Who has(n't) got a lot of stuttering in the game since the last update?

It doesn't seem to be related to the machine.
Do you experience rubber banding since the last update?
What region do you reside in ? (Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America)
What kind of machine do you play with. (PC/console model)
If it's by time period: when?
I experience rubber banding.
Always but I play only during the night.
Haven't experienced any stuttering, but I have teleported backwards a few times, but that happened even before the update
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"It doesn't seem to be related to the machine."
Famous last words.
Start your journey here my son. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/153/master-fixes-and-general-guidelines
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I have had some stuttering as well.
Though the rubberbanding has been going on for some time now.
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I haven't been having any issues. I'm playing on a fiber connection though. Perhaps it is your internet? Have you tried to run a traceroute?
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PS4 pro (UK)
I get massive lag spikes when players are unhooked when I'm playing killer. That's all.
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Just curious op, but what cpu do you have?
I have been getting stuttering and rubber banding since the update. My cpu has gone from 50-60% usage to 80-100%
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No issues. Steam. Cross play off.
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I'm in the US and I haven't had any stuttering or the like at all after the update. I also use Xbox One, and before the patch whenever there would be a notification like survivors missing a skill check or someone uses Dead Hard, there would be a very brief moment the game freezes. This doesn't happen any more...or I at least haven't noticed it.
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Threadripper 2950x
64GB of RAM
RTX 2080
Only nvme 3GB/s storage, the one for games are not using the same pcie lanes as the one for OS.
I got a ping of 32ms on the server. I've also noticed in one occurrence, the other players had 60ms to the server, which is on the low side.
The game turns at 120fps even during the stuttering.
A wide range of machine seem affected.
ergo : In my opinion it's not the machine and probably not the connection. It's either all their servers, either region related.
Consoles vs PC may be interesting to know in case it's a problem of resource usage, which would spike more on slower machines but the location is the first candidate I'd like to isolate.
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lol with stats like that it can't be the machine.
I have notice a heap of funky business going on. Getting insane auto aim into walls and rocks. Had the game slow down when i went to hit a 175 ping console survivor out in the open, and it just made me whiff air without damaging them. i got stunned and then hit a survivor on the other side of a pallet (heard the hit sound after i was stunned). Perhaps they are fiddling with validation again?
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It's been running smoothly for me.
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I haven't had any issues so far.
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Survivor or killer?
I have no issues on survivor but the game borks on killer.
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It can be the machine. Many small things might go wrong even in powerful machines. Even dumb things such as seating, a loose cable or a process competing for exclusive use of a driver or dll can cause misbehavior in gaming performance. Also TR processors can be gimmicky to play with, as their many cores and threads aren't always handled optimally by engines.
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No problem whatsoever.
North America, but not USA.
Ping usually less than 60.
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Survivor and killer. I've played Legion, Sadako, Pinhead, and Artist so far and haven't seen any issues.
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Thank you, could you also give your region?
For instance, it may be only happening in EU, or not happening in NA but everywhere else.
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EU-West here. Netherlands, specifically. I know for a fact Otz, a Spaniard I believe, also has occassional rubberbanding.
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Yes, Otz is Spanish.
As far as I know there are only two centers in Europe and you are between both of them (a I am).
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Yes. I play in US eastern time zone on PC. This issue occurred very rarely for me in the past, but it’s far worse than ever before with this update. This is by far the most poorly optimized game I have in my library. My PC runs every other game I have just fine.
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Then it happens in the US too. I thought there was a pattern, I guess there isn't.
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I've had a bit more stuttering than usual, but nothing severe, just enough to notice a pattern. PC, USA Northeast.
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I have noticed it as I'm moving forward as both killer and survivor on both PS5 and PC. At first I thought it was a little strange but now it's getting annoying.
My ping is between 30-40ms, I'm moving forward then it does 3 quick stutters in a row and ends up moving me back a few steps. Exact same on both systems.
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Another hint it's world wide.
Yes, this is exactly that. What region are you in?
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I'm in the UK so I think I'm on EU servers.
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Major stuttering and can't get a stable *frame rate anymore. NA PC. Any word on a solution from bhvr?
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A bit more stuttering than usual. Enough to be noticeable.
On my first game since the update - my computer straight up restarted and kicked me out (I still don't know if that was a hardware issue on my side or not.) But I was low-key terrified the game had become too much to handle for my laptop.
Luckily, it works for me. Just noticeably more stuttering (I always have my graphics on Low.)
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Yeah I also have been getting this strange stutter/rubber band issue since this last update. It can be so frustrating. I jump/stutter in place 3 times and then it stop and I start running again. It messes me up so much ! I hope it gets fixed.. argh