Would you like Devs to aquire and add this DLC to the game in the near future? TERMINATOR

Krizzie Member Posts: 21
edited April 2022 in Polls

Terminator/The Machine: (Survivors Kyle/Sarah)

Track: Industrial foundry with heavy machinery and liquid metals etc.

Like Nemesis it would have the T-800 punch as a basic attack.

Power button would be to hold and track targets, at the cost of matching the survivors lower speed but then also filling up a %-based guage for the special ability perks.

Special ability would be to level up and for 

level 1 (33%) can’t be blinded

level 2 (66%) can’t be stunned by pallets

level 3 (100%) can scan every 90, 75, 60sec and see all survivor auras for 5sec.

The kill by your own hand would be either lift by throat grab and snap neck or grap by throat and pierce the chest/heart area with a punch. 

An available skin would be the T-1000 with the spike finish move.

There could be a skin as only the shiny machine or as the classic Arnie biker look, depending on IP.

(Survivor’s perks would enable to:

  1. after depleting a carried item, find a chest while still holding the item and open it to have a 20, 35, 50% chance of getting the same item -”Supply cache”
  2. gain a 150% sprint for 3, 4, 5 sec after being unhooked/healed -”Run, don’t hide”
  3. automatically become the obsession from the start and for every 3min in-game gain a token, leveled up to 3, and each token will speed up all actions by 4% up to 12%. Lose a token each time you are hooked -”The Connor effect”)

Would you like Devs to aquire and add this DLC to the game in the near future? TERMINATOR 16 votes

Yes, I would buy this
Scary_Punk_GhostThat_One_FriendKrizzie 3 votes
No, not interested
Seiko300F60_31GlamourousLeviathanThe_Grim_Reaper99IsJustMeSmoeHexDaddyissuesVirtuaTyKingHitariLyvianetteChiky 11 votes
Maybe with changes
Valikcatkillsmouse 2 votes


  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Maybe with changes

    I like this a lot - but I think the stun and blindness denial is a bit OP.

    I totally want to see this IP tho


    After telling you about your OP suggestion.

    Here is my much lamer and less cool OP suggestion


    I would, however, like to see something done with a weapon.

    Like, you get a shotgun - it can put a survivor into the Dying state at point blank range, can damage a survivor when close, and hinders healthy survivors/applies deep wounds to injured at med range - is basically useless from afar. Can also break pallets and walls when shot.

    Gain bullets from kicking pallets.

    Readying a shotgun slows the killer by 50%

    An animation plays where the shotgun is twirled around like in T-2, taking 1 second before able to fire. After pressing the 'fire' button, there is a 1 second delay before firing as the gun is pulled to center. Shot has a + shaped spread that quickly separates with 10 pellets.

    You begin the trial with 120% movement speed and look fully human. When you get stunned, bits of your skin are pulled away and reveal the T-800 beneath.

    Every time you are stunned - up to 10 times, you lose 1.25% movement speed and your HUD changes:

    1 – Hud is changed to red and has a brighter hue

                                                                   2 – Survivors you are chasing are outlined in white and have their identities/information displayed.

                                                                   3 – In addition to the basic information, the item and attachments the survivor is carrying are shown. Gain a single bullet every 60 seconds.

                                                                   4 – Generator progress displayed and have white outlines while visible.

                                                                   5 – When a survivor is highlighted, you see their information. In addition, you now see their current health status – including how much progress they have on their healing/recovery bar, as well as their exhaustion and buffs/debuffs.

                                                                   6 – While not in chase, your breathing sounds are replaced with that of whatever survivor you were last chasing. (This is also where the mouth/entire head are revealed as machine) Reduce the shotgun holding slow by 25%

                                                                   7 – When a survivor uses a perk within your vision, you see what perked has been used. Gain a bullet every 30 seconds.

                                                                   8 – Visible blood blinks white before showing a white outline

                                                                   9 – survivors have a white outline regardless of range

                                                                   10 – when a survivor is within 2 meters of a pallet nearby you, a warning is displayed. Aiming the shotgun no longer incurs a movement penalty. Gain a bullet every 10 seconds.

    You start out like a speedy M1 killer. Survivors are encouraged to stun you to avoid your speedy encroachments - but pre-dropping pallets feeds you ammo, and stunning you makes you more deadly in the long run.

    There's a 0-10 bar, with 0 being a super speedy punching man with the chance to use a very wonky shotgun - 10 being a shotgun slaying master tracker with reduced mobility, but bullets they can use to end chases.

  • Krizzie
    Krizzie Member Posts: 21
    Yes, I would buy this

    Very interesting take on the whole concept! I would definetly like to see a lot of these in action. The only issue with is that there are so many different factors and rules to the killers abilities that it would be hard to keep track of all of them mid-game, taking in and interpreting all those signals and events in real-time might be a bit overwhelming, but boiling them all down to three core perks, would be my way to simplify a bit. So that was my 5 cents! I do really like your ideas. Fun read!

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2022
    No, not interested

    I am interested in the Terminator.


    The Terminator.

    Beating around the bush aside, I am a huge fan of the idea of adding in the T-1000, and I am less than enthusiastic for the T-800 which I think would just be a missed opportunity.

    The powers of the T-1000 are far more diverse, with an arsenal fit to be the perfect subtle hunting model of the terminator series. Being made from a "mimetic poly alloy [liquid metal]" it is unlike anything that Dead by Daylight has seen thus far in its killers. It can use its entire body for environmental analysis in multiple ways, for example, situating auditory sensors anywhere on the body making it more situationally aware and adept at tracking, it can separate pieces of itself from the main body to act as small individual units under the command of the host, like most terminators it has immense strength and speed to the point that it could throw the larger T-800 around like a ragdoll, and most impressively it has the ability to shapeshift which it uses throughout the movie in different and intelligent ways to hunt its target.

    At its most basic the shapeshifting can be used to transform different parts of its body into lethal weapons. The T1000's most iconic use of this ability was to transform its entire arms into gigantic knives and other sharp instruments. It was also able to mimic the color and texture of its surroundings, allowing it to camouflage against any surface and hide in plain sight, like when it laid flat against a tiled floor and reformed into its default human shape after. Of course, most notably however, was its ability to shapeshift into other people as it could perfectly mimic human behavior and emotion, down to the very voices of its intended targets.

    I would love to see the T-1000 in Dead by Daylight, I think there are a lot of ways that kind of a power set could be applied to create a unique kit for a killer. I can definitely imagine an M1 animation where a regular arm transforms into this giant silver arm-length knife blade and slashing at the backs of the victim in front of it.

    I'm 100% invested in the possibility of adding the T-1000 to DBD in the future.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2022
    No, not interested

    I love Terminator, Aliens and Predator but I don't want them in this game.

    Each of them would slaughter 4 people in minutes no question.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Maybe with changes

    Why not both?

    A massive chapter with 2 killers and 2 survivors - getting Sarah Connor and John Connor both. ?