Myers needs to be the next killer to be updated

adam1233467 Member Posts: 904
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

Since we are getting legion and ghostface changes in this wednesday, and the twins is already confirmed to get some changes in the future, imo, myers had the most outdated mechanic in the game, he propably is the next target from BHVR to rework or buff, BHVR could do a addon pass like they did with legion and ghostface, and even buff his basekit


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,250

    Myers and Pig would probably be my top two in need of some serious love.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Me dreading tp nerf.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 904

    Myers now needsMyers now need to get the tier 10 to get insta down 🤡

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    Meyers has to have his mask removed in order to mori players now

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    Agreed. He doesn't even need a rework or anything, just some smaller changes.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Yep. Him, then Freddy (again). And then Hag.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,772
    edited April 2022

    As a long time Mikey main I agree my boy needs some love.

    As others have said he doesn't even need a rework. Just some quality of life changes would do wonders for him. There's some terrific suggestions floating around these forums that the devs should consider.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,976

    If he gets the level of that legion and Ghostface got he'll be fine.

    Both addon passes after the feedback give them an overall more useful set of addons and the basekit changes kept their powers the same.

    Myers really needs an addon pass as his addons range from terrible to why is this still in the game? Plus getting rid of some of the problematic addons like tombstone piece opens up buffing his stalk mechanic.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I really hate the fact that this IP could be super lucrative if they just made a few phone calls and made some drastic updates to the entire release along side the Haddonfield map. The movies are coming out - they missed their golden opportunity when Halloween Kills came out last year.

    But he needs a major facelift.

    The worst thing is, they don't even have to give him a total rework. They can keep the 3 tiers and stalking. They just need to give a lot of care to QoL updates and update the model, as well as the perks.

    Guarantee you 800% that if they came out with a Legendary skin and new chase music that matched the most recent films, DLC sales would skyrocket and people would be playing him in droves for fun!

    Terror radius music already exists:

    And they could change the Tier 3 chase music to something different completely to make it more impactful:

    And if they gave the perks a little work around the joints, people would flock to try out the New Haddonfield, buy the new skins, and play with the updated perks in DROVES.

    Here's my suggested changes to the Shape:


    ·        Tier 1 takes 24 seconds of stalking to get out of (twice the normal). Tier 3 takes 12 seconds to gain the first time, and 4 seconds for each subsequent time. Survivors do not remain at max stalk, and slowly reset stalk after having not been stalked for a few seconds ~8s, when at Max stalk - survivors cannot be stalked for 16 seconds. Tier 1 is miserable, Tier 2 is better than the average M1 killer, Tier 3 is a masterful version of the M1 killer for a 30 second period of time. At max stalk Tier 2 – Tier 3 is ready, and pressing the alternate ability key will activate it. Survivors grant the Shape less stalk based on their luck. Shape has ‘blobby’ Terror radius that constantly shifts and bends, those who are affected by it have the immediate effects linger (as if his terror radius is ‘inky’). Chase music in Tier 3 is different than the other 2 tiers. Normal walking animation slightly changed, holds knife more realistically. Survivors hear an audio cue when Shape is able to activate Tier 3. Tier 1 is stunned longer at pallets; Tier 3 is stunned for a shorter time. Stalking has a ‘sweet spot’ for maximum stalk yield. Point blank stalking is discouraged, and stalking within 8m is generally less effective. Stalking at 16m is highly effective, and has great variance within 8m of it, with returns quickly diminishing at great distances and as survivors grow nearer. Survivors with less than half of their stalk drained become Paranoid. All survivors can be Killed by The Shape’s hand if they reach Maximum Stalk.

    § Vault/Break:           (T1: -10% | T2: +5% | T3: +20%)

    § Lunge:                    (T1: -35% - 0.3 open | T2: +5% - 0.53 open | T3: +45% - 0.725 open)

    § Movement:             (T1: 106% | T2: 118% +| T3: 124%)

    § Pallet Stuns:           (T1: 3.4 | T2: 2.4 | T3: 1.6)

    Stalking:                  (0m: 10% | 8m: 50% | 16m: 100% | 24m: 50%| 32m+: 5%)

    (Paranoid causes survivors within the Killer's terror radius to hear maximum heartbeat - which persists for 3 seconds after leaving the killer's terror radius)


    Perks should also be given a little facelift:


    Save The Best For Last

    Description: “You know better than to spoil the main course - ”

    Gain a token when hitting any survivor other than your obsession with a basic attack.

    Each token grants 3/4/5% successful attack cooldown reduction.

    Lose 2 tokens when hitting the obsession with a basic attack.

    (Only change is that tiers progress by percentage and not tokens lost)


    Play With Your Food

    Description: “You relish the chase against your favorite prey, you prefer to let them slip away before you close in for the kill once more.”

