Anyone Else Feeling Like Ghostface Got... Nerfed?
His addons got a small buff (he's still got a lot of terrible ones) but the changes to his Reveal mechanic make it way harder to keep your power up.
The 'extra window' for revealing means that frequently I'll start to get revealed, immediately duck into cover and thanks to latency, I get revealed - when before the change I would have stayed concealed. It honestly feels like if there's a survivor looking anywhere in my general direction, I get broken out.
to be fair, it was really annoying having a ghostie 2 feet from you but you couldn't expose him because he crouched next to a barrel for 0.1 second and it reset.
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I never really had a problem with it - in that situation it feels like the correct counterplay should be just to run.
The issue is that he was a lower tier killer even with that bit of jankiness - sometimes it would cut in your favor, sometimes you'd get revealed by fresh air.
His changes feel like they come out at a nerf, which can't be intended.
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What's real annoying is that Ghostface is on the weaker side of killers and they took his counter(which was already easy) and made it even easier.
Now is it not only 100x easier to expose him, you also don't lose progress if you somehow ######### up the new reveal mechanic.
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It definitely felt way easier to reveal him as survivor. While I appreciate that they did make it a bit less clunky I feel like they almost made it too good and it should’ve been somewhere in the middle.
But yeah I agree besides some of his addons I don’t think his changes did much for him at all. Legion got a lot more love.
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I don't see how you could call it anything but a nerf, trying to chase people with that wash cycle ringing in your ears.
But in all seriousness, yes. His addons are better, but I can't call the changes to his mechanics anything other than a nerf. Increasing the marked duration doesn't mean much because you typically shouldn't be marking people at points where they can have a prolonged chase; sneaking up or 99ing and then popping right behind someone is much more effective. Marked survivors being unable to reveal him - I mean, yeah, you can't turn around and stare at him during the chase (assuming he didn't just instagank you and dismiss his own cloak, which is the ideal Ghostface scenario), but Ghostface isn't going to be stalking other players while he's chasing your marked butt, so it doesn't really matter that much other than giving other players a better idea of where he is. But again, because you're marked, you're a more appealing target than most other survivors you might stumble across. Meanwhile, it's considerably easier to bust him out of cloak while he's stalking you, and that's massive considering just how powerless Ghostface is against aware survivors, especially comms. Now he doesn't even have the ability to pop in and out of cover to finish a stalk. He definitely needs more love, because the changes didn't address his problems (except the 'only one line of my addons is remotely useful' one.)
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Weirdly, I don't mind the new tune. It can be a bit grating, but it's nowhere near as bad as the 'nyooooorrr nyooooorrr' of the Trickster theme (dammit but I hate facing Tricksters).
His addons are a weird mix. Some are good, some are bad, some are worse than the originals.
It feels like most of the attention went to Legion, sadly. Frankly, I liked Ghosty better as he was, in all his janky glory.
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Overall I was a little underwhelmed with both killers changes. It's infinitely more easy to get a Mori with Sadako than it is to get close to a 5th hit down on Legion against good survivors, and GF gets revealed through keyholes and or survivors have ring cameras set up on every map (I honestly have no idea how much worse it's been since the update since I outright don't play this killer).
I will say overall I have more fun with GF now because he has some funky add-ons, but he's still very weak because his gameplay style is weak, and it's weak because no killer without anti-loop or a power to slow the game down in any way can possibly be good.
He needs to have the single strongest M1 stealth style in the game, reveal should be like the afterthought the condemned mechanic is on Sadako, because survivors shouldn't be able to take away his only power so easy if he doesn't even have a passive, and they do it with absolutely no risk because he has to stalk longer than Myers to get an expose but the survivors get a notification in seeing they're exposure status.
It's actually made me feel pretty pessimistic about any possible buffs/reworks going forward. I'm just starting not to care anymore, it's gotten to a point where any change is either meaningless or a backhanded nerf, aside from Nurse and Blight which make absolutely no sense.
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Absolutely a nerf. Only one stalk speed add on which barely does anything. Way too easy to be revealed. Some add ons are better tho. For some reason they nerfed the crouch speed add on. Still useless either way but sometimes I did a crouch only meme build. But now for some reason they nerfed it by 3% speed. When previously his two add ons made it 11% now the single is 8%.
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They don't buff. Every "buff" as of late has been little more than a QOL update. they improve some things while taking away others to keep them in their place.
I guess they don't want another wraith and freddy. Still terrible killers but can stomp bad players so they get dumpstered. Give back wraiths lunge!
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The problem will always be with GF that if you’re an average player you can very quickly get drawn into a match where you don’t even use your power and you’re just in constant chases trying to m1. Especially if survivors have good awareness/spine chill. Once people know it’s GF it’s much easier to reveal him and god help you if you’re playing a coordinated team. All of this is an individual skill problem, a power design problem and a gen speed problem. It’s not a good combination.
Generally I find that if the initial couple of stalks go well then you’ll be fine. But if you lose your power early due to some BS reveal and gens start to pop off it’s gg ez.
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I think he's healthier to play against but he undeniably got nerfed.
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He got two strong basekit buffs, and literally every single addon he has got buffed. He's got exhaustion addons now and wallhack addons and you're still complaining? The reveal changes are just a quality of life thing, it's really not that deep, just expose them or hide better if you don't want to be revealed. If the survivor is looking at him and he is out in the open he deserves to be revealed, that's how his power is designed.
I swear killer mains will call anything a nerf even if it makes them 0.00001% weaker. Ghostface undeniably got buffed, this is like saying the dead hard fix was a buff because it works as intended now. No it doesn't lol
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He still is the worst killer in the game, that's for sure.
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tbh I played a few matches with him and got way more stalk downs than ever. I cant say what and how reveal/stalk got changed but it felt better. I also like the addon changes (although legion was a bit more lucky than GF)
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Yes, the Dead Hard 'fix' amounted to a buff.
Two strong basekit buffs...explain? The marked duration is basically irrelevant, because he's not designed to mark and then have a long chase.
The issue is that the 'reveal' thing means that now, if a survivor looks at you - even if you duck back into cover you'll still often be revealed. That's a huge nerf, considering that Spine Chill is now a perfect blanket hard counter to him.