Rank Decay?

hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442
edited April 2022 in General Discussions

First of all, I understand not everyone has the availability to play all the time. This is just an idea to make red ranks harder to get and harder to maintain. Because right now, grades don't really reflect on your skill, they reflect on how much you play. You can play for 4 days right after the reset, and get to red 1 (which i have done in the past a few times). Also, losing more pips for underperforming ( in higher ranks ) would make it harder to get up to said high ranks and actually make those ranks mean something. Btw i know the hidden ranks on the post-match scoreboard are likely permanent.


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It was mentioned that something was in the works in the last Q&A. Why it isn't implemented with the introduction of SBMM is just another thing BHVR overlooked.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    depip is pointless if grades are time play good for you that you can get to red rank so fast some of us are not so lucky like me who played both role more then 4 days but still in silver on killer and just got to gold on survivor because the matchmaking sucks.

    and fact a lot of killers I main suck

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    That is like 80 pips. That is an insane amount of winning gameplay to reach in 4 days.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442


    yeah, having 4 consecutive days with nothing to do makes it pretty achievable

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    I don't understand why people say grades only reflect time played.

    Not really, if you suck, you will not reach red grades.

    At some point to progress upwards you have to beat the survivors and pip. And pipping gets harder as you play more and get better teams.

    I have 10 hook 3k games and still no pip. You have to win to reach the top.

  • Malicius
    Malicius Member Posts: 15

    I am about tired of trying to consistently rank up and to continue to depip each game because I get tunneled. Or I loop the killer well enough to not really do gens, so I don't get enough points for gen completion.

    Depiping should no longer exist. 0 and +1 are so close in red ranks it is very easy to depip consistently even if you are playing decently or just get a killer that isn't trying.

    Many 0 games last night simply because the killer quit and I didn't get to unhook or heal anyone.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I don't think rank decay should be a thing because your "rank" only serves the purpose of the blood point reward you get during resets. It wouldn't make sense to punish players for not being able to play a few days. The difference in rewards becomes pretty high when you get in the red rank area. I'm honestly fine with the pip system. You can lose pips still, but you no longer can go from gold 2 to gold 3. I find the pipping system much easier than what it used to be. Survivor can be a little tricky in iri, but having a few good games can at least solidify you to the next level.

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 156

    Exactly! I wonder if those people have actually played Dead by Daylight. I have 550 hours of game time in 3 months but I've never reached Grade Iri 1. Its just too difficult to play perfect games consistently to progress and I end up de-Piping which sets me back further. Most solid games do not earn Pips so you have to ensure that you unhook multiple survivors, repair multiple gens, escape from several chases, and survive the trial to earn a single Pip. Thats not easy to do against good or even mediocre Killers. I wish BHVR would make grades based on play time so I can finally reach Iri 1 and earn the most bloodpoints.

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    BHVR has a Korean mobile games/MMO mentality on this one. Even more when combined with the absurd farm in BP requested.

    "Want a little reward to help you farm ? So play a lot on the month."

    Already, I don't have that much to do and the possible depip beyond my control (especially by surviving) makes me want to play even less. It's already a long time to reach rank 1 for such a meager reward, but, besides, I can go back.

    I still prefer to spend all this time in another game that rewards me more for my investment.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    thank you for getting it.

    if we keep de pipping it not time played.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Its like the media using phrases they were told to repeat, once streamers on twitch start saying something, tens of thousands of their fans then begin spreading the same puppet phrase over and over.

    I have seen so many straemrs say "grades dont reflect skill, only time played"

    yeah ok, talking points from talking heads

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    The highest I had achieved as a survivor was Iri 4.

    And I don't even know why, because that was at the very beginning after I'd only had the game for 2 months and I was bad. Maybe the opponents were probably too easy back then because I was still a new player. Since then I have never managed to get back into iri level, the highest was always gold.

    But I can't loop, that has a lot to do with it. So I would definitely disagree with someone saying that anyone can achieve Iri if they play often enough. To loop well you need skill, not everyone has this skill to double pip constantly in higher grades. If, like me, you're bad at looping, you're very likely to be one of the first eliminated, especially when tunneling and camping is very popular. If you can't loop well, neither DH nor BT nor DS will help you to last in a chase and get a good amount of points . That means I feel lucky if I can get a safety pip, but pip constantly would be an impossible dream for me. xD

    That's why I think that players who manage to get into iri grades relatively quickly every month HAVE a certain level of skill. Especially solo players. In swfs it is often the case that a worse player can be carried by his team into Iri ranks.

    Sometimes if I play killer I see teams where red ranks playing worse than ashes.

    I was already on Iri 1 with Killer, pipping as a killer is also faster for me than when I play survivor. But I'm generally a better killer player than survivor player. Because as a killer I don't have to loop xD

    But also as a killer... the longer you play, the harder your opponents get, the longer and harder it is to get 3 or 4K consistently. I also see more and more safety pips instead of actual + pips.