    Tokens grant 1/1.5/2% movement speed.

    Gain up to 8 tokens.

    Gain 2 tokens when the Obsession escapes in chase. Lose all tokens if the Obsession is put into the Dying state by any means.

    Lose 1 token after making a melee or special attack.

    Lose 2 tokens after Injuring the Obsession.

    While within 4 meters of the Obsession gain 2 tokens when you:

    • Hit a non-obsession survivor (net 1)
    • Preform a break action
    • Miss an attack or special attack. (net 1)

    This perk has a 15 second cooldown after ending chase with the Obsession - during which time it cannot gain tokens.

    (Change art to incorporate Michael Meyers [shot of him and Laurie on other sides of the door from the DbD trailer is perfect])


    Dying Light

    Description: “Their once vibrant spirit of hope slowly wanes as the darkness within you takes its toll on the weak”

    The Obsession gains a 20% buff to repair, cleansing, searching, and healing actions.

    Every time a survivor is hooked, gain a token up to 8.

    For each token, survivors perform all actions 2/3/4% slower – this is doubled for the Obsession.

    This perk becomes inactive in the absence of an Obsession.


    Decisive Strike

    Description: “You will not go quietly. If they try to take you, you’ll stab at them with whatever you can grab.”

    After being unhooked, this perk is active for 16/24/32 seconds.

    When the killer picks you up, succeed a difficult skill check to stun them for 5 seconds and free yourself.

    You become the Obsession when you use this perk to stun the killer.

    Cannot be activated while Exhausted. Upon landing a successful stun with this perk, become Exhausted for the remainder of the trial.

    While in chase, the countdown is paused. The countdown degrades half as fast while in the Dying state.

    The following interactions will deactivate this perk:

    Healing, repairing, cleansing, unhooking, Sabotaging, Unlocking, Opening the Exit Gates.

    Flavor-text: “’There’s nothing to be scared of… I killed him.’ - Laurie Strode’”


    Sole Survivor

    Description: “You can mourn their deaths soon enough. Right now, the only important thing is getting out of this alive.”

    More likely to become the Obsession. Become the Obsession whenever another survivor dies.

    While the Obsession, any time another survivor dies, your aura is revealed to the killer for 6 seconds.

    When you are the final survivor alive in the trial, this perk activates.

    Upon activation:

    You are instantly healed for a health state

    The killer can no longer see your aura by any means.

    You leave no scratch marks.

    You can open the hatch by hand with a 32/24/16 second animation.


    Object Of Obsession

    Description: “You and the killer share an unnatural and dangerous connection”

    This perk is only activated if you are the Obsession and after being chased at least once.

    Great chance of becoming the Obsession. Winning a chase against the killer will make you the Obsession.

    While outside of the killer’s terror radius, see each other’s aura.

    This perk is disabled for 60/50/40 seconds after a chase, while dying, or hooked.


    I admit, these are mere spitballs. I do not think all of these changes would hold up to professional scrutiny - but it's a solid place to start.

    If the dev team could focus their efforts, they could breathe new life into the DLC and make a pretty penny in kind.

    These Licenses are major attractions for the game, and I'm sure that a major overhaul like this would be incredibly healthy for the experience overall.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,118

    After Twins, yes, he's absolutely the one that needs the work the most. Thankfully, he doesn't need much- make his tiers a little less clunky, give him an addon pass, maybe a new facet to his Tier 3 (holding out hope for walking straight through dropped pallets and breakable walls, personally), and he'll be golden.

    He just needs a fresh lick of paint, nothing dramatic.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Some new skins from the new movies would be good, I like the current classic chase music though so I hope it stays the same.

    All he needs survivors who are at max stalk slowly regain stalk so he has his power for a full game rather than running out.

    It reverts back to maxed stalk when using his strong tombstone addons, that's all.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,114

    No, bc they will ######### it up.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Yep, they will nerf tp and "buff" his base kit in a way that he will remain weak and m1.

    I wanted his update for a while but after seeing the treatment other m1 killers got, I doubt he will end up decent.

    It is not a good trade off imo. Tombstone piece makes him a threat somewhat. Devs won't compensate for that.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,772

    You really are afraid for the fate of tombstone piece aren't you lol. If they give his base kit some good buffs then I'll happily accept a nerf to tombstone piece.

    But they probably won't even touch the piece. They left it alone in the last add on pass. They even gave a buff to regular tombstone.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,636

    I can see it being changed, I like to use them and enjoy it while I can.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Yeah I play Myer's more than any other killer and do well with him now so... I really don't want them to mess him up.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    The main update I want is a Dr Loomis survivor.

    Donald Pleasence what a boss.

    Halloween, The great escape, You only live twice. Ernst Stavros Blofeld himself.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    How about instead of changing myers, why not make other killers more like myers?

