Nurse Range Add-ons are Removes Her All Counterplay

Break LoS and make her guess, so she can not take hit with second blink.
Make mind-games for confuse her.
Only way counter Nurse is this but those add-ons removing her all counterplay. Because even second blink gives her enough distance to catch you if they have range add-ons. Those add-ons needs to go. Her base-kit already strong, she does not need any strong add-on. All her add-ons should be between mid - low
Not sure about all counterplay but a lot of it. Since juking a blink doesn't really buy you any distance. I won't mention how they are still bugged since hopefully that will get fixed.
I think another big thing about them is that with monitor they can allow her to blink on gens from outside the terror radius, which is pretty cheesy. Tinkerer nurse can do that as well but range + monitor nurse can just do it on every single blink.
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I went against two nurses this morning. The addons weren't much help once I broke line of sight. (0k and 1k). The one from yesterday didn't do much better (1k) but she was on cooldown addons.
If the nurse doesn't know where you are, no range will help her. Besides, if she guesses wrong she'll get punished hard.
If I'm playing Nurse and I get stunned by a survivor (DS, pallet), range addons aren't really helping. A simple blink is usually enough if I know where he is. If he managed to escape tracking, range addons will not help one bit.
Also, if the Nurse is using a range addon to blink to you, you can hear (and see) her focusing her power. You can change direction while she is about to blink (but you need to be good enough to know the blink distance she has charged) and then when she corrects and releases you change again : she will be royally F* and will have to try again (after eating yet another down time)
Range addons are more useful to traverse the map and maybe do a grab someone from outside the 32m range (hard to do).
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go out of your comfort zone dude. killers already in misarable place and only 2 killer are making good impact on survivors which both are hard as f*. if a nurse or blight managed to kill you they played right and earned that kill.
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How about you just get good instead?
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They're utterly broken. I already made a thread about it a while ago
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nurse is weak she a weak killer she needs a buff buff nurse
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yeah they're dumb, i dont know how anybody could think that range isnt insanely strong lol
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It doesn’t, but they’re still bad designed regardless. It doesn’t affect the second blink.
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Doesn't affect the second blink but I think they are fine most good nurses win with or without the addons, most bad nurses still lose with or without the addons. Sure they can help but they don't 100% decide the game for the nurse thats still up to the nurse themselves and the survivors
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Not all of her counterplay, since they don't affect the second blink the 50% of her counterplay is done off of the second blink. You could argue that it makes it harder to set up the counterplay on second blinks, but range also opens up the opportunity for super late double backs on the first blink.
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Not all counterplay, but they are too strong regardless.
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i've made a lot of comments and a discussion on this, and the general consensus from dear killer mains is "get good" absolute topkek material.
to those who defend nurse's range addons because she's the "hardest" to master, the contradiction is amusing hahah
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Do you think Nurse's range addons make her 2nd blink travel a longer distance?
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3 blink/omegablink addons are just stupid tbh
But those addons exists cuz bad map design
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Yeah, I'm just gonna get good against a character who defies the game's fundamentals.
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Yes, this forum is killer biased as hell
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Nurse needs to be revamped. Disable and revamp. Along with Bubba.
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How about you learn how to discuss and then start write on forums?
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I did not say that. First blink gives her long distance and then she has enough distance to catch you with second blink. Hope it is clear.
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She doesn't defy the fundamentals.
She still has to travel. Her power comes with a weakness/downside. She still has to protect gens, avoid obstacles, etc.
Why are you making it as though she completely ignores everything when that's clearly not the case
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Because it's impossible to discuss with someone who posts nonsense like this:
Only way counter Nurse is this but those add-ons removing her all counterplay.
Really? All her counterplay? All!! As in, there is literally nothing you can do? Nothing at all? Any mediocre player can pick up nurse, equip those add-ons, and expect an easy 4k??
Yeah... I didn't think so.
When you learn to discuss without resorting to unfounded hyperbole, then we can have a discussion. Until then, just get better.
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Nurse has pretty boring addons, and these are her strongest next to recharge time. They're also bugged right now to increase blink speed, which makes them far too strong.
I'd reduce their ranges to 20 and 10, fix the blink speed bug, but then also rework most of her other addons. Maybe nerf recharge too. Very many of them are useless meme addons that are basically detrimental, a lot of room for interesting reworks.
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Light me what is her counterplays? Please teach me her all counterplays Mr. Just Get Better
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It honestly does remove the already small counterplay Nurse has. Do the predrop pallet playstyle and hold W/run away? boom, she blinks on you. Try to cut LOS? She will simply blink to where she last saw you then blink onto you with her next set of blinks. Remove her Range Addons, BhVR.
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I'm not exactly sure why she needs the 3rd blink addon
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She doesn’t. It wasn’t a problem before because it sucked with the LOS restriction. Now it’s just straight up bad design.
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This enitre thread shows exactly why this forum is a complete waste of time.
The range add ons are broken but it's NOT because of the distance they give her to blink.
