Haddo is killer sided now

Never thought I would say it, but after playing a few matches on both killer and survivor that is my conclusion
What in the world are you supposed to do with this?
1-2 dumpy pallets near a gen that get blasted through in seconds, or more than likely outright ignored by the anti-loop killers like Pyramid Head or Artist.
I was just running around like a goon this match and 4k'd. No real strategy involved whatsoever. Can you imagine 3 genning on this map? You will break 3-4 pallets and your 3 gen is secure for the rest of the game!
Haddonfield. Killer sided.
Never thought I’d hear those words in a sentence together.
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The amount of dead space makes it a bit rough. Overall I think it's decently balanced though.
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The Game turned from killerside to survivorside.
Haddonfield turned from survivorside to killerside.
Equal for now.
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From what I've seen thus far, it's an 'inside out' map. The edges are fairly strong, but the center is a deadzone.
That said...let's say it's killer sided.
Now we've got 2, maybe 3 killer sided maps out of a metric crapton.
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I like the rework honestly. It really feels like something new and it's definitely going to take time to learn all the loops as survivor. It seems killer-sided for now which isn't a bad thing.
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I just played a few matches as Mike on Haddon and would have to agree. Good runners on the survivor team but it did not matter. Hook saves on the street are very exposed with long sightlines. Windows are strong but Bamboozal limits loop potential pretty well. Something here for all killers.
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Against anti-loop killers the entire map is pretty much dead space lol, outside a few vaults that are not even that good without BL.
Nothing says you really need to even go to those though. Many times the gens are just sitting out in the open, which is going to be easy pickings for any killer with mobility. I am sure a decent 3 gen strat on this map with certain killers is going to be insane.
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The first floor vaults seem pretty strong.
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It's like Shelter Woods if it had stronger loops (houses etc) but it's definitely far less survivor sided now. I did manage to run a killer for a few minutes without getting injured but that's not really map dependent.
Those wide sight lines are really good for Myers to get T3, while the old Haddonfield was good in the fenced areas next to houses when he had T3 up. Don't know why you'd have a 4 lane highway next to a kid's playground though. The Entity does not have safety in mind.
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Oh god please dont make this a big deal, give us killer mains a break. Stick to the edges, do gens, bring hook offerings if you must because some hooks are pretty horrible.
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It's actually not bad gen wise. On one hand, some of the gens are pretty naked. On the other hand, the gens are pretty predictable spawn wise (this is such a big deal it's not even funny) and there are some safe ones too. It sets up a neat little risk/reward - try to burn down the weak gens early or nail the safe ones and then play an attrition game.
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While I love the graphic changed to Haddonfield, the map itself is very small and needs more trees. It's too open.
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I'm just saying, they have added in killers and addons that are strong enough to consistently 4k on "The Game" with 26 god pallets. And then they go in and add this map.
I guess I will enjoy my free wins when I offer it
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I can't agree when there's an insane godloop at the Myers house. The vault in the front window, straight to the vault on the backporch, circling back to the front of the house....it's rough. There's no countering it unless you have a brain dead survivor you can mindgame (highly unlikely) or are Undetectable. It's just way too strong of a loop to call the map killer sided. Feels like the old Coldwind godloop.
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It's absolute trash. They ruined one of my favorite maps. I thought they would just fix a few loops that were real ######### for most killers but they totally ruined the map. Garbage & ugly as hell now!!!
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Yes, as is with every map rework they become grossly unbalanced in favor of killer.
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If they really want this garbage map & they were smart about it, they would have the old version as Haddonfield I and this one as Haddonfield II much like there are multiple Springwood maps. I would eradicate this new one though because it's beyond bad & ugly. Whoever designed the older maps must have been fired or just left BHVR because the new maps just suck & favor one side (lately killer) too much. Older maps always favored a side, but it wasn't as much as this disaster or the Artist's map. I had really good survivor & some good killer matches on the old Haddonfield and it was even more evenly split on maps like Hawkins.
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Was your last killer a Nemesis on The Game or something?
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Always found that to be annoying design have everything smudged to the sides and the middle area being a giant dead zone
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I played about 5 games on it tonight and...I don't know. The deadzones are massive and you're not going to have anything to work with outside of the houses if the game goes longer than 5 minutes. They owed killers a map after The Game and Eyrie, but whew. Good luck if a Nurse hooks a survivor in the street.
