Was the new rules for SBMM introduced yesterday night?

Me and a friend were doing games, and noticed not only the queue got way longer, but the killers we went against was completely new to the game, and I mean they were so new to the game that they got lost in jungle gyms, and it doesn't seem fair to them, meeting us in their maybe first game as killer. Also grades got hidden this happened around 11pm CET.

Anyone else had funny games?



  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited April 2022

    I read on steam that MMR is turned off right now, I don't know if that's true or not because I haven't been playing. Maybe they think grades being hidden means MMR is off..

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    I think mmr is turned off, one game got a new killer, in other a try hard meta spirit. So very strange

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    If MMR was off, queue times wouldn't increase, they would decrease.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Wow, BHVR doesn't waste any time when they are implementing a change for the worse...Goodbye SoloQ, you were fun (occasionally) until you could be played!

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995
  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Played 5 games so far (soloq) escaped the very 1st one (barely) and the other 4 matches were stomps with 4-5 gens left. I don't even know why I am still trying

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,594

    It's only affecting a very small percentage of players at the highest range of MMR. Those players will be matched now with other really really good players - again a very small percentage, it will increase matchmaking times for these players and the matches won't be particularly unbalanced either.

    The majority of players are in the mid MMR ranges - so will not be affected by these changes in the slightest.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165

    I can't believe they removed the grades from the post-game screen! Its hard to believe that anyone complained about showing player grades - that is one of the best aspects of the post-game screen. For that, they may as well remove the scores too.

    In terms of Solo Q, aren't most players in DBD playing solo? Thats the only way I've ever played DBD. Maybe BHVR should create guilds like MMOs, lol! 😁

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Apparently roughly half of all matches have a 2-4 person swf in them. Survivors playing with a friend or two is common.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    They removed the grades to stop the confusion of people that thought grades equated to skill. Sure it was a nice thing to show off "I've played more than you this month", but too many players were taking grades as actual skill and then complaining if they were matched in a lobby with a person with a higher grade.

    Removing them from the scoreboard alleviates that misunderstanding.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Its hard to believe that anyone complained about showing player grades - that is one of the best aspects of the post-game screen.

    Did you even read (and understand) the blog post relating to this?? Seems completely credible to me.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    Dunno feel like its affecting my matches a whole lot. The killers I've met so far, haven't been sweaty or good, they just been completely bad. Like very beginner like. They get 1-2 "hits", if they are lucky they get a hook before everyone is out. And if its affecting me this way, it also have an effect on their side.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I’ve two games that were great will see if it keeps up

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165

    The problem is that grades do equate to skill. You can't progress in grades without playing consistently good. Each grade (at the higher levels) requires 5 pips to progress. In order to earn a single pip, you have to play well in the trial match. So the post-game stats displaying grade levels are a good indication of the skill of the player.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Regardless how well you do the grade system is so simple you will get grade Iri 1 eventually with enough time. What grants you emblem points in game a lot is passive, so you can literally pip up doing nothing but hiding all match, still pip if you die, double pip if you get hatch. That's not skill. They always were a terrible indication of skill level, and that's what everyone including the developers themselves is trying to tell you.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165

    I know for a fact that you can't get grade Iri 1 with merely putting in hours. I've played a lot of hours and never progressed in grade because I didn't do enough in the match to earn a pip. A decent game scores you a "0". You have to actively unhook at least 2 Survivors, repair 2 gens, and escape at least 1 chase to earn a single pip. Its difficult to do that consistently in 5 games to earn a Pip, especially when you can easily de-pip against good killers or campers.

    The fact is there is a direct correlation between grades and skill and its nice to know other players grades in post-game. If you show player names and scores in the post-game screen, then you should show player grades as well.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    There is very little correlation between skill and grades. Now this is a bad example though but I will use my own journey. I got the game mid december, and within 2 weeks I was iri 1 on both survivor and killer, though killer was a lot easier to get it on.

    So if iri 1 was equal skill, I would be sitting at the top of the food chain when I just got the game, which makes no sense.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165

    Are you playing on Mobile? I'm on PC and there is no way to reach Grade Iri 1 without skill. I have 500 hours of gameplay in 3 months and I've never reached Iri 1 as either Survivor or Killer. I consider myself a decent Survivor but the Killers are just too good to consistently get pips to progress. I've even de-piped in matches with AFK Killers because there was no way to save survivors and score points.

    In matches I play as Killer, I noticed the best skilled Survivors always have the higher grades in post-game. Don't get me wrong - I would love it if Grades were based on time played as I would reach Iri 1 every month! Sadly, only the highest skilled players reach the top grades and earn the most BPs.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    I'm on PC. As of this writing I have 528 hours in the game, not to mention I have a full time work, (40 hours a week). I reached Iri 1 on survivor consistently since getting the game. We are 8 days into the reset and I'm currently survivor grade iri 3 with 3 pips. The grades are definitely not skill based, but based on how much you play. See photo

  • JustDolla
    JustDolla Member Posts: 3

    According to steam i have 446hrs in dbd. ive got iri 1 every month on surv (13th to 13th) ive played, except the first month, where i learned the game (i got iri2). I will consider myself a decent survivor, but nothing crazy, and i dont have the knowledge as players who played this game for thusands of hours, but i find it fairly easy to grind iri 1 on survivor. (since im not allowed to link a specific profile on the forum i can share it with you privately if you dont belive me).

