow rate, then 99% gating would require 1 active Survivor.
I would feel way better about it if I knew someone had been working hard to allow the exit to be this way.
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As a player who enjoys both sides, if I open the gate I leave, I do not 99. And if I go up to a gate someone 99ed, I just open and leave.
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Sure, I guess if that's the way you want to play and waste everyone's time to make yourself feel better.
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Well, I bet your teammates don’t enjoy that. You are actively throwing the game for them, unless you’re 100% sure they’re all safe and don’t need to do any Rift challenges, etc.
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What exactly can a survivor do? Just sit there for 4 minutes? As opposed to the killer's 2 minutes, which can be further shortened by just pushing survivors out?
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LOL I am not wasting my time so you can go hunt for totems or stun the killer a couple more times. Also not gonna sit in the gates while you teabag the killer, I leave and get into next match. Players like that are the very reason EndGameCollapse was added.
"Actively throwing the game?"
Umm, the match is over
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How is it on the killer if the survivors insist on standing around waiting for the killer to see them leave? I never bother chasing survivors at the exit unless I need to force them out for a tactical reason like keeping them from rescuing someone else. I just go look for things to break or the hatch to close or maybe occasionally catch a straggler I can down that is too far from the exit.
Honestly I’ve never understood why literally every game after the exits are open and all the survivors are in it they don’t just leave but do this dumb “Watch Me! Watch Me!” thing. They even do it at the hatch, rather than just jump down the hatch they’ll wait until they know you can see them jump down it. So weird.