How does everyone feel about the profanity filter in the game?

So many times have my words been ######. I literally just typed “birds and bees” and it blurred it. My problem is mostly that this game has a literal character that sucks on cut off fingers and one that rips your tongue out but we can’t say ass. Like please. This wouldn’t be so much of an issue for me if I could at least type out something NOTHING similar to a curse word and still get blurred. Moral of the story is killing people and hanging them is ok. Saying #########? Nope. It’s bad. What do you think?
How does everyone feel about the profanity filter in the game? 39 votes
For Profanity
Yeah I can see where I could have worded it better. But I agree. Let us be able to toggle it.
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For Profanity
It sadly won't let me change the poll answers but please look at @cricketscorner's comment.
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For Profanity
Dude, $%&! Censorship!
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It's pretty embarassing. Really hope they make it optional so I can deactivate it.
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Not for Profanity
god it is just absolute GARBAGE
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It’s stupid. It’s fine for it to filter racial slurs and that kinda stuff but anything beyond that should be optional.
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For Profanity
I just want the option to disable it
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I couldnt understand the poll itself but whenever ###### to type something ###### it just ####### no ###### like what ###### idk why this ###### is ###### a thing man, most ####### the time these are ####### words #######, i guess it ###### ingame ###### cause some ###### its censored and ###### it isnt.
If ###### dont even ###### seem ###### to use the ####### why should ####### bother?
The ###### day i ###### say some ###### things to ###### ###### survivors and STILL the ###### censored me ######, oh and btw, i noticed that ###### nice ###### is mostly censored while ###### isnt, i still ###### when a ###### survivor told me: (BAD WORD) and ###### not censored, but hey, saying ####### is fine, maybe ###### about your ###### of ######.
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For Profanity
Stuff like racial slurs and bigoted language should be censored, but arbitrary stuff such as character names shouldnt be.
Like how did the ladder even get approved?
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Not for Profanity
poll options are weird but yeah, slurs and hate speech are really all that needs to be censored. i wouldn't mind a personal filter as well like how warframe's chat does it. honestly a lot of dbd's menus and options just need a complete overhaul they suck
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There should be an option to disable it. I dont understand why it even exists in the first place.
It's also just ridiculously poorly designed, it censors completely innocuous stuff all the time.
For example, it censors "hooking". You know, a central mechanic of the game.
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Not for Profanity
Have a general profanity filter that you can switch on and off.
And then a universal slur censor (using a dictionary of slurs and their common alternate forms) that instantly and permanently anyone who uses one.
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Not for Profanity
Examples of censored content is in the game itself.
It's not behavior's job to police the post game lobby and keep literal children from harm.
This game is rated M -
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Not for Profanity
# #### ###### ######## ######### ## # ###### ##### ## #### #### ######## ### ###### # ### ####. # ####### ###### ####! ## ### ##### ##### ## # ###### ##### ## ##### ###### ######
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For Profanity
If we kill in the game why cant we curse? Like we are adults and if not either way you have heard the language being used before
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For Profanity
I think the filter would be okay if it worked to censor really bad things, like literal slurs. Right now, however, it'll censor the most random #########, as well as words simply related to the game. As a band-aid fix, I just want to be able to toggle it. I think I should be able to say the word "kill" in an 18+ game ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE.
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Not for Profanity
It's very ####