Would you rather go against a new killer or a killer that is way above your skill? (read dsc)

Mint_ Member Posts: 52

POV: you just loaded into a match as survivor and the killer seems to be new. im talking about completly new to the game, just downloaded from epic games, has no clue how to play, no previous expirience. You obviously destroy this poor kid in loops and get flashlight saves after flashlight saves.

In your next game you face a really talented killer that knows how to loop and mindgame and basically obliterates your entire team at 5 gens. but not before you have some good chases and really tense situations that truly challenge your abilities, but still get humbled.

Question is: in which game would you personally have more fun?

Would you rather go against a new killer or a killer that is way above your skill? (read dsc) 18 votes

sweaty game
musstang62ValikAwkward_FiendSuzuKRsteponmeadirisTurtleSushiTVThatOneDemoPlayerIcaursJaviiMiiSoundchaosBredSlayerMint_ 12 votes
new killer game
F60_31darkcloudlinkshinobu149GarlicRiceUlamagicmooman 6 votes


  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    sweaty game

    Mhm. The situations arent really comparable, imo. In the situations you describe I would opt for the one above my skill - but it has nothing to do with the skill (or "sweaty-ness"). I wouldn't flashlight save after fl save and loop a brand new killer in a way thats bordering on bullying. -- On the other hand I don't particularily care if I escape when I had a fun match with "good chases and tense situations".

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    sweaty game

    Way above. I can learn from what better players do.

  • Mint_
    Mint_ Member Posts: 52
    sweaty game

    well thats kinda the point. i might have explained it badly but its basically asking if you would rather have a challenging match and lose, or an easy match and win. (sorry for bad wording)

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542
    sweaty game

    Some players play to win, its just a fact. I may want to play less competitive, however there is nothing wrong with wanting to play to win. However when you play against players way bellow your skill level, all you are doing is dominating a match, its fun to an extent to see how far you have come, but its not really a match.

  • Mint_
    Mint_ Member Posts: 52
    sweaty game

    i agree with you on that. i personally find it more fun when i can focus on things i could have done better during a chase!

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    sweaty game

    It never feels good to destroy children.

    When I get paired with newer killers that have absolutely 0 clue on what the weather is, I do what I can to go easy on them and give them plenty of chances... unless they start camping or BMing.

    The sweaty game may be a bit harsh - never fun to get outclassed by an enemy - at least I can learn new things, new techniques, and accelerate my intentions of growing as a survivor player.

  • BredSlayer
    BredSlayer Member Posts: 4
    sweaty game

    I would rather learn from someone who is better than me than rock a noob. It's fun to loop noobs and show them how to be a killer, but sometimes they are so bad it isn't even possible to do that.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    new killer game

    If its a new killer I will be nice to them because people survivors can be rude asf like let them enjoy the game and show them the ropes

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286
    sweaty game

    I had been wondering if you had meant something along those lines.

    Most people probably enjoy "progressive overload" - with emphasis on the "progressive". Cause that's the only way to really advance. Make it challenging - but not too challenging.

    If it were between "stomping a new killer and they don't get a chance to do anything meaningful in the match" and "getting stomped by a seasoned killer without getting to do anything meaningful myself" ... that would be qually bad. Tho. I might opt for the new killer then. It would be boring - but it wouldn't p*ss me off as much after the third time in a row 😅