The new Legion is an INCREDIBLE improvement, and people need to stop whining.

The Legion in their previous state felt really sad to play as, the 4s stun being the worst offender, with their lack of lethality being a close second. They felt robotic and same-y for both parties. This is a significant improvement FOR BOTH SIDES.
The stun change makes you feel like a lot more of a menace, and cranks up the enjoyableness of the killer massively. The 5 stab reward always has you keeping an eye out and be way more excited about huge chainstabs. The speed increase helps that a lot, while also making the legion feel more intense as that potential 5th stab is coming in. The addons offer a mad set of variety, and in general i went from finding legion incredibly boring to play, to putting him in my top 5 most enjoyable killers.
Now instead of mindlessly mending straight after getting injured, depending on the situation not even getting off of what you were doing in the first place, you now need to CARE as surv. Regardless of the buff or not, you were always gonna mend 7 times against a legion, thats not only baked into his kit, its baked into his core design. The only thing that changed is now you have to be mindful, which makes the game more intense and immersing IMO
The "Problem"
The sentiment i got from the forum hermits is that the main gripe with the new legion has less to do their buffs and changes but rather the fact that they appear more often. They are not overtuned compared to other killers at all, a half decent nurse will still slap your soloQ experience harder than will smith at the oscars. I believe the mending game is simply getting tiresome. Similar to the way people complained about Blight Nurse Blight Nurse Blight Spirit Nurse Blight nurse before.
Since the sheer amount of legion mains will die down sooner rather than later, I think the best move Behaviour can do now is to keep him in his current fluid state.
Nobody is crying. It is just stupid to get punished for your teammates mistakes.
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That is an issue of DbD as a whole not just legion.
Think about how many times you were farmed to death by teammates or teammates luring the killer to you.
The biggest enemy of survivors is usually other survivors due to the game's design.
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Playing survivor is all about getting punished for your team mates mistakes. That's why you play as a team as survivor. If you're not a team player or your team mates are not team players than yes, that should cost you the game.
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It's simple really. If you can't bully the killer means its too op. that's the survivor's logic
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Not to the same extent though.
I think the most punishing for your teams mistakes would be Plague, Pinhead, Oni, Myers, Legion. Key difference being that for all of them except legion, you can still use hiding as a strategy. Which is core to DBD as it is fundamentally a hide-and-seek game.
You get Legion on a small map and if your team is crumbling you just die by default too. Why is a killer who is that strong getting completely uncounterable wallhacks on me up to like ~60meters(!!!) with addons?
Which in a game with as unbalanced matchmaking as DBD has is pretty infuriating. DBD isn't a game where you can carry a bad team, even if you are an amazing survivor the killer can just decide not to chase you and that's that. Hiding is really all you have when your team is being massacred and having that taken away too is a game killer for me. You could be the best looper in the world and it won't matter at all. I don't like losing games with no input from myself whatsoever which is why I am not playing survivor until nerfs come through.
Other games you can simply play better and win, DBD is not one of those games.
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Not working with your team is a key feature.
Why do you think we have perks like this? And from a very recent chapter too?
DBD is not a team game, not in solo Q. It can be, but typically devolves into a free-for-all once people start dying
There are lots of team games on the market and DBD is hardly one of them unless you are playing in a SWF
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I stopped playing survivor.
Only will play again if Legion nerfed to ground.
This is a killer main forum, they only play survivor in 4 SWF, so they have no idea about game balance
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Lol the only people who complain about legion aren't good at the game anyway and anyone who could bully him before more than likely still can now that really hasn't changed
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Isn't that the point of being on a team? If one or more of you ######### up it should affect all of you?
It's basically like being a group with people that are not that smart and have an assignment and instead of trying to teach your group how to do it you go to ask the teacher to make the questions easier.
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Well, some of us find the Mend Simulator rather dull to play against, but that isn't the same complaining about an op Legion, which of course does not exist.
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That's always been a complaint about legion though, I personally don't see what the fuss is about I haven't had an issue beating him, my guess is people are salty they're getting caught by the exposed hit but I mean if you really get caught by that did you not deserve it? You saw dude running from a mile away with frenzy and everyone else in deep wounds and still let him get enough distance to down you lol I'd say that's an awareness issue with some people who just aren't caring about the game anyway in other words they aren't sweating or trying.
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The thing is legion has the killer instinct because otherwise there power wouldn't be working like it's supposed to. They are designed to damage your team and slow you down like that. The new down with the fifth hit is really only to counter the fact that m1 killer are to weak. And you can still loop legion pallets are still super dangerous to them like before it's just you actually need to stun them.
There are just aspects that destroy our ability to hide. Plague has an addon that makes it basicly impossible to hide while your infected and you are 90% of the time. Docs power makes hiding impossible and even demos power can screw you.
