Playing killer is impossible...
The current mmr system... complete bul......
I've got 900 hours and:
(killer) I literally cannot win a single game no matter who I play with, I always get players with 8k hours that loop the ######### out of me. Sweating my ass out just to maybe get 1k if I camp... This ain't fun, not at all
And when I play surv.... boy ohh boy..... I get either noobs that can't land a single hit for the duration of 5gens or complete tryhards...
Just play as the newly buffed Legion killer and you'll get a 4K every time, guaranteed.
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Legion really is not that strong.
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I'm maining Nurse / Spirit so.... yeah man
And my skills... I'd say I'm pretty good at the game as long as I get survs that are on my level aka not tryhards / comp players / sfw's
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And yeah, now you might be saying " nurse / spirit are hard to play with / master " and I know that...
That's why I play hag / freddy / trickster / wraith too sometimes but man...
And another thing that I'm 100% sure you'll agree with is that gens are too easy to do rn, 3gens in the first 3mins.... that kinda sucks ngl, and sure, you could run perks like corrupt to slow'em down but as soon as corrupt goes away, they're gon pop like butter
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Also, I never said that my skill ain't a problem, it is, that's why the mmr system is supposed to put me with players that are on the same level as me, it fails to do that.
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Hours mean nothing. I have seen plenty of 3-4k+ hour potato's. I had a prestige 3 legacy Dwight (legit too, checked his profile) in my game the other day.
He was running up the ante, slippery meat, and 2 other meme perks I forget when I checked his build at the end of the game
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Ran 5 games against Legion yesterday and the Killer scored a 4K in every match. I noticed that you can't hide, loop, vault, or Dead Hard away after the buff so Survivors have absolutely no advantage whatsoever. The last Legion game the entire team got slugged in under 2 minutes! Its ridiculous.
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I faced a swf last night. Tried playing cleanly, got hits and downs but it didn't work as they had a flashlighter who was on to me every time I picked up. I then tried slugging, didn't work as they either flashlighted me on pickup and/or saved the other, they also occasionally layed at the base of a pallet for a stun. Tried sticking them in the basement and that didn't work as they followed me down and took turns bodyblocking hits as they left. Tried face camping with 1 gen left and 3 survivors alive, didn't work as they got a last ditch hook save as grab didn't work, did a hook switch and repeat, tried to tunnel but that also didn't work as they had BT. I then tried to tunnel the next one off hook and it did work, I downed him ...... then he used DS 🤣
Genuinely played off a script 😑
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I will agree with you on this one, but, if I mentioned'em, it means that they were indeed juicers.
I'd much rather get some survs that are trying to have fun / meme than tryhards tho
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Sorry. Legion still isn't that good. xD
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HoW dO wE kNoW that's YoUr PrOfiLe?
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Sure but I have seen 300-400 hour players who were way better than ones with 3000-4000. It just depends on the skill level of the player.
I don't think you are going to garner much sympathy by saying you are maining the strongest killers in the game. The mid-tier killers are perfectly viable against all but the sweatiest SWFs. And even the lower tier killers can still pick up a 2k.
In fact you might get better results playing a more straightforward killer. I find killers like Nurse / Blight exhausting to play after a few matches. Whereas someone like Bubba / Clown I can play for hours because they don't require such precise inputs for every single damage state.
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I'm not trying to flex with the fact that I main those two killers, I just replied to that guy saying that I use weak killers.
I find playing with nurse easier because you don't need to destroy pallets, chase normally etc. But... tbf... kinda stopped playing with her because as you said, it's not fun.
And another thing, the pip system... boy... Just had a 3k match with the hag, didn't tunnel, didn't camp, played pretty well and guess what, no pip
Red grades do be hard to grind