    What i mean is the addons. He has unique addons that allow for completely different playstyles. We need more of that on other killers.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 767
  • Forbidden
    Forbidden Member Posts: 3

    Yeah, he needs changes and for a start it would be nice to remove the Infinite Tier 3 and Tombstone addons.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Because since BHVR has gotten more of their act together, there’s a general awareness that busted add-ons for either side aren’t good game design. All survivor iris have been nerfed, and many killer ones nerfed or reworked. Walking up to a survivor who you haven’t seen or interacted with all match, and deleting them from the game with 1% stalk and one touch ‘because add-on’, is an unbalanced, antiquated feature of Myers that needs to go.

    He certainly needs help, but at the very least Tombstone Piece needs to be the cost of a rework and/or buff.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    Tombstone piece is busted and needs to be changed regardless of what they do to him (and quite frankly I was shocked it wasn’t nerfed in 5.3.0, I thought for sure they would). But I understand your concerns based off some past changes that were insufficient. Legion got what they needed, but a lot of other killers didn’t and that’s absolutely a valid point.

    I want TP changed, but I also want him to get the basekit changes he deserves.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    TP is too strong but there’s nothing wrong with the Mirror addons and judith’s tombstone. They don’t need to touch those 3 at all and I agree I like that he has those ways to change his power a bit and I wish more killers had similar stuff. He mostly just needs some improvements to his basekit and not much else.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,976

    Also the fact that Tombstone Piece exists limits how BHVR can buff Myers. They can't give him back multi-stalk since any buff to how fast he can get to T3 will make Tombstone Piece too easy to get an early kill before any gens have been done.

    They can't remove or adjust the limit on Myers stalking ability since being able to drain the same survivor to T3 to just mow down everyone else with an instant kill wouldn't be fair.

    I wouldn't really call Myers addons versatile. Your options are:

    Tombstone Piece + Faster Stalk

    Infinite T3 + Faster Stalk

    Duration + Faster Stalk or Double Faster Stalk.

    Scratched Mirrors is his only alt playstyle that is highly map dependent so it's often pair with one of few indoor map offerings.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 767

    To anyone saying Judith's Tombstone needs a nerf, no it doesn't. Tombstone Piece does. Judith's Tombstone you have to use PWYF or your not killing anyone who knows how to play survivor.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,976

    Judith's deserves a change just as much as tombstone piece, because any addon where the killer can just remove you from the game without ever having to interact with you is bad design.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 767

    I disagree. He has to stalk 200% more and he loses speed when in tier 3. There are plenty of pallets to make it a nightmare for him, if survivors play properly he'll only get 1 kill.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited April 2022

    I would think Myers players would also not want their Tombstone add-ons to continue to be screwed by survivors hiding in lockers - especially for that terrible Evil Incarnate achievement. Make it so that upon hooking the survivor once and stalking them X amount, you can kill them any time (even from the dying state).

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    I think that’s fair, at least for judith’s.

    Honestly TP should just be removed and replaced with something new, we don’t really need more than one instakill addon.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 187

    Why Hag? I understendcase for buffs for Freddy and Myers, but what changes does old tree lady really need?

  • Bladeisbest
    Bladeisbest Member Posts: 308

    I support this idea. He def has the most variety to his addons.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,172

    I main him I don't know if I want them to touch him they may make him worse.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I don't think there's a single buff they can give him that will make up for losing tombstone piece, it's honestly not that problematic in the grand scheme.

    Honestly I haven't heard a strong enough reason for it to be removed. If you remove a survivor you've never interacted with with it, you basically get a single kill and then everyone plays different and there's barely enough stalk left to get a second Mori of you just 99 and Insta a new survivor. It doesn't exactly win games on its own, but probably keeps Myers somewhat on-line with the rest of the killers because outside if using this or inf T3, he's pretty bad

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Hag is both miserable to play as and against, but mostly against. Explain to me why Twins can’t unbind Victor near a hooked survivor, Pyramid Head trails disappear too close, and Artist can’t launch crows… but Hag can place up to 10 traps in the area? Due to her slow base movement speed and power, she encourages or flat necessitates proxy camping. Her design is not to really chase at all, which most people players would say is the most engaging and fun part of the game.

    And don’t get me started on the ‘counterplay’.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    You don’t need a second mori to win a 3v1 at 3-4 gens. If you lose that you’re either on a ######### map as an m1 killer or you messed up. And if you are on a bad map that’s just a map design issue at that point.

    A killer being weak doesn’t justify the existence of an overpowered addon.

  • Hitari
    Hitari Member Posts: 51

    i too wish for BHVR to update myers, but i feel like nerfing nurse should come first. she's been up there for far too long

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I would be fine with just a visual rework. He looks almost nothing like movie Myers. That mask is an abomination xD