Do you consider yourself to be casual or competitive player and if so why do you enjoy it more

im just curious as people always bring this up about the game being based for casual or competitive. and by competitive, i just mean you want to win, not literally comp
Competitive. It's just how I play games in general. The fun for me is in optimizing the gameplay. If I play an MMO I'm trying to parse really high and squeeze out every ounce of dps. If I play an RPG I'm probably going to max every character and clear every optional boss.
So when I play DbD, I'm trying to speedrun it on survivor with as few hits taken as possible or 4k with as few gens done as possible.
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Casual. Usually I'm more focused on tome challenges and dailies rather than actually getting an escape or a 4k
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Casual. If I still wasn't only halfway there with the BP grind, I would always let the last survivor get hatch. I enjoy a fun interaction with survivors (like nodding after a good pallet stun or when I force them into a corner) far more than a 4k. Same with survivor, I don't mind dying too much, so long as it's not a 4man slug Nurse, Basebement Bubba or Blight absolutely wrecking the field with opponents that should never be loaded into that lobby.
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No one would play a game if it did not have win conditions.
Casual mode in this game is KYF, once you load into a public match, you are logging into online pvp.
People just refuse to admit the game already has two modes, one is casual the other is comp pvp. With points, emblems, and win conditions.
When I started the game I was casual too, but once you begin playing killer enough and reach high rank, you understand that this is PVP in the end. No matter how casual someone plays, it doesn't matter - you will get owned if you play like a casual as killer.
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Always been a casual player definitely die too much and get matched with low mmr killers although hey I don't play to escape unless there's a challenge or adept
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Competitive. But not in the way people think or jump to in their assumptions.
I'm competitive because I play well, alot of things just become second nature and while to some it may come across as mega sweaty try hard its actually just me playing normally.
I'm competitive in the sense I want my skill to be rewarded, if I play well I should do well but that's not the case with DBD.
Win is different for everyone, I want a decent length game with multiple hooks. I'll take 0k 8hooks over 2k with less hooks, forcing stages or camping etc.
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Absolutely casual. I am extremely resentful at being dragged into an MMR system when I play unranked exclusively in every other online game
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I like winning
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I guess Im semi comptetive. I'm not like playing every match likes a $1000000000000 tourney and I need to use the best possible things to win and get that W, but I do try decently hard to win and sometimes use strong addons/items. On survivors I typically use strong perks espcially, but on killer I use more relaxed builds a lot, but I also main blight so its pretty strong regardless even though I don't run slowdowns, just info perks.
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Survivor is definitely casual all the way. I don't really care about winning or losing, and more about having fun.
Killer is a little different. Of course I still have a blast, but I do strive for performing the best that I can. However I don't let this get in the way of memeing around. If a survivor starts being funny I'll always return the energy and joke around with them. Or if there's quitters/dcs I'll let survivors go pretty often. But if I'm taking a match seriously, I'm pretty competitive in that sense — but I'll keep fun in mind for everyone by not camping/tunneling and trying to spread out the hooks to everyone.
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Honestly Casual.
I mean depending on the team I'm going against it may turn competitive but normally as long as I have a fun game (not necessarily easy but just... not extremely sweaty) I'm fine with losing. Hell, I'll throw games for snoot boops still when I play Pig LMAO.
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When it comes to the game I’m more casual because I do believe that any true balance is illusory, so I don’t really get too stressed about the results of a match.
However, I am competitive with myself in the sense that I want to continually improve at the game and on an individual level I want to be really good. So yeah, if I die but I get in some really good loops and plays I’m happy.
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Casual, because it's an Asymmetric game. Literally by the games definition it can't be balanced enough to be competitive.
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I'm a bit in-between. I'm too dedicated to be a casual. If I get into a game I'll do my research. I'll look up builds, guides or tips on how to improve. Once I hit a road block I'm usually motivated to git gud. When facing difficulty the first question I ask is "what can I do?". That pushes me out of the casual group.