    The only thing frustrating about not making it to Iri is the sweet BP rewards you're missing out on. Especially if you still have a ton of perks to grind. If only the grind would finally be fixed sigh

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2022

    Basically what OP what is the old Rank system rather than the new Grade system.

    I think this is because it seems more than half the player base still haven't grasped that Grades =/= Rank.

    Grades are a reward system for your game time, not a measure of your skill. It's precisely this reason that makes hiding the grades in the post game makes sense. A lot of players would just look at the other players, see lower grades and use that as an excuse to why they lost, despite them in actuality being at the same MMR as the others, no matter what they're grade is.

    I have a feeling people will maintain this misconception for the rest of days sadly. Or at least until we can get some visual representation of our MMR somewhere. Doesn't have to be an exact number, could just be an approximation to give people an idea of where they're at.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Umm dont force me to constantly play the game thankyou.

    Now mmr decreasing, that's something I can get behind. I haven't played some killers in forever

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Im almost an exclusive killer main, because i find surv boring. 80% of my playtime comes from blight and huntress. Pipping up as killer is honestly way less challenging than my experience with surv. Infact, I play so little survivor I have only prestiged one survivor, which is claudette. Also yeah the grind is quite tedious. Most of my teachables have been acquired through the shrine of secrets

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Let me correct the title: *GRADES

    (Thought you already got that, but later in you're text you talked about ranks again)


  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    ive always been confused on the name ever since they changed the way grades or whatever theyre called works

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited April 2022

    And so are 90% of the community, as long ppl still call it "ranks".

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Rank is the hidden number used for match making.

    Grade is what you see in the corner of the screen which is used for your monthly bp bonus. (What used to be rank system)

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    All you need to know is that Grades doesn't reflect skill, just play time. The Skill rating is hidden.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    i wish it wasnt so i could see if im actually decent or not cuz i cant tell

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168
    edited April 2022

    Yes, the grind is especially bad as a killer.

    I have a main survivor character (mikaela, but without COH, I´m not one of these :D ) and she now has almost all tier 3 perks that exist in the game. I think there are still 6 perks missing, after that she has everything you can have.

    But with killers it's more of a problem, because every killer has its unique power and you need special perks with every killer so that you have a chance. That means you have to grind these perks with almost all killers and the blood web RNG is HORRIBLE .

    And then BHVR keeps releasing new characters with new perks all the time and the grind just keeps getting worse.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Yeah, there are so many perks. If they could change the shrine of secrets to change everyday or have more than 4 perks in it that would help a lot. I've been trying to get iron maiden in my trickster bloodweb for almost a week now xd

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    Shrine of Secrets is just to unlock Teachables though, or did you mean you spend shards to get BP from perks you already have?

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    Im saying i want shrine of secrets to have more teachables than just 4. i have more than enough bp soo

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    That would be nice, but the other problem is the bloodweb and its RNG. Imagine you finally get the perk of your dreams in the shrine but then the blood web just doesn't want to give you that perk. You wait days, sometimes weeks. You get all ######### and useless perks in a loop but the one perk you want.... nada, the bloodweb says:" Well dude, ######### you ... I guess not ...."

    I HATE IT SO MUCH. There are so many killers where I have already the teachables from other characters for but still didn´t get them in their web.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I don't care about ranks or my MMR but if grades are time played we shouldn't de pip that not time played works

    how it should work is playing a full game 1 pip doing a lot 2 pip only time we should depip or safely pip it if you DC or get DC'ed

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    I feel like time played correlates with skill a lot anyway. If you play a game a lot you tend to play better, or you would think so. So ranks used to reflect skill and still can now in some cases. Iridescent grades tend to be good in my experience.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Agreed. It means nothing but time played make it zero or one pip and remove depip. Or go back to emblem grade system

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442
    edited May 2022

    its called april break bro im 15

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    Yeah. This is pretty funny. I always said that because it's partially true, but not true enough to remove it from view. If grades only reflect time played, then do just that--make the system truly that way, like Devotion, where it doesn't penalize you for not meeting criteria. Don't have a system where you have to achieve that criteria to rank up as if it required skill, because then that reflects what your skill level is. It might not be fully encompassing or accurate on true skill, but it was in place to reflect a certain skillset to be able to complete tasks, and it was all we had.

    I don't mind a type of pip system, but if BHVR is going to officially have a stance that grades only reflected time played, then remove the penalties associated with it. It's pretty ######### lame in that case.

  • Caruto_san
    Caruto_san Member Posts: 16

    If they don't at least fix the de-pipping at least change the requirement for pipping. I get nearly to Iri 3 but the consistent tunneling/camping, or not being able to do the gens/heals required has made it near impossible to progress. It's really demoralizing when you lose four pips in a row and start over again.