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gonna be interesting to see starstruck agitation nurse on the new haddonfield
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It was a Legion on the new deadzone map.
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Good. If the survivors can have The Game then killers should get this.
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Game will lose survivor playerbase like crazy.
Clearly the solution by killer main forum will be asking for more survivor nerf
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Because 1 map is killer sided? Sorry you don't always get your way?
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Eyrie is very killer sided from my experiences, other than Trapper since his traps can be so easily seen. Very easy to destroy survivors with so many killers on that map.
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The map allows trapper to hide his traps more.
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I’m still figuring it out as survivor, but yeah, my matches have been bloodbaths
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Going to just go ahead and spoil this for you - Got the map three times today. They were, with the exception of a double blendette duo that took advantage of every dark hole in existance, incredibly fast games.
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Went their as Anna today, loved it, nice open spaces fairly reflective of what a street looks like. But yes 4 dead before 1 gen was done.
I get the feeling some stealth killers will find it hard.
But in retrospec, to get a map that favours killers is so great after the many many that are horrible for anyone other than s tier.
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Starting to see some issues with one of the buildings. The one with a window on the porch leading to a vault over the railing on the back veranda. Survivors approach it from the front and can loop it for ages. If you try to reverse the loop they get tons of distance and run to a long wall with the pallet in the middle or another house.
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You call the reworks for maps like Coldwind, Badham and the Game killer sided? In no reality is that true.
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I disagree with the fact that Haddonfield is now Killer-sided, but if that were true, would that be a bad thing?
Most "Killer-sided" Maps are usually the most balanced ones
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People just don't know the map yet, so far ive done great as survivor and had really long chases even without pallets, main building infinite needs to go though
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Again, a rework that destroys stealthplay. The game is slowly turning away from the way i like to play it. This, together with the game freezes since the last chapter, it might just not be worth the trouble anymore for me.
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Felt like that since the PTB was out. The dead zone in the middle is hard, since you'll be going through it a lot to get people off hooks and stuff, you'll most likelly get spotted and will most likelly not have a good chase.
The houses and outer loops seem balanced, but that middle part makes it mostly killer sided.
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a wet dream for all nurses 😁
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killer side? Now, full Full viewed totem and too little hook is welcome to killer player.
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I love it, I've been saving up Haddonfield offerings for almost 5 years, the map is really nice on a lot of killers; my new favorite and I have thousands to use.
Best update.
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Trickster and Huntress mains are gonna love this, im gonna dread playing against trickster on this map
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- It's RNG based, i had versions with a good amounts of pallets and some of them with few pallets;
- The amount of pallets is not the only variable to make a map more surv/killer friendly, there are still a fuckton of gens inside the houses and pretty far apart, making hard to apply pressure.
- Structures have still strong windows.
It feels way better for killers, i'd say it's pretty balanced overall, but can be challenging for some killers.
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Imo the house areas are still survivor sided, with good loops and nasty hiding places, while the corners and the road is killer sided with lots of open space and few pallets.
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I got an easy 4K with Spirit without even trying. I'm not sure if they even got a single gen done. In fact, windows was messing up as I played that match and was selecting other app windows, and I still destroyed everyone. I felt dirty playing on that map and having that easy of a time that in my 2nd match as Wraith I let 3 survivors go because it was a slaughterhouse.
Also, I found it laughable that I was able to down survivors on the other side of the fence with Spirit's main weapon (katana) when that would've never happened on the old version of Haddonfield, it's a completely broken map.
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You could hit survivors over the fence before
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No you could not because the fence was higher. The only way you could hit through the fence before was through special attacks like Pyramidhead's.
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I have 100% m1ed survivors over the fences on old haddonfield
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Yeah, I have to agree that the middle should really be re-considered. It is around 1/3rd of the Map and it is very open and can spawn with 0 Pallets (from what I have seen).
Maybe at least at some unsafe Pallets next to Cars and add a few trees on the sidewalks to act as hiding Spots. But seeing someone from full Map away is not good IMO.
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Maybe it was a bug when you did it because I tried a few times and always hit the fence and the rest of the times I played on that map, I had to go around. Everyone I ever saw stream the game as killer went around as well. That was the very point of the fences---to provide loops, which is why they had vault spots in the middle. If the fences would've been able to attack through, then the vault spot & fences themselves would've been pointless.
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You were 100% able to hit Survivors over Fences on old Haddonfield. But they needed to be close to them.