How is MMR now?

Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

After a six month break I did the unthinkable and returned after vowing to never touch the game again.

Back then MMR was terrible for me, it never seemed to lower no matter how many times in a row I lost.

I heard about the tests and wondered if anything changed after that of if it went back to normal.

I would also like to see your opinions on how it is now please.

Best Answer

  • Kill_Yr_Idol83
    Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213
    Answer ✓

    It still feels bad. I returned to the game as a killer main for the tests and had fun on certain days but whatever is implemented now is just as bad, if not worse than before. I was hopeful but alas played a game with the Hillbilly (haven't played him in 2 years?) and was matched with god tier level survivors. Thought it was a fluke but 4 or 5 matches (and losses) later and they're still untouchable survivors gods. Makes no sense. Add in boons and DH and it's just a nightmare. Honestly, after 5+ years of playing DbD, a game I used to love, I've finally uninstalled the game. I can't justify torturing myself and wasting hours of my free time with this mess anymore. Looking forward to the new Evil Dead game instead!!
