Fellow Survivors, What Type Of Team Mates Piss You Off?

PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
The type of team mate that pisses me off is when they walk to me or crouch to me instead of running to come get me while I’m dying on the hook, plus with the fact when they know that the killer isn’t even near.


  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2018

    Exactly what i was about to comment.

  • iOrangeStain
    iOrangeStain Member Posts: 81

    Hey, let's work on gens when our teammate is dying. Sounds good?

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    I think it's all been mentioned here;

    • Players who snail walk/crouch to a hooked survivor who is close to struggle phase or death, even when they know the killer is nowhere nearby
    • Three survivors staying on a gen while someone is on a hook
    • Survivors who try the 4% first time they get put on the hook near the start of a match
    • Unhooking someone mere seconds after they have been hooked
    • DC'ers
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042

    I think it's all been mentioned here;

    • Players who snail walk/crouch to a hooked survivor who is close to struggle phase or death, even when they know the killer is nowhere nearby
    • Three survivors staying on a gen while someone is on a hook
    • Survivors who try the 4% first time they get put on the hook near the start of a match
    • Unhooking someone mere seconds after they have been hooked
    • DC'ers
    lmao, don’t forget the ones who hook rush and use the person they’re getting off the hook as a shield so they won’t get hit.
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042

    Silas said:

    Survivors that hold you to ridiculous obligations. For ex: Down to the last 2 survivors and Michael in Tier 3 is facecamping your teammate on the hook but if you don't attempt to save them = rage message.

    We've all had it happen to where we're on the hook and, even though the killer leaves us, our fellow teammates are too scared to come for the save. It's annoying but in the end I still don't get mad. I didn't pay for their copy of the game so let them play it as cowardly as they want. At that rate, even if I die, it's likely that I rake in more bloodpoints than them. But I still sure as hell wouldn't rage message them.

    Yup. Completely understand. I gotten a camping Leatherace on the Jigsaw map, he brought in any ebony mori, and literally all he did for the entire game is hook someone and then sit in the corner with insidious and wait for someone to come unhook them just for him to use his chainsaw and mori the hooked person. Then It was down to me and one person who was on the hook, and while he was sitting there camping, I found the hatch and stayed there until they died, and then all of a sudden I get a message pop up on my screen from the Leatherface saying “COME GET THEM, TF.” I sat there and laughed for a minute straight because it was so childish.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    When teammates don't use their surroundings to figure out where people are. It is crucial to know where the killer and some survivors are at all times or at least know in the general area of where they are.

  • notdeadyet
    notdeadyet Member Posts: 4

    Most annoying teammates are the ones that don't attempt to save you on the hook when you're on your first hook and the killer is patrolling but it's clear theres an opportunity to save without both of you being downed (I literally manage to not get hooked all game often and then end up dying on my first hook because my teammates are too scared if they hear a heartbeat)

    Also yeah ^^^ when your teammate decides to DC if they've been downed like once

    ILOVEMYSUPERDOG114 Member Posts: 45

    how ochido

  • RATT
    RATT Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    Well, I mean, it's not like I can't handle these things, or that I salt up the post-game chat or anything, but since we're talking about it. There's a few.

    ‣Survivors who Urban Immersion up to a hooked survivor who's dangerously close to reaching struggle tier.

    ‣Survivors who think that if they BT you, they "can't" sandbag you.

    ‣Survivors who haven't been hooked yet, who won't take a hit for someone else when the person being chased has already been hooked twice.

    ‣Survivors who run away from the generators after every missed skillchecks, or every half a heartbeat. Especially if it's almost complete.

    ‣Survivors that are really good, but run DS in higher ranks. Eg; Legitimate legacy players, 1-3k hr experienced players. (With the exception of rank reset, run it all you want at rank reset)

    ‣Survivors who rip you off a hook when a potential mori was put in, and the killer hasn't left the vicinity yet.

    ‣Survivors who die early on, but stick around to rage at one specific player.

    ‣Survivors who can't identify killer perks. BBQ, Nurses, etc.

