Sadako is actually the second best stealth killer right now... which is still quite weak.

Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

I've seen a lot of people in this forum saying Sadako is the worst killer in the game. I must say she is not THAT bad. Actually, she is the second strongest stealth killer right now, falling just behind Wraith in that regard. Her stealth ability is far better than Pig and Ghostface's, since she doesn't slow down, can't be broken out and also can't be seen from too far. It can also help her a little bit on mindgaming loops. Not much, but better than Pig's charge attack. It also allow that to ignore colision, walk right through survivors and avoid bodyblocking. While she has no instadown like Ghostface or Myers, she has her Projection ability, similar to Freddy's teleport, but nearly instant. Which is great for applying pressure, specially on huge maps like Mother's Dwelling, Azarov and Eyrie of Crows (the last one being huge when it comes in actually used distance, occupied by loop tiles and gens you need to walk to). The only thing preventing her from being the best stealth killer is the fact that each TV turns off after being used and can also be turned off by survivors, which means Wraith's speed is more reliable.

However, she is still too weak. And why is that? Well, because STEALTH KILLERS, in general, ARE REALLY WEAK in this game. Most maps have wide open areas with not enough tall objects for the killer to hind behind, and many gens are in areas with no tall objects at all, so survivors working on them just can't be sneaked upon. Doesn't matter how sneaky you play, good survivors just can't be caught of guard in many areas (And here's why I will defend indoor maps to my dying breath). And because survivors have third person view and the killer has first person, sometimes you are spotted by them before realizing they can see you. Also, stealth killers don't have strong abilities in chase, their powers being better to approach and get hits before the chase starts, and these hits can still be robbed away by Sprint Birst or Dead Hard sometimes. That's why Pig and Myers are among the weakest killers in the game. Ghostface is at least getting some buffs but still isn't going to be that strong, and Wraith, while a little better, is still quite weak against good survivors.

Anyway, the way their powers work tends to be good for hit and run playstiles and sinergize well with perks like A Nurse's Calling and Sloppy Butcher to sneak up on healing survivors. Of course, hit and run tactics and Sloppy are weaker now thanks to CoH. Stealth killers were already weak, but CoH makes them even weaker. Sadako is specially hurt by that because her power works a lot with hit and run.

TL;DR: Sadako is better than most stealth killers, but being a stealth killer she is still weak. Map design and CoH have a huge impact on that.


  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Looks like she does slow down (slower than Demo charging a shred). I have the harder time getting a sneaky first hit as her than other stealth Killers thanks to that awesome lullaby of hers (stealth killer btw).

    She feels powerless the entire game is my main problem with her. I never felt like her power mattered at all in any of my games as her besides them not being able to body block a tunnel.

    Survivors have better chase tools than most stealth killers by just having E. I put her as the 3rd best stealth killer not because she is good, but because GF and Myers are so exceptionally bad.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    I think expressed myself badly. I meant she doesn't slow down while her stealth power is active, unlike the Pig. I agree that the slowdown while manifesting hurts her, but it is still better than moving slowly like the Pig does or having to crouch behind objects to avoid being broken out like Ghostface has to.

    The Lullaby is not as audible as other Lullabies in the game, reason why I am still able to get many sneaky hits in this game... but yeah, I agree it's bad and should be removed. It makes no sense for a stealth killer to have a lullaby and the devs should have learned that with the awful PTB Ghostface back when he was first released. I must admit I forgot about the lullaby while writing this post, but I find her the second best stealth killer regardless. It doesn't mean she is good, it means even the strongest stealth killer is really weak right now.

    Another thing that could be changed is that really loud Manifesting sound. It doesn't start at the end like Wraith's, it starts at the beginning like Pig and doesn't come with the speed boost they get.

    Her power also helps you to mindgame loops... it doesn't do all that much, but still better than what Pig, Myers and Ghostface have in chase. Sadly, it's a case of a killer being better than others because the others have nothing.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    A thing I forgot to mention: she is also a very short killer, which makes her hard to spot and to track during loops. Again, not great, but something that helps.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 333

    I disagree, I think she is one of the weakest killers in the game, if not THE weakest. Everything she does is just done better by other killers, other killers who themselves are weak. I think she is F tier as in the old Freddy F tier, she sucks and I don't think I have ever lost a single game vs her when playing with friends.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    The fact that she has a lullaby is a joke. Let's give the survivors time to run to there safe loops.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Stealth Killers do not work when Survivors can be in a voice-chat hive-mind. One Survivor sees you; the entire hive-mind knows. No more stealth.

    Since BHVR can't remove SWF, they need to stop making Killers that are literally negated by it.