Thank you BHVR for making playing as survivor miserable

The new Haddonfield sucks, way too killer sided with 5-6 pallets in the whole map. Every game is a Legion with that annoying add-on that makes you broken for 60 sec afther mending.. my friends who played with me most of the time are actually saying they don’t wanna play for the whole week until they reduced the chances of getting sent to Haddonfield. Thanks for buffing only killer things this patch, and nothing for survivor..


  • Kiridus
    Kiridus Member Posts: 48

    gonna cry and scream infront of their headquarters in canada as a result of this INSOLENT pro-killer bias of theirs

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,448

    To be fair, pallet loops are few and far between, and most of them aren't all that safe. It isn't as bad as a map like Shelter Woods but I highly doubt you'll ever see a survivor bring a Strode Realty Key anymore.

  • Kiridus
    Kiridus Member Posts: 48

    i am one of those nerds who thinks no one should bring map offerings unless they really like the aesthetic 'n etc of a map they wanna go to tbh

    just think it'd be cool to go to a map cuz its pretty and fun instead of going to it cuz one side has glaring advantages or disadvantages in said map, y'know?

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I mean, in an asymmetrical game like this, there are ALWAYS gonna be updates that feel like it is lopsided. Killers have complained for ages that updates and additions are boosting survivors too much, so of course there are going to be updates that make survivors feel like it doesn't help them at all. It's a game, this happens.

    Do you play both roles equally? Do you *like* playing both roles equally?

    You might care less about things like this and just enjoy the fact that this is a game if you do ^^

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    There are literally map offerings and an offering to negate map offerings. The idea of Haddonfield being killer sided is absurd.

    It's the release day of major changes to a killer who has high potential, do you really expect people to not try him out?

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    A Nurse 4ked us there with 2 gens left.

  • MetaBuildSurvivor
    MetaBuildSurvivor Member Posts: 61

    Have you seen the windows in the new version? The map is still super strong as survivor.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    Maybe it's cause I was constantly send to Haddonfield as bb killer and recently Erie/Game/MacMillan/PRD.... It's good to have a solid Killer map now.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    Balanced Landing is good against Legion. Using it out of high vaults in the house and immediately run alongside the house. You can gain a lot of distance because Legion launches forward quite a bit when vaulting in high places

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    Yeah because it's actually balanced now and not BROKEN in favor of survivors.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032
    edited April 2022

    "Oh wow, the most survivor-sided map in the game is not so survivor-sided now, what a tragedy!"

    Don't worry, you still have Fractured Cowshed, Gideon Meat Plant, Groaning Storehouse, Eyrie of Crows, Springwood and many other survivor-sided maps that killers had to deal with for years! There are only about 4 ACTUALLY killer-sided maps in the game right now, but I garantee dealing with them is far less stressful than being a killer on Cowshed. Also less frequent, since there are far more survivor-sided maps in the game.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,448

    I would hardly say it's balanced, maps like Coal tower are balanced, decent strength loops that can be played well by both roles spread evenly throughout the map, exactly what new Haddonfield doesn't have.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    I remember when DS was nerfed and a particular subgroup of survivor mains complained that such a nerf made the perk 'unusable' and that nobody would use it afterwards.

    It's still one of the strongest and most used perks in the game.

    Haddonfield was one of the most survivor sided maps the game has ever created - no ifs and or buts.

    Now that it isn't, some survivors will complain that it's 'the worst' or 'unplayable.

    But just the same as it ever was, it will continue to be a good contributor to the game regardless of what the minority of survivors say.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    The houses with the 3 to 4 god windows are disgusting. killer-sided lol

  • Lemonwolf
    Lemonwolf Member Posts: 113

    I dont mind the map itself.

    But whats really annoying is that even without a map offering i got to play this one about 12 times in a row.

    That is just stupid and has to stop.

    And if i do use a map offering someone else is using a haddonfield offering and we mostly end up there AGAIN!

    Is this Dead by Haddonfield now? There is something seriously wrong with the algorithm which decides the map being played.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    I think the problem is how it’s favored towards one side. There are some busted near infinite window loops, but beyond that it’s dead zones and unsafe pallets. It takes what’s annoying for both sides in looping and rolls it into one. I don’t think it’s balanced at all, it’s just a horribly designed map.

  • SoloQKev
    SoloQKev Member Posts: 164

    hahah sorry but the new Haddonfield is not Killer sided, have you been in some of the houses DAMN the number of windows open. Potentially infinities anyone else noticed this.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I must be a miserable killer main because this got an audible laugh out of me.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 647

    Good job on doing 3 gens against Nurse! <3.