    ‣Survivors who can't identify killer addons fast enough. Tombstone Myers, Insta-Hatchet Huntress, etc.

    Then you have the rank 20's (I'm referring to the actual new players, or the very inexperienced), who hide in lockers, can't stop failing skill checks, run into the killer, walk or evade everywhere, who take you off the hook and run away instead of healing you, who aren't sure what's best for the team to secure a win.

    Buttttt, I don't mind any of these players, because a lot of them are new and still learning. I just felt like I'd throw that in there, because new players exist, and annoy many other players unfortunately.

    EDITS: Grammatical errors.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018
    The Loopers who tea bag the Killer and Loop them all game. They keep the Killer busy all game and do nothing but taunt and troll them. I get stuck play Gen repair simulator for the whole match. 
  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    DC survivors...

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    • Survivors who can't repair a generator, while others are being chased. If I manage to run the killer around for a while and zero gens pop, there's something wrong. Also applies to the few immersed idiots that can't open an exit gate while it's right next to them, despite the killer literally being on the other side of the map.

    • I don't expect anyone to be able to run the killer around for the whole game, but it seems like there are far too many that go down in less than 15 seconds.

    • Those that unhook asap. There's a fair chunk of time before the struggle phase, feel free to let the killer go far enough away, hell I don't even care if you wait til I'm about to go into struggle before you save me. As long as you save me before that and not immediately. Doing it asap is as good as just letting me go into struggle. There's also a special place in hell for hook farmers.

    • Those that won't leave a gen to unhook. I've had games where I've literally been one hooked, despite the killer finding and chasing someone else.

    • People that kill themselves on the hook, especially if someone is going to save them. Exceptions if you get a lag spike and it doesn't recognize you're still struggling. It happens.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2018
    1)I’m surprised no one mentioned those survivors that are all waiting at the hook when the killer is camping it’s like you realize you can get 3 gens done for him camping right?! 2)the ones that loop the killer around me while I’m hooked 3) (if playing against a hag) those survivors that run after you unhook them and trigger the hag traps while she’s not chasing anyone. I’m like did you not see those when she trapped you smh.
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Forgot to mention the survivors that literally give the killer a 3 gen strat
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    @Deaky said:
    People that expect me to save them when my survival comes into risk, aka the killer is camping or something. 

    Especially when its a chainsaw killer, tier 3 Myers, or no one escapes death is in effect.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287
    • Survivors that will blame the team instead of themselves for losing.
    • Survivors that run No Mither. It isn't fun at all. If you're going to do a genrush build, use SC and Resilience and 99 yourself instead of running No Mither with Leader and Bond.
    • Survivors who throw down fifteen pallets in a single chase without even looking to see if the killer is in hit/stun range or not. I'm not saying "loop the killer for every single pallet!" but at the very least don't screw your entire team by using every pallet on the map in one chase.
    • Survivors that act like OchiDO.
    • And lastly, every other kind of person people have already mentioned.
  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118

    I hate the ones who try to make the killers stop chasing them by bringing them to other survivors. Come on man, don't do me like that!

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    The only ones I truly hate are the ones who loop the Killer near me while I'm hanging on a hook, and I end up dying on my first hook because noone can get in the save due to Survivor Big E-peen playing ego builder within 8 meters of the hook. Run AWAY from the hook if you're seen!

  • Silas
    Silas Member Posts: 307

    @PinkEricka said:
    Silas said:

    Survivors that hold you to ridiculous obligations. For ex: Down to the last 2 survivors and Michael in Tier 3 is facecamping your teammate on the hook but if you don't attempt to save them = rage message.

    We've all had it happen to where we're on the hook and, even though the killer leaves us, our fellow teammates are too scared to come for the save. It's annoying but in the end I still don't get mad. I didn't pay for their copy of the game so let them play it as cowardly as they want. At that rate, even if I die, it's likely that I rake in more bloodpoints than them. But I still sure as hell wouldn't rage message them.