In the end I think the changes to Legion where good and needed and I am happy they didn't completely reworked them like many people demand now because that's always super sad for the mains. From my own experience play the new legion I would say they are at a good point now and still far from being super strong but they are definitely harder on solo q then swfs but that's a general problem not a Legion problem
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Thats a war cry hehe
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Except it really is.
You can run selfcare left behind every game and hide for the most part resulting in a hatch escape 60% of the time probably. What it will do 100% of the time is f### over your team, since you never bothered to do a significant amount of gens.
Self preservation is one of the worst perks in the game, fast track is also in the bottom half. Why? They are tailored a playstyle that just doesnt work. The way you beat a killer thats even mildly camping is to go for exchanges, somebody who gets tunneled often needs a prot hit, if theyre deathhook and you havent gotten hooked once, you even want to go down for them.
Aside from ds, no non chase perk that is actively selfish has ever been meta. Meanwhile: BT, prove thyself, well make it, boon coh, wglf, for the people, etc are not just viable but strong survivor perks at the HIGHEST LEVEL OF PLAY. And even in soloQ those perks are still very, veeery powerful
While the games description is very odd, the way mmr is calculated solidifies that the devs dont consider hatchhunting a valid playstyle. Only eg escapes count towards your mmr. Hatch escapes are more like a draw.
Playing selfish is possible. Just like its possible to attempt to escape on hook. Can lead to an escape, sure, But nothing to consider viable at all.
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Only in SWF you can play as team.
But sure, since solo nerfed to ground, I only will play in SWF
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Define play as a team.
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Team is 4 (on comms) vs 1
Solo is 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1
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You never actively play against your mates, you always, even in soloQ try to play as a team. You go for exchanges when the killer is camping. You try to take hits when the killer tunnels. What makes comms so much stronger is that all of that can be quickly coordinated and efficiency on gens isnt sacrificed, but if you dont do any team fundamentals as soloQ surv, then thats probably the primary reason for your diminishing success.
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Wraith gets buffed, more people play him
People complained
Wraith gets nerfed, less people play him
"oMg NuRsE, BliGHt, nUrSE, BliGHT every match"
Please I hope devs learn from their past and not the same thing again to Legion, thanks
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I think the problem with Legion is that he scales poorly with MMR. When killer and survivor are both very low MMR legion destroys the survivors. It's not until high MMR that this changes. Unfortunately for Behavior this isn't great for business. Ideally, the killer would be fun and challenging over as much of the MMR range as possible.
There is a silver lining for them though, is if a killer is overtuned, they will climb the MMR ranks and the lower MMR folks will stop seeing them. Assuming the MMR cap doesn't just make it so everyone is matched against everyone.
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Threads on this forum prove otherwise.
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can we plz not kill Legion with these thread they in really good place now.
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There is probably one thread of complaining, while ten threads of "stop complaining" exist. I dont see any issue, than again some killer made up issues.
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There have been numerous posts in countless threads such as: "Legion is like nurse now" theres like 3 nerf Legion threads on the forum this morning alone. You can pretend no one is complaining, but it is all I see.
Not to mention, in my legion games this morning,, DC after DC. Forums reflect in game misery ;)
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How did solo get nerfed though? I still escaped 3 man at least before and after legion patch. Issue only happens if my teammates become too altruistic when killer camps or tunnels.
If you are talking about legion buff, just wait out a few days if not a week and legion wont appear often anymore. Legion is just decent killer, and hard to play it with, people will get frustrated of using legion after a few days and stopped using him altogether. The hype about the huge change will eventually dies off and changed back to mostly nurses and blights and occasional other killers.
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This. I don't know how many times i almost depleted a legion, only for some moron to finish their mend and pop out in front of him in a panic, causing me to eat the 5th hit.
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Survivor mains, survivor mains everywhere 😂
But then again I am a survivor main myself, ironic isnt it that I am on killer side LOL
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Bad plays by your team is part of the game and not exclusive to Legion.
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I'm pretty sure as soon as the community realizes that there are still killers much stronger than Legion, they'll be asking for a Nurse or Blight nerf again. Don't worry!
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It's a team game!
If your team-mates don't do gens, or don't get saves, or don't distract the killer, you're gonna get punished eventually.
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I think the Legion buffs are nice, but not really influential enough to make them enough of a threat still, mainly due to map design.
Even Legion's best addon combination, Never-Sleep Pills with Mural Sketch, pales in comparison to the power of Survivors just pressing their W key (like, for real, Pyro mains would LOVE DBD).
I think Legion, even with those addons, is still at best a high C Tier.
However, they feel great to play now! They feel way less sluggish, and I have to thank BHVR for that.