blights inconsistencies in collision.
When playing blight, do you like or not like the inconsistencies in collisions. because im not very good with the killer so these annoy me quite a lot but then i see it quite a bit from the community that it is what seperates the good and bad blights, being able to know what is slippery and not slippery. personally i don't like that because for example the shack, i can somehow get around the whole thing in one blight rush or 4. i also feel like this applies to making the interactions unfun for survivor too. is the blight gonna have to outplay me around this rock loop or building or is he going to slide around the whole entire thing. im just wondering how others feel on this.
its annoying till you get good and then its a god send in most cases atleast
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Some of it's annoying, some of it is really fun. Butter shacks are awesome and can make getting hits there trivial sometimes once you know how to hug tech
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i have been getting into hug teching, feels really good when you hit a smooth one on a loop that was hard to get around. ive found that swamp and ormomd are pretty bad for collisions.
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Swamp are some of his worst maps. There is a Blight main called Lilith omen I have been watching since he has thousands of hours purely on Blight and generally seems to know what he is talking about.
I found this video super helpful when I was dumping all my points into him recently. To make sure I bought all the right offerings, he has an addon one that was very useful as well.
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Well I don't really watch the gameplay as much as the guides.
It's your typical happy-go-lucky entertainment stream from what I have gathered; where everything is great and there are no bad plays and he compliments everyone he kills etc etc
So basically completely detached from reality in the name of getting more viewers but that's nothing new
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Collision is very consistent. Blight's bump hitbox is from around his waist to his shoulders, so if objects stick out too low or too high, then Blight slides on it.
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Ehh..... swamp and shelter wood stumps would like to disagree. Even some huge rocks would make you slide. Even his most consistent collision which would have been the collision used before midget blight got patched wasn't the best gameplay wise. And that's the collision that would allow you just flick your camera into a wall to force yourself to bump.
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The wood stumps are consistent too. If a certain wood stump sticks out too low, then Blight will consistently slide off it, assuming Blight rushes into it at the same place and same angle. Some objects only have broken collision at certain angles, at the places where a part sticks out too low or too high, without some other object sticking out at mid level. This is why some shacks have butter collision where the short rock wall is, but certain parts of those rock walls might have real collision, if something like a wooden board sticks out above it at mid level. Some of the broken collision objects are difficult to notice if people aren't paying attention. For example, some basement stairs walls had a very small horizontal board near the floor, which broke the collisions for those walls. And there were V-shaped trees, where the trees themselves had collision, but if you rushed directly where the two trees meet at the V-shape, then you could slide off because where the two trees meet was too low for Blight to bump off of it.
Blight's bump hitbox should just be extended to his entire character, so that it easily fixes all these problems.
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If it was truly consistent then the whole "look down if you wanna bump on short objects" would work better. It's sad mclean left before he could really finish that mechanic. Also you can bump into those stumps even when it seems like the part you're running into seems more caved in.
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I still don’t understand that whole thing. The dev announced the new look down mechanic, and said Blight players should be really happy because it allows them to choose what to bounce off of, but it was broken day 1, and wasn’t even remotely working correctly. Was it working when they were testing it? If it was broken during testing, he could have just mentioned the parts that were working correctly.
And I think we were also told the coldwind reworks were supposed to fix his collision issues on those specific maps, even though it only took me about 10 minutes to create a list of broken collision objects on those reworked maps. And if I remember correctly, that was the patch that introduced butter shacks, and how did that get through testing, if they were really trying to make the reworked maps better for collision?
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There aren't really any inconsistencies lol. A good blight can bump or slide whenever they want by looking at the wall or looking downwards so it's not really something that hurts him. If you're asking if "hug techs" are fair than no obviously not, but the sliding really isn't a big deal. Without the sliding he might actually be a fair killer
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General rule of thumb : if an object touches your legs first, like bases of trees or small rocks, youre more than likely to slide off of it
if an object touches your chest /head first or if its a flat surface, you will usually slam into it
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That is not true. There are some large rocks that stick out too high, and some tree branches that stick out too high, and Blight will slide on those objects because they collide with Blight’s head, which isn’t part of his bump hitbox.
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Yeah blight isn't always gonna be 100% consistent across all objects
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Blight is intentionally designed with sliding in mind as a mechanic, and it makes chases a lot more skillful as and against him because it gives more depth and mindgaming possibilities.
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Post edited by _Pun1sh3r_ on0