Is this speed normal or subtle hack?

Looks legit. He never swung at you when you used Dead Hard so he never suffered a penalty in speed.
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Looks fine. He didn’t swing at DH and remember Myers has faster vaulting speed than other killers.
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When in tier 3.
Even still, the killer had enough time to catch up.
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I think he still has a slightly faster vault in Tier II as well
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It’s faster in tier 2 as well. In tier 3 it’s even quicker.
Also I’m like 90% sure that myers had bamboozle, it sounded like I barely heard it in the background.
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On the other hand, your way of provoking him instead of leaving to take refuge in a safe place was not very subtle 🤣
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it was bamboozle
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Dead Hard gives you 3.8m in a chase. This if used in a straight line away from the killer, you used it an angle.
Default lunge is 6m. T3 Myers has a longer lunge
You look to be about 7-8m at most away from Myers when he exists the window. You lose .6m of distance per second while in chase with a 115% killer. The chase went for around 4 seconds before Dead Hard was popped, so the distance between you and Myers after those 4 seconds was 4.6-5.6m. Well within lunge range.
Using DH would give you 3.8m or about six seconds of distance but again, it was used at an angle so it was probably alot less. So even with the max 3.8m you'd be at 8.4-9.4m. Myers hits you about 2 seconds after the DH so thats around 7.2-8.2m of distance when he starts his lunge.
Myers T3 lunge range is around 8m I think, so your just barely within the range if everything went your way.
So this looks like one of those outliers where Myers just barely got you. I think even if you played perfectly you couldn't have made the pallet.
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Btw, that was tier 2 myers
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The speed looks ok to me, he has a faster vault in T2 than other killers and his movement speed is the same as other killers in T2.
Also, you are playing with some lag (the white circle in the top left corner of the screen) so what the killer is seeing and what you are seeing is going to be different. Which can make you think something is "off" with the hit.
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It looks like he has waited for Bloodlust 1. He vaults after ~15s.
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It's also probably why the killer is hitting the air at the beginning of the video.
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I believe bloodlust is cancelled when the killer tries to hit.
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Why am I also just learning today that it’s faster in Tier II as well? 😳
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Pretty sure only on hit. It looks like a good calculated gameplay. Killer thoughts: "Ok, I vault faster as meyers and I also got bamboozle for faster vaults. Let's wait for Bloodlust 1."
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I've checked the wiki and you are right.
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I give you credit for checking to see if this is geniune or cheating. Most people seem like they just scream hacks instead of actually looking into why they got caught.