However, there comes a point where I feel there is nothing I can do and I start to see the flaws in the design. Once I hit a point where I feel I have to play a certain way, bring certain builds, use specific characters, then I start to question why am I playing? If I have to use "the meta" then there is a problem with the game, not me. If I can't succeed playing what I enjoy then, to me, that means I've reached the end of the road. I've had my fun but now it's time to play something else.
If there's a term for me it's probably hard-core casual. Dedicated enough to be good but not enough to be top tier.
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Depends on your definition of competitive. Do I attend tournaments? No. Do I want to win? Yes.
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Exactly, like when did it become a bad thing to try and win in video games? LOL
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That's kinda where im at. I take killer somewhat seriously but survivor is a joke outside of SWF.
Even trying to not take survivor seriously, it's always soul crushing to get on teams that just refuse to do gens even when other people are getting chased. It's like well 1 person is doing gens, im getting chased, and 2 people are crouching around in corners while I burn every resource on the map for nothing wooo MMR works so well
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Entirely casual killer; there’s just no other way for me to play, w/o desiring to launch DBD directly into the sun.
Equally as casual on the survivor side, as I main solo q (swf like 2% of the time), and you can’t always be certain what personalities/ moods you’ll be grouped with in any given match.
Stress less n keep it casual😌
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My playstyle is competitive, but my attitude is casual. I'll be drippin' for the 4k, but in the end game chat I'm just like "LMAOOOOO"
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Casual. I don't understand people who think there's no point of playing a game if you aren't trying to win and honestly they all seem to be miserable stuck in the high MMR brackets lol. Happy to not be stuck with them so I can enjoy the game (most of the time anyway).
FYI by trying to win i mean being the best and adopting sweaty playstyles and meta builds to achieve it, rather than just playing what you like because it'd be "throwing the game". I don't mean people should farm (which is as unfun as sweating is my opinion) or shouln't try to win.
Personnally I'm not a good killer because I don't care enough about winning to become good but I'm a very decent survivor because not wanting to burden my teammates is enough for me to try and play well, but I'd still die without hesitation to try and save one of them rather than securing my escape.
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I take the game too seriosly to consider me casual and also not seriosly enough to consider me competitive, so neither of those things.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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100% casual, but im like that with any game. I was never interested in being the best and always winning. I prefer to laugh and have fun and do stupid things here and there and try new random builds (perk roulette). Way back when i first got the game i thought when i played killer i always had to sweat my booty off but now im like meh. The game becomes more fun when you go in with no expectations, of course there are frustrating moments or wildly different skill levels but idk, its just a game move on to the next trial. Let yourself go and laugh a little :)
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this is very interesting on how there is a big split of both options yet peoples always end up going with the suggestion that this game is a party game and that casual gameplay is the way to go.
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I set my own goals and sometimes its competitive, sometimes not. Like I wanted to reach red grade or get P3 on my fav killers.
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I can be competitive at times, but more often than not I play casually. In my opinion DbD simply isn't a competitive game, and trying to play it that way makes it a lot less fun.
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Competitive when I played Killer.
Very casual Survivor.
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Casual. I play survivor and I'm totally happy to die if the match seems fair and I've lived long enough to actually play the game.
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Casual. As I said on mm test feedback, I work almost 9h a day. I don't start dbd to fry my brain. I just wanna have some fun. Last couple of weeks I tried to find a match and after two minutes or something it didn't find any. So I closed the game...
For me the most important thing is finding a match fast and not stressing out playing a casual game. Lately both of these were not an option...
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when i play killer i play competitively
when i play survivor i play casually
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I am a casual player. It's OK if I don't win, it's all about having fun! I play games to enjoy my time, so for me, that doesn't mean winning at all costs.
Fun for me means playing the characters I like in outfits that I enjoy with a playstyle that is fun for me! It may not be meta, but that also brings variety to the game, which I find to be a good thing. :)
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I try my best but i don´t like most meta perks and don´t run them. So i die a lot.