Why is Dead by Daylight so unintuitive?

The inventory menu is just awful. There are perks scattered around in 7 different pages and it's hard to find what you need. Same thing goes for addons, items and offerings. This becomes increasingly difficult because they're adding more content that means more survivor and killer perks.
Everything feels so unorganized and counterintuitive. Why not make a tab that shows all the exhaustion perks? A tab that shows perks that affect gens? A tab of anti-healing perks? It doesn't make any sense not to make it easier for players to find the stuff they need.
Not everyone wants to remember all the names and images. They just want to hop on and play the game. They want to select things fast so they can play a match or two. Some people have jobs and barely play this game, they start the game and stopped playing Dead by Daylight because they spent most of their free time searching and selecting items and perks they want.
BHvR is a small indie company. They are trying their bestest.
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Getting to know inventory, menu, items etc is integral part of any video game.
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With like 850+ employees??
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Yeah idk what they expect. You go into any popular game that has been around for many years and there is going to be overwhelming amounts of stuff to learn. Imagine going to League as a new player right now? With like 200+ characters and 4 abilities per character.
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Whats more intuitive than alphabetical order? Having 5 or 6 categories to always swap between? I dont think so.
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Time for them to say in the next QnA that making a search bar for perks is 'just too technically difficult'
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Its too big a game with too brittle a base.
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They used to be, not so much now
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they are not indie dummy.. they are Qc ( québec )
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yep, A small business is usually 50 or less employees.
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I think adding search-bar would make it better.
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Given benefit: Aura, Heal, Movement, Gen, Chest...
- Check Healing category: Botany, Desperate measure, Solidarity,
- Check Aura category: Distortion, Empathy, Saboture (hook aura), Wakeup (gate aura)
- Check Exhaustion: DH, Lithe, Sprint burst...
- Check Boon: say no more.
I suggested this for a long time. Having more options always better than having not.
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YES! God please add this already
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They're trying their best alright, by picking their noses for gold.
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I mean.. You can see how much they care by looking at the forum. I'm pretty sure everyone already gave up at this point since it is the same as shouting @ a wall.
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Behaviour is not as small as it once was. They have been working on DBD for 6 years now (not including design pre release). It should take less then a month to add a search bar option for PC. Its attitudes like your which is why it took them 5 years to add a colour blind option. Which they only added (not because they needed too) but because a viral video went public of one of the developers, scoffing at a question about a time expectation for said feature. It is not difficult, they are lazy.