    Yup. Completely understand. I gotten a camping Leatherace on the Jigsaw map, he brought in any ebony mori, and literally all he did for the entire game is hook someone and then sit in the corner with insidious and wait for someone to come unhook them just for him to use his chainsaw and mori the hooked person. Then It was down to me and one person who was on the hook, and while he was sitting there camping, I found the hatch and stayed there until they died, and then all of a sudden I get a message pop up on my screen from the Leatherface saying “COME GET THEM, TF.” I sat there and laughed for a minute straight because it was so childish.

    Ohh Leatherfaces sure do love their Insidious. Lmao... what did he expect you to be like "okie dokie, omw!"

  • Najemniczkas
    Najemniczkas Member Posts: 88
    "Farmers" or just simple braindeads - people, who unhook you in front of a killer, giving him free hit + hook.
    Same type of people, that were mentioned before - 3 people doing gens, noone getting to save you OR when someone is being chased (got hit or even downed far from you) and the other guy/s just sit there on the gens.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    The unsafe hooking Starbucks Claudette’s, you know the ones. 
  • StalwartXX
    StalwartXX Member Posts: 80
    Anyone who instantly unhooks me. Double hate for the ones who unhook and then body block your escape.

    BP hogs can be annoying. When I'm running in for a save and someone burns their sprint boost to  get there first.

    People who need healing but stand in narrow spots that prevent them being healed. 

    The DC/AFKer

    And lately, SWF groups of two who bodyblock me into a corner or generally act a nuisance
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    The one that "loose connexion" the second they get downed.
    They get bonus point if they are the first to dc in the first minute of the game, stay the whole 5 or so minute the game last to thrash talk the killer in the end game chat.
    And yes it happen more time than you can believe.

    Post edited by Dragonredking on
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    I generally tolerate all types of survivor playstyles but the only survivors I can't stand are the ones that run Decisive Strike with good perks and some disconnectors. Decisive Strike is an acceptable crutch perk when run with Laurie's other perks as she needs an escape perk as she is vulnerable all game. When run with Sprint Burst and Self-Care it is just ridiculous. As for disconnectors it all depends on the situation. If you actually lose connection or something came up in reality that demands your attention than leaving is alright in my eyes. If you leave the match because you don't like the killer or are having a bad game that's just pathetic. Loopers aren't fun to play against but as long as they don't cheat or actively seek the killer I honestly don't mind them. 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    When you're with 1 teammate left and he camps the hatch instead of finishing that last gen and you die because of it. I always lure the killers towards them

  • hill_o
    hill_o Member Posts: 56

    @makayla said:

    • Survivors that will blame the team instead of themselves for losing.

    Yes so much. I'm always blown away when I get into a post-game chat with someone who loses their stinking mind because "I threw the whole match!!!" by not playing the way they thought -I- should have played. Like well, you died and I lived, and you chose to rush the killer and the hooks when people were thrown on them, and I chose to do generators, so really it just sounds like your choices got you killed, not me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    The survivors who think hatch games might be a possibility. So they refuse to do any work and wait for everyone else to die whilst a either urban evasion around the map or just camp the hatch. The amount of times we have been screwed over because some people were too afraid to get on a gen and instead of just waiting for hatch
  • ArcaneMantis
    ArcaneMantis Member Posts: 29

    So far its the survivors that don't even attempt to help anyone else and then ALSO end up dying
    D/C of course
    I mean I hate to sound like THAT guy but the ones that consistently miss skill checks just make me 0_0. I understand missing overcharge shots or stuff like that but really? just a normal skill check? that gap is HUGE how the hell are you missing it so often?

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    I hate ones that farm you off the hook. Happens all the time. Or if just 1 person is working with the killer.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @ArcaneMantis said:
    So far its the survivors that don't even attempt to help anyone else and then ALSO end up dying
    D/C of course
    I mean I hate to sound like THAT guy but the ones that consistently miss skill checks just make me 0_0. I understand missing overcharge shots or stuff like that but really? just a normal skill check? that gap is HUGE how the hell are you missing it so often?

