In Defense Of EOGC Camping - Crisis Points And The Problem With DbD's 'Endgame'.

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

So yeah. Like most people, I really loathe facecampers - but I was chatting with someone postgame and I must say...I actually agreed with him.

While I generally don't camp unless someone manages to get my goat, I will camp during the End of Game Collapse or when the gates are being opened, if I haven't managed to secure a kill.

That said - survivors should care more about the endgame. I see it in myself when we finish off that 5th feels like we've won, and getting out is now a formality. Having someone on the hook and doing the in-and-out dance with a killer trying to unhook them adds a bit of spice to the endgame, and also creates a fun dilemma - risk dying for your allies or just abandon them and scarper.

The endgame should represent a crisis point for both sides. As it stands, it's panic stations for the killer, trying to defend two points at once and usually a win for survivors unless you've brought specific endgame perks.

However, it is certainly annoying when there are only 2 survivors left, and the killer hooks and camps one of them.

Is there any way to make the endgame matter more for survivors, outside of the killer camping?


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Nobody can fault you for camping in the endgame in my opinion

    The killer, usually always in a losing position when it gets to that point has to consolidate what they have at the time of the last gen being completed. If they're in chase, they need a down. If it's a hook, then they need to try and secure it. The only time it's typically not worth it to camp during the endgame is if you know survivors can't open gates quickly or if you have multiple people slugged when the last gen pops

    Most kills that happen during the endgame happen for 1 of 2 reasons:

    Unexpected NOED or Survivor altruism.

    If one dude gets hooked and camped, the best course of action is for the other three to just leave and secure the victory but it's not only boring, it's not as challenging as going for the 4 man out.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    From a psychological standpoint, I think survivors have been conditioned into thinking that 5 gens = win. Anything that disrupts that feels unfair.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    This is why I almost always bring Rancor. Hooks are boring, weaving through body blockers to stomp a snobby bum hopper into another dimension is a prize to go for during the end game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Rework bloodwarden. Maybe make switches regress to punish 99ing gates or start EGC immediately. The perk was designed around EGC not existing and that has painfully shined for about 3 years now.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707
    edited April 2022

    So first off, there is absolutely nothing wrong with camping and tunneling at the end of the game. You have nothing else to defend, and in most cases, anything short of camping your hook and trying to defend a kill is going to lead to a rescue and escape.

    Having said that, I’ve actually never really liked how endgames realistically play out. And for everything else I’m about to say, for the purposes of this discussion I’m going to ignore NOED as that often just leads to survivors cutting their losses and leaving, but the majority of games, it won’t be in play. Now, I don’t fault the killer for camping a hook they get at the end, there’s nothing else for them to do once the game gets to that point. But it usually just leads to hook trade after hook trade until either the survivors all escape, or the killer keeps trading until the survivors eventually run out of hookstates and somebody dies, and then the rest leave since they no longer have any incentive to stay. There’s also very little you can do against certain killers and someone who just got unlucky by being the person chased when the gens were done dies on first or second hook because saving isn’t realistic. Either way I don’t think it’s particularly interesting gameplay for either side, but I admittedly don’t really know what (if anything) can be done about it.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    If 4 Survivors Escape - you lose

    If 3 Survivors Escape - you lose

    If 2 Survivors Escape - you draw

    So if camping that one survivor won't change the outcome (you still lose) why are you not going for other survivors? I've always seen it as a concession.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Usually? It provides a pivot point where I can potentially have another crack at a win if they are altruistic. It adds a little bit more texture to the match.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Survivors in these situations need to learn peace.

    When the exit gates are at 99 or open and the end game is official... things are as they are.

    Your options are:

    1.) Leave while you can

    2.) Gamble it all for the save.

    If you leave, great! The game's over and you got away!

    If you go back and die, or don't get the save you wanted - then why are you complaining? You went back into the jaws of the beast. What happens next is on you.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Something is better than nothing, you can get alot of points and only 1 kill or none and still pip.

    But as a killer main i'd say 50% of the time, a ecg camp can result in more kills.

    Either way you get more than just standing in a corner waiting for survs to leave, which they don't.