
I cant believe there is so many people that complain about this killer when he is so bad of a killer. He has nothing but chase and defence. His defence is even limited by stuff like bt, dead hard adrenaline that waste too many blades in which he ends up not having enough then his chase power is not nearly as good as you people say it is. i will say it does shred in the open but so do a lot of killers and id say some more than him. There are just too many loops that make his ability useless for me to see people complaining about his ability. you drop the right pallet sometimes and he is forced to break it. Also can we stop with the he takes no skill thing as every killer takes some skill as there wouldn't be bad and good versions of them. thought that would be obvious. and then on top of this, he has literally no pressure, tracking, etc.
- His power is very low skill/very high reward. And that high reward is made even higher by some of his add ons.
- The majority of Trickster players will literally just face camp or proxy camp and his camping potential is easily top 5 among the killer, POSSIBLY top 3.
- Idk what loops you're talking about but if you are ANYWHERE in the center of Autohaven with the gas station = Dead. there are no tall loops. Cornfield = dead. Most of the loops at McMillan = dead. There's more low loops in this game than high loops and if you're not on a tile that has walls, you're dead in less than 10 seconds.
- Whether or not he's a good killer overall, he's irritating as hell in a 1v1 and that's where most of the fun in DBD is (arguably that's where ALL the fun is in DBD). If I'm chased by a Huntress, there's counterplay and there's mindgames involved. When she downs me, I respect it and the skill that person usually put into practicing their aim. Huntress with her base 5 hatchets is High skill/mid-high reward. Trickster gets like 8 times as many shots and only needs to hit you with a fraction of those
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Changed my in-game name to Thanks For DC after p3ing my Trickster this week, got so many DCs.
bunch of cry babies who can't handle a 110 killer. Now even Trickster is OP to these PVEers, go back to Warcraft kids this game aint for you
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pretty much every map in the game has a shack, jungle gym, t,l, main building and some filler pallets have tall walls so i dont get where you are going with that and his camping is good but id easy say, bubba, plague, oni, etc. are better as this normally results in both dead whereas trickster doesnt. ive had experience with trickster and its like a 50, 50 if its both or not and thats if bts not there which good luck with that. also you said he has to hit a fraction of the blades. he has to hit 12 out of 44 which is 27.2 percent of blades to hit and huntress is 40 percent of hers. but huntress doesnt have to worry about hitting that many in a row or the fact that they can just go away. (laceration decay).
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ye, i might do that myself cause survivors just dont want to deal with killer like his counter is wait for it, a pallet like most of them counter him, the only ones that dont are basically filler pallets and even then some do like the coldwind.
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The laughable truth about is, the survivors think they hurt the killer, LOL "Thanks For DC" bro, I'm about to get an easy 3k, I appreciate it. After all the tough matches, a nice easy one is great, thanks again DCer!!
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Just because a killer is just 110 doesn't mean the rest of his kit isnt good.
What's the PVE aspect of this game? Must have missed something :)
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I refuse to buy him with shards just because of his looks.
Survivors are lucky they put such a low skill power on such a dumb looking killer. If he looked like Oni there would be trouble.
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if he is soo low skill, why is everyone i see with him bad or not mastered him yet. hes been out long enough and surely with his low skill power, it shouldnt be hard to use
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Real PVP gamers do not quit or DC, hence me referring to people who do as PVEers.
Fact is: ANytime you play a low tier killer good = DC, survivors hate being outplayed by a killer who is low tier.
Happens to my clown, my bubba, my trickster etc,... I don't really play high tier killers much, dont even have nurse up to lvl 50 after 5 years lol
People who DC on Trickster or killers they do not like should go play something else, simple as that.
There's multiple forum threads today about this lol