Home Sweet Home: Survive

ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

Is anyone else excited for It on thursday! It looks so fun the new killers and all the stuff they reworked look really good. The trailer was Incredible!


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Could you at least leave the link to the trailer or something? Now I gotta search for it ;)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890


    I have literally no idea what was going on… like… it’s probably not 4v1 anymore but?

    good thing they are moving away from being a blatant DbD clone i guess

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
    edited May 2022

    That trailer looks cool as hell but I don't really know what this all means. I stopped following the game a couple months after it initially released due to the gameplay and meta getting kinda boring, so I don't know what else happened between then and now but hey, I'm always willing to give any asymmetrical a chance if there's something new. Only thing is I think a lot of the player count dwindled out and the game was mostly dead as far as I know, unless a bunch come back

    Edit: I watched another video on their steam recent announcements from April 28th and it showed some gameplay that kinda looks the same as before, just with different characters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stdZ10oCVa8 I know the other one is a cinematic trailer and everything, but they seem pretty different so either the rework comes after (and they posted something that doesn't show the rework for some reason) or there isn't really a rework

    Edit 2 Electric overused joke: Basically the video on April 30th implied some kind of 4v4 or at least something more combat focused, at one point a killer defended the survivors (and died instantly but still) and then 4 killers showed up like they were on a team, but in the one on April 28th it showed gameplay with 1v4 and people doing rituals (which is the old objective) they both say "OBT2" at the end, I'm kinda confused

    Yet another edit: this video that came out like 11 hours ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrYk9jqly6Y also shows 1v4 and people doing rituals so it doesn't really seem like they've changed the formula. Honestly was hoping for a change but eh... well at least it'll keep me entertained until Evil Dead comes out

    Edit 500: I found a video of some random dude talking about the changes, so there actually are some changes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOXbb7bdI34 sounds cool

    Post edited by Jacoby2041 on
  • Linado
    Linado Member Posts: 40

    yap, the trailer was rly good