I miss Hawkins so much...

You cant imagine..
It was one of my top 3 maps with Silent Hill and Raccoon City. Im so sad we cant play on it anymore.
Yesterday I watched a dbd YouTube video and one of the games was on Hawkins.
I knew I missed this map, but I forgot how this map was amazing. The atmosphere in this complex was very nice. It feels like we are in a real horror movie. Not only Stranger Thing, but Hawkins reminds me of Resident Evil at the end of the 2 in the laboratort of Umbrella Corporation, or the moon complex in Alien.
Hawkins fits so well in dbd. And when I see the latest map, in the desert, it feels like two different games.
If Hawkins cant get back in the game. I want more maps like Hawkins.
I know a lot of people hated that map but I loved it.
I hated it as a new player but once I got better at the game it grew on me pretty quickly.
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More maps less variations. Like 5 versions of Badham...really?
I miss Hawkins too.
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I do too. I guess we have RPD now but RPD is way too big for many killers to handle.
Coldwind is an atrocity. I hope they don't do any more daytime maps.
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I used to hate that map, but as I played it more and more I liked it more.
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Same - saw a video which played on Hawkins... :-(
We need some cool indoor maps - don´t matter what the others cry about.
Even if there are many maps in the game it feels a bit like you are always playing the same ones.
And yeah - please keep them dark. I hope when Haddonfield or Swamp gets reworked they don´t add too much light there.
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Yes sir
RIP to a good one.
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I still dont understand why they couldnt revamp the map enough and remove its name and any objects associated with stranger things and release it so it no longer had ties. I also realize too that its a legal thing probably to just not be held accountable for anything missed oh well.
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I miss it too. It is such a shame.
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I miss it too. But hey, at least we have played on it.😃😭
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I don't miss it one bit
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I hated it when I was new, but it really grew on me. The loss of Hawkins is still felt.
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It was popular to hate on it but only Trapper mains had a right to.
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I know a lot of people that never knew they loved it, till it was gone.
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Wait a minute, I think I have something for you from my earlier collection. Maybe this will comfort you a little
With kind regards 😉
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I wish they would just reskin the map and release it again. They could even do the same with Demo. A Werewolf would fit the body shape and he could borrow and jump.
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The only issue I had with Hawkins was increased performance issues when I played on it - although no where near as bad as RPD. Other than that I enjoyed that map so pretty bummed it's gone.
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I honestly think they wouldve by now if it was legally possible but I think instead of risking any sort of contract breach they probably had set up they cant just reskin stuff even if it looks different. If they got sued it would be a nightmare and then they could loose other licenses because of bad faith. Imagine it like running on top of a frozen lake one wrong footstep and cracks start to form that they can never recover from no matter how much time has passed. Its just better to be safe rather then sorry
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I really liked it. I especially enjoyed the aesthetic and Id like to see it come back some time. Losing a map for free isn't good at all.
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Me too. They could've re-skinned it for Trickster. The main area where the Upside Down portal in the wall was could've been made into the studio where his bandmates died in the fire.
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Of those 3: RPD, Midwich and hawkins-- hawkins was less awful.
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Blight was awful on that map, made me wish I hadn't started the game up everytime I got it
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But I like day time maps. Ormond, Thompson House and Mr Cowboy Land are all nice to look at and are easy on my aging eyes.
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Maybe a similar map will show on the 6th anniversary for Alien
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I hated that map but now that it's gone I really do miss it. Even if I wasn't a huge fan of the layout, the map itself was beautiful and it fit that Stranger Things vibe perfectly imo. :(
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Too lazy to recreate the image how I want it, just replace the top line with “Well at least Hawkins is still a map..”
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As survivor I came to enjoy these killer “sided” maps as survivor. But when I got it as killer it was an experience in total pain it sucked.
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I actually usually did really well as trapper on there. Pretty sure hawkins was where I got that old "catch 5 survivors in bear traps" tome challenge.
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I low-key miss it as well.
Maps are generally the piece of releases that gets me excited about DBD and to lose one still sucks.
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sadge, i never got to play it
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i really liked that map on both sides, it was obviously a bit killer sided but you could win against many killers as survivor too. The only times i hated it was against stealth killers like Myers, GF or Wraith, but those killers are in need of good maps anyways
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I miss it too, I was fairly new to the game when it left so I never fully appreciated it.
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I hope it comes back one day- I never got the chance to play it, I bought the game on the last day that the Stranger Things cosmetics were available
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Please hawkin return.
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Yesss hawkins revolution !
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Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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I really hated it and was very glad to see it go and I feel that the licenced content maps are all pretty much the worst maps in DBD (Haddonfun, preschool, Midwich and Hawkins previously).
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It is not good to lose content. (...all you RPD haters)
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It was the best map. Poor homeless Demogorgon.
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Yeah, i miss it too... I'm usually a fan of closed maps so losing one of the few available was tough... 😥
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This game desperately needs more maps in general.
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Hawkins got a bad rap, but I liked it, and miss it.
I get that, but I would rather see many of the existing maps re-worked first. I'd rather have a smaller number of well refined maps than a bunch of busted ones. I think the Haddonfield re-work is a fantastic step in that direction.
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I do too. It was my favorite indoor map.
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I loved that map too. It had high kill rates, true, but if you could juke a killer, you could do it here all day. I miss it too.
And, in my opinion, we need some more maps, especially indoor maps.
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i Feel bad for the people who made it, so much work and just removed I only got to play it once on mobile and I thought it was really well designed
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The whole Hawkins thing happened while I was on DBD break, but now I cherish my Demogorgon even more and am p3ing him now. <3
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I’m guessing that basically the work involved with that would be almost as much as making a brand new map from scratch since it would mean revamping almost all the art assets in it.
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Wait.. when was it ever on mobile? Must’ve been a different region than North America or something. I never got a chance to play it on mobile, and have played mobile since it became available to me.
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they should just change out graphics and re-use the map.