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I think you just need to get good. The fact that Nurse still struggles at top level really turns your argument to 💩. “Her base kit is already stong”. 😅 What about survivors three lives a piece, not including their multiple second chances that turn that into about 10?
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Nurses play against themselves. You're just there to hold W, try to "mind game", try to duble back etc. It still doesn't matter. If they Nurse is experienced there is no counterplay other than repairing gens. And if it's solo queue against any experienced Nurse, just call it a gg because there is absolutely nothing you can do.
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Which is why experienced survivors that are equally as good regularly average a 2 person escape even against good or god Nurses.
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Ah yes, that made up survivor everyone talks about but nobody actually has in their matches, ever.
I have yet to see a single person here, actually prove any claims they make about "I win most of my matches as solo against God Nurses lol get good"
The last time I received video footage of consistent good performances of people who play solo and claim "lol its ez" was... never once.
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Wow, it's almost like MMR does not consistently give even-skill matches.
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Any mediocre player can pick up nurse, equip those add-ons, and expect an easy 4k??
I mean yes... absolutely. thats what the addons are for - to let mediocre players feel like a god heh
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But it... does not?
Also, are you that famous God-tier survivor who plays solo and wins against God-tier Nurses on a daily basis, or are you one of those who "see a lot of those survivors, but in my case I'm not that good myself. But I see so many of them constantly. They're everywhere. Don't ask me for any kind of specifics or proof though."
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There are no such things as "God Nurses". I've been called that by survivors many times. You know how I call that? "I got lucky this time Nurse" or "I'm having a good day Nurse".
It probably stems from the same principles as the survivorship bias, but in reverse.
The Nurse is having good and bad games, and once in a while a great one.
The survivors getting her when she gets all the good reads and never misses a blink imagine somehow she does it in all her games.
I went against 4 Nurses these last 3 days. I've survived them all, "solo". Among the others, there were one or two kills, total. How? All my teammates were hard to predict and not wasting any time. One that almost got me as it took me two chases to understand her. I'm not saying I would survive a game against Supaalf but I'm having less than half his game hours.
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If you want anyone to take what you say even remotely seriously, you should probably offer actual meaningful evidence.
Anyways, I've linked a post where I've already explained nuances of MMR and its relation to skill matchups as well as examples of where genuinely good players of more or less even skill play against one another in a non-tournament setting. If you are curious about tournament settings where some of the best Nurses and best survivors in the world face off against one another, feel free to ask for that as well. Spoiler, she averages a 2K there too, and drops to below 2K average when all restrictions are removed.
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I stopped playing I think, maybe 2 months ago (I have been taking more and more breaks over the course of the last 2 years, they just get more and more frequent over time) and I actually counted the number of Nurses I got. You said 4 Nurses over 3 days. When I played consistently, I got 8-9 Nurses a day every day for a period of 5-7 days (for as long as I played). I don't know the times you play and your area, but every single match was exactly the same. All the time.
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Lucky you. I'd love getting against more Nurses 😮.
I'm playing survivor during the afternoon and until the queues start to grow. Then I switch to killer.
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So the answer to my question is no. You can't provide any personal experience as evidence. The videos you posted can't be applied to the average match, because it's a very specific setting with the players involved representing an absolutely ridiculous minority.
Apply all of this to solo queue and this all gets thrown off the window.
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It's actually extremely boring, because there is no match to begin with. Match starts, you hear 1 blink, someone gets injured, 10 seconds later goes down. Starstruck. Hooked. Proxy camps. Someone else goes down instantly. Sometimes there's an unhook. They get tunnelled out. From there I repair maybe 1-2 gens, have a few chases in while nothing gets done. Anyway, 90% of the time it ends the same way. 4k with 3-4 gens left. From the type of killers I get I have to assume my MMR is fairly high, but I can't tell for sure.
You can tell by my ddb stats (tho IDK how accurate this is) I'm not exactly new.
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Most solo players are not good. Not good players against what will probably be a good player is... very obvious, hopefully.
Which is literally why BHVR is working on closing the gap between solo and SWF by giving solo more information on what teammates are doing, for instance.
Still waiting for the evidence she overperforms.
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I would love to see those games actually. I can perfectly judge if the Nurse is experienced or not.
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Still waiting for your evidence she overperforms.
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You can check through my post history, I've mentioned quite a few. Mainly break LOS, be unpredictable, don't do actions that lock you into animation (i.e. drops, or close vaults), exploit the fact that she can't cancel a blink, use terrain/obstacles to your advantage (i.e. force her to make a perfect blink to get you), etc
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Then, care to explain why she's at the bottom of the table with regards to kill-rate if it's that easy?
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Theory is great. Do you perhaps have video examples that showcase your mastery?
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Do you have evidence that backs up your claims?
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Distance addons don't affect the 2nd blink. They did two years ago but not now. Thats because the distance addons increase the charge time not the distance to charge ratio.
The 2nd blink has a fixed time window to charge the blink negating any extra distance you could gain from the addon.