Any Ideas for a New Killer Perk Type?

Since the scrouge hooks are rather dissapointing, if you could create a new perk type what would you create?
For me, I would love a perk that interacts with status effects, like making those that are oblivous all ways hear a fake TR or survivors who are exhausted move slightly slower.
Any more ideas?
I don't really have any killer perk types in mind, but I would like to see more killer perks that activate as soon as the match starts. Like lethal or corrupt.
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Here's an idea:
Corrupted Glyphs.
Essentially a perk that only becomes activated if the killer finds a glyph and activates it - then the perk is on until survivors find the glyph and 'close' it.
What's the difference between this and hex perks? 2 things:
The gyphs wouldn't be static, they would move around the map and the killer would know where they are at all times whereas survivors would only recieve periodical information (if any at all) on their whereabouts.
They also wouldn't be gone after being closed once, the killer would have to reopen it, so to speak.
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Early game gen slow down that gets worse over time.
Something like -40% gen progress at the start but reduces every time a gen gets completed. So like 40-30-20-10-0. By the time you're down to your 3 gen the perk is dead and doing nothing. Numbers can be changed but you get the concept. Strong early, useless later.
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An anti-gen tunneling perk. Something like each time a gen reaches 50% progress it gets blocked for 30 seconds. This can only trigger once per gen.
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That + Deadlock would be so annoying
I like the idea tho
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I would love a perk that adds a new objective honestly. It wouldn't be necessary, but like hexes if it's left alone it can be damaging. Maybe gets progressivly stronger as the match goes on and it's up though. And if it's gotten rid of it can be brought back with an action by the killer.
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Another early game gen slow down.
At the start of the game all gens are blocked. Each blocked gen has a hex totem lit for it. In order to unblock a gen you have to break the corresponding hex totem for that gen.
This basically means at the start of the match you'd have 7 hex totems lit on the map.
It would take basically all the totem slots though so it would prevent you from running any other synergistic hex perks as well as a downside. So you couldn't run like Retribution or ToTH with it.
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there is only 5 totem spots. you would only get 5 generators blocked at most. This is what old undying kinda was with ruin, except you didn't need to break the totems to do generators, you only had to do it in late game if 3 gen or be good enough to survive 80 second chase to finish last gen.
the generator slowdown idea is good but I feel like DBD used to have a working % slowdown perk in sloppy+thano but than threw it away b/c of complaints of freddy. now both freddy is completely worthless and those perks are pretty weak. SC Gift of pain is also really bad as a result of that.
Scourge hook perks honestly have really good effects(except for Gift of pain), Its just a shame that you only get 4 of them. It would be nice if it was 6 hooks instead of 4. they're a bit too... unreliable....
I think Corrupt+Dead man switch is as good as killer are ever going get when it comes to slowing down generators to be honest. The only type of early game perk that I could see killers using is a perk that grants exposed for like first 60 seconds of the match. that would make survivor more scared to work on generators and it would be really strong pairing with lethal pursuer for early game downs. Other than that, I don't really see any other early game perk that killers would really use beyond classic gen defense.
I don't see bvhr improving killer perks more than what they are now and I don't see any future killer perk being strong. I don't know, it just feels weird.
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I always wanted a Hex that made two bots identical to the killer run around the map - running at survivors that careening past them.
They'd be invisible, but they would have a small 12m terror radius.
When a survivor sees your aura, they also see the aura of the duplicates.
Whenever a totem is cleansed - the clones have a 32 meter terror radius and appear to all survivors (Never the killer) for around 30 seconds.
If the totem that was cleansed was this one, after the 30 seconds, the copies disintegrate.
Nothing massive, but it would really throw some survivors off, even veterans. Wouldn't even be OP - no more or less than Tinkerer or anyhow.
Regardless of everything - at least it would be interesting instead of the same boring number games of generators being blocked, survivors having speeds reduced, and auras being revealed.
Just the joys of pandemonium.
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For an overall “type” of perk, I’d propose “Psycho” or “Phobia” perks! These are perks that affect a survivor’s mind in some way. Perhaps there’s a selected Psycho each game, just like there’s an Obsession, which can sometimes change.
Below is s a perk idea just off the top of my head.
Psycho:Hemophobia - the overwhelming terror at the sight of blood causes the Psycho survivor to be unable to heal other survivors.
If injured, the Psycho becomes so obsessed with stopping the bleeding that nothing else matters. Upon injury, the Psycho gains the haste status for 14/12/10 seconds, but can NOT stop running forward after the haste expires. To stop running, the psycho must interact with a Clotting Glyph which is only visible to the Psycho, and only within 6 meters. After this interaction, the Psycho must heal within 3 minutes or else the bleeding - and running - begins again. Though still injured, there will be no pools of blood after interacting with the glyph.
Perhaps this should be like a hex where the status can be destroyed, but perhaps not. What do you think?