    I used to miss skill checks like crazy. Let me tell you why: FPS issues. My skill checks used to be all over the place & I could never predict where I'd have to start my hit from skill check to skill check.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Those who kill me.. a.k.a. unhook when the killer has eye-sight of me.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184
    edited June 2018

    The legacy teammates. I apologize to anyone who is sensible that uses legacy skins, but every single one I've been teamed with act like the scum of the Earth. They love to troll, exploit, disconnect, and say really disrespectful things in the end game chat.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    The doing gens while someone is on hook is reasonable because you need gens to escape and you can get them after without them dying/going on second stage. I hate teammates who teabag it's just sad.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    1. People who can't do pass skill checks regularly.
    2. People who insta hook me when the killer is nearby without borrowed time.
    3. Body blockers
    4. People who bring a BNP and we're at 5 gens still with two people dead.
  • whyareyoutunnelingme
    whyareyoutunnelingme Member Posts: 35

    I hate the hatch campers. HEY I UNHOOKED YOUR SORRY ASH TWICE COME GET ME!!
    Then they start t-bagging on the hatch, and I tell myself "NEVER. AGAIN." and then... I do it again :(

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    This kind... but only if it’s not me.

  • Cecaelia
    Cecaelia Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2018
    • I absolutely hate WGLF farmers, def during bloodhunt. I'll farm those guys with the killer's support relentlessly.
      (You would be surprised how many killers are willing to let you sandbag people that obviously sandbag other allies. No idea why they let me/others do it but I adore killers that tunnel/let us farm sandbaggers.)

    • Survivors that think you need to save them when exit gates are powered and NOED just downed them.

    • Survivors that lead the killer to injured allies.
    • Survivors that are injured that run the killer back to the hook and then unhook you without BT.
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    That one that DC, when downed, are the most despicable S bags seriously'. It's guaranteed to be a loss if they do that at the start, leaving you with 5 gens to complete, if another person DC again with the same reason it's gg

    There are also some idiot survivors that doesn't save you from the hook despite the Killer chasing and hurting another survivor...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Only survivors I hate as survivors are rats. The ones trying to farm with the killer and come point you out or body block. They are cancer.

  • ToxicTapp
    ToxicTapp Member Posts: 63

    @iOrangeStain said:
    Hey, let's work on gens when our teammate is dying. Sounds good?

    If you are at a point where you can finish the generator before the survivor reaches the 2nd phase or dies then go ahead and finish it.

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:

    • Players who snail walk/crouch to a hooked survivor who is close to struggle phase or death, even when they know the killer is nowhere nearby

    Why waste your SB when you can be saved before you die or reach struggle, unless they actually do die or end up struggle phase then yes they are annoying.

    But overall I hate the survivors that unhook you immediately when its Freddy.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Flashlight discolight survivors! Those that intentionally annoy the killer which makes it worse for all. If the killer is being an ahole then fine but 9/10 its those flashlights blinding them just to annoy.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    @ToxicTapp said:

    @iOrangeStain said:
    Hey, let's work on gens when our teammate is dying. Sounds good?

    If you are at a point where you can finish the generator before the survivor reaches the 2nd phase or dies then go ahead and finish it.

    @Dwight_Fairfield said:

    • Players who snail walk/crouch to a hooked survivor who is close to struggle phase or death, even when they know the killer is nowhere nearby

    Why waste your SB when you can be saved before you die or reach struggle, unless they actually do die or end up struggle phase then yes they are annoying.

    But overall I hate the survivors that unhook you immediately when its Freddy.

    Screw your sprint burst. That can regenerate. A dead survivor cannot.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    From a killer main's perspective it's gotta be the dcers. Generally speaking, unless the survivor team is being a bit of egregious pricks, I'll let up a little bit on hooks until they get caught up on generators. If MULTIPLE people dc then I farm a little and let the survivors go on their merry way.

    Seriously people who dc just don't give a crap about how what they do affects their team which is truly saddening. I've had MULTIPLE matches where, if that one guy had stayed, I would've been trounced.