    Question thou, were you guys in the open when she 4ked? Or were any of you guys in one of the building? Would love to hear details plz. :)

    Regardless, I expect Nurse to do decently well in that map cuz if your in the road? You better pick a place to die, as OhTofu recommended against high level Nurses.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    As i remember i sneaked out the window when she came to the gen and then teleported outside. Other time was on the street.

    Some of the others were on the street as well. I don´t know who were in houses.

    Almost 4 gens :-)

    Was not a super Nurse but still good enough.

    The street is really really big now.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 647

    Then yea, if you're out on the street vs nurse, there is a 95% that you'll be hitting the pavement.

    As for the window part, the only juke you have is look towards the window then stop in front of it and hope that the Nurse blinks outside, which should give you time to relocate elsewhere within the building. Line of sight is key against her as well as some good jukes. Otherwise, try to stay out of the streets at all time.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 647

    I was playing Clown, as usual, on that map and I ended up getting a 1-2K. There one house that kept me busy for a hot minute that I have to let go of chase to protect whatever gens I have left. I am also surprised that few survivors don't know about the infinites that some of those houses have, if run correctly, that is. But give it a month or two till the survivor learn how to property run killers on those houses. Most of the downs I got was from survivors being out in the street with a mix of mind game in some houses. As for the open of the road is, I can see how killers can get a down quickly if a survivor doesn't make it to one of the strong loops outside.

    Honestly, the map seems balance to me but it honestly depends on what killer your playing as, in my opinion. The key here is that everyone need to learn the new Haddonfield layout and plan accordingly.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Haddonfield is more balanced but id still put it more to survivor sided. The house loops and the windows are way too strong.

    Don't worry though you still have all the farm maps and badhams to play with and even mothers dwelling where slower killers usually struggle so we killers will enjoy our midwich

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022


    Survivor is so easy.

    Last night:

    Played a Dwight match where I had to hide in terror radius for 120 seconds or whatever, did nothing in the match, couple saves, half a gen etc,... pipped.

    Played Leatherface game after 4k, 10 hooks - no pip.

    Played Blight 4k, no pip.

    I escaped a Basement Bubba last night, not a single chase, did 3 gens, and escaped, no saves, no altruism, pipped like a bboss.

  • Boogiekingmyers
    Boogiekingmyers Member Posts: 44

    Solo Q there at least is a mess, had 20 matches and only I got to escape by hatch one out of those 20 matches. The gens are far too close to be considered balanced, some loops can't be considered one when they're unsafe and the windows upstairs are a death sentence because of how tall the houses are. Vault only loops are generally and always will be weaker than vaults with a pallet loop which the new Haddonfield doesn't have.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I cannot express how overjoyed I am to live in a timeline where people can unironically call Haddonfield killer-sided.

    I'm not sure how to judge the map yet, but mostly it seems to be split between dead zones and very powerful loops. Old Haddonfield had more of the powerful loops and way less of the dead zones (and considerably more survivor-favored gen placement, new Haddon has very exposed gens), but there's still some extremely good inexhaustible resources in there.

    Even if it does end up being killer-sided, though... I mean, congrats, it could join the ranks of Shelter Woods, Wreckers' Yard, and Dead Dawg. There are many more survivor-sided maps than killer-sided maps, so would that really be a bad thing? The Game switched from being killer-sided to survivor-sided as all hell. Maybe this is just an equal and opposite reaction.

  • Pyrosorc
    Pyrosorc Member Posts: 202
    edited April 2022

    Don't worry, the game is still vastly survivor-sided and not even close to fair for killer yet. Pretty obvious you only play survivor.

  • Alola_ItzOcean
    Alola_ItzOcean Member Posts: 7

    You need to remember that's the oy way they could really balance Haddonfield but we still have strong windows which is the up side, you should run balanced on that map. Legions buff were needed but as every killer you'll be able to eventually get a good play style to absolutely counter the hell out of em.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 236

    And it's still a strong TEAM perk that STILL stacks with perks and medkits. People still healing fast. Oh no, the audacity.

    Every patch is some kind of balancing or nerf to killers and usually minor adjustments and much needed nerfs to survivors unless its been killer rework patches. Don't worry. I'm sure the Chapter 24 patch will hold your hand as we go back to status quo.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    They buffed two weak killers that are still weak, get over it.