    You just need to know what gives you iri medals in the 4 categories to grind to iri 1, it has nothing to do with skill tbh. you can get 4 iri medals in a game, but only sitting on gens when you shouldve gone for saves, or not taking a single hit for your teammates the whole game, even tho they all where hook stage 2 and you werent. This is just two of many examples of why mmr based on the grading system is a terrible idea.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165

    Thanks but I completely disagree that grades are based on play time. If that were true, I could simply run around in circles in every match and progress in Grade. As it stands, I have to be a try hard and play sweaty in every match and log over 500 hours just to get out of Ash Grade level. And that involves some luck with Killers DC'ing. The fact remains there is no way a noob player could string together enough Pips in 30 days to reach Iri 1 if decent players logging more hours can't even reach that grade.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Grades based on playtime, killer mains want it back to be based on playtime, so they can 4k easily.

    Never want old system back where you always got newbies as teammate

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    -You don't need skill to get Iri rank 1!

    -But I've never gotten to Iri rank 1 despite playing a lot every month...

    -Wow, you must suck!


  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    Now I'll give you a tip on how to never try hard and max out your iridescent 1 score.

    To earn MAX points and get guranteed two pips you need to do:

    Lightbringer: (Objectives)

    cleansing 1 hex and 1 dull.

    Do 2x generators, (you get 1 point for each 1% you get). If you do these three you are guranteed iridescent score on lightbringer, not to mention you can also get points by being chased while team does gens or totems.

    Unbroken: (Survival)

    Just don't get hooked and get out alive. The longer you stay alive the better but you won't get iridescent.

    Benevolent: (Alturism / Healing).

    You need 100 points to get iridescent. You start with 35 though, so that leaves 65 points.

    2x safe unhooks and you need 25 points more. but you also get 10 points for each survivor who gets unhooked. So should be fairly easy to get it up. Otherwise you get 10 points for taking a hit when the killer is carrying a survivor and hits you. So you could force a couple of hits here.

    Evader: (Think this is boldness)

    You need 880 points to get iridescent and you start with 100 points, so just 780 more to go.

    You get 1 point for being in the killers terror radius with a multipler, the closer the more points, and get 50 points for stunning a killer. Not to mention you get points for being chased. if you can last 90 seconds in a chase you are iridecscent grade, which shouldn't be too hard.

    So as long as you do a little bit of everything you are guranteed the pip up. If you just try to do one thing you won't ever rank up. You need to do them all.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    Oh God I just had a 5 minute Killer queue and we had a really long Survivor queue last night.

    Idk if I can keep playing, even with my friends. It's just not fun to sit in a queue 3x longer than the match itself.

  • Direflies
    Direflies Member Posts: 10

    I had a few funny games last night too and some sweaty ones in between (not complaining though) but I did notice that the teammates I was getting paired up with were really good, they played a lot like the way I do, so we would get a lot done in our matches and win for the most part.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 165
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    There isn't a correlation though. This has been specifically tested by the devs and there is no data that links MMR to grade. The grade based matchmaking test they did was a mess.

    Pipping on survivor involves performing a variety of tasks without context. Just because you can get scores in every category doesn't mean those were the correct plays to make in order to escape. Sometimes the best play is to solo 3 gens by yourself and escape with 15k points.

    And not all 4ks are created equal either. There's a massive difference between a basement Bubba and a Nurse who 4ks 20 straight games without the gens being completed. Both will end up Iri 1.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    No problem. The general rule I play by is to do 2 gens, 1 totem and 2 safe unhooks, and the rest fills itself up usually. Makes it easier to have in mind while you are in a game. Once you learn it you will see you will almost always pip up unless you get taken out the first minute by a face camper.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    i know everyone complains about everything you do but as for what its worth, as I am a presumably mid mmr killer, my match quality has definitely seen improvement. Last night when normally the swfs would crush me i was able to consistently remain on average at 2-3ks. with a sprinkling of 4ks and 0ks. was far far more enjoyable.

  • GrafSchalke
    GrafSchalke Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2022

    Matchmaking for me has went down the drain entirely.

    Twelve matches as survivor, SoloQ.

    Eleven easy 4k, one 4-escape almost without any hook.

    That one escape was a totally new killer who completely got lost by themselves already.

    The other games, killers weren´t exceptionally good, but my teammates were _exceptionally bad_.

    No one runs BT, no chase lasts longer than 15seconds, and it usually feels like i´m the only one working on generators as well. In dying state or on the hook i see all survivors run around or hide in corners.

    This can´t be "better balanced matches". At all.

  • Beemo
    Beemo Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2022

    I have played today almost the whole day and i have never had this horrible MM before this day...... I hope you aint gonna leave it like this.... I literally got a meg who missed 4 heal skillcheck IN A ROW??? Like what XD i have atleast 200h in this game and THIS is my skill level in? shuureee.... im 100% its not. LOL

    At night MM went even worse.. Got the most toxic trapper player in this game just camping, hook hitting toxic mf -.- and teammates are just newbies who literally dont know how to dodge anything and gets grabbed from hooks and kills us all like sweet lord this day in this game is thw worst expirience, never been this bad than today...

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