Anniversary - Stranger Things Return?

May 27th = Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 Release Date
July 1st = Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2 Release Date
May/June = Dead by Daylight Anniversary
Chances of Netflix getting real greedy with their favourite cash-grabbing franchise (one of the only things keeping the streaming service going rn no doubt) and creating a short-term deal with BHVR to launch a mini Stranger Things return window?
They've collaborated with Far Cry 6 recently, so clearly they're not keeping their license too close. SMITE will have its skins return and Fortnite will more than likely feature the crossover skins again soon. It just makes sense marketing-wise.
Like... why wouldn't it come back, if even for a short time only?
Not sure which company is more desperate at this time for new revenue/retained users. Probably a pretty close tie.
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Kinda true. I feel like they could both benefit from this deal right now, but both can also be pretty stubborn so...
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Depends whether or not their Candy Crush reskin has been profitable or not.
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The Far Cry 6 collab was announced 10 months ago, which means the deal is likely even older than that, it was just a deal set in stone it does not mean they collabed recently.
skip to 59 seconds.
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I had no idea that this was announced so long ago. Still, with a new season on the way and Netflix going downhill, it does make sense that they'd want to start opening up again.
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Ugh - I hope not. Hawkins was one of my least favorite maps to play and I’m glad it’s gone.
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Possible but maybe they put Eleven as a Survivor.
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Kids as survivors in a game like DbD wouldn't go down very well at all, but I'd totally be down for Joyce and Hopper.
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It's not coming back. Netflix is currently looking to monopolize their licenses for their push into their own gaming service and considering they lost a boat load of subscribers recently they are gonna want an astronomical sum to help make up their earnings shortfall.
DBD is popular and all, but almost everyone who wanted that chapter has it now and its gonna be really hard to profit off of something people already bought.
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Nancy's like 16 so it's not that unrealistic.
Also Laurie is 17 in the first Halloween movie.
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Not a fan of Hawkins but the more maps in rotation the better. I don't like the fact that most new chapters are no longer getting new maps.
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I want PIE.
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I hope there are chances of some kind of renegotiation.
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Hey the petition is at 28.812 right now.
Maybe Netflix takes notice. They are trying to reverse some damage that was done lately.
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All survivors are 18+ or 18+ versions of those characters. So whatever version of Nancy we have is at least 18. Was confirmed by BHVR a long time ago.
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I mean you can say that but we literally know the ages of most of the licensed characters lol
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It was officially stated by BHVR. The entity can pull survivors in at any timeline though, so their age doesn't depend on the game or TV show/movie they originated from. A good example of this is Cheryl, she was taken a while after the games took place
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I don't really care if you believe that so go off lol
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Ok? I'm talking about what's official. Not what I believe lol. None of the survivors are underage
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So if in the series the character is 16-17 and on lore is describing what happened on the serie ( ive never watched it but I suppose lore is based on the episodes) how on hell that character is gonna have 18
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Exactly. Just make 18 year old Eleven then. Easy peazy.
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It would be nice but I wouldn't blame BHVR if they were hesitant about it even if netflix offered considering they've been burned once before I'd probably try to negotiate for much stricter terms for the deal so netflix can't just pull out again the next time they feel like it, that alone probably makes it unlikely.
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I love the idea that having an under 18 survivor would be so terrible, yet they're on a show where they're under 18 and constantly being attacked and that's totally cool.
It's almost like it's only a big deal if you feel like making it a big deal.
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Best example currently is Yoichi. I mean.. you really can’t argue he is the same age as in the source material..
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This is true. If we don't get a Stranger Things return around July 1st, I think we'll most likely be waiting until Season 5, though. It's a shame, really, but I hope it comes back one day.
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We’re not getting strangers things back ever. When licenses leave they don’t ever return to that game.
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So that's why SMITE's Stranger Things crossover skins are Exclusive rather than Limited? In SMITE terms, skins with an Exclusive label will make regular appearances in the store for purchase. If this was not the case, they'd be labelled Limited.
Companies make deals and they come to an end at some point, but it doesn't mean that they can't be renewed in the future. It's a live service game, literally anything could happen with their licenses.
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Actually she's 18 already and so are the other kids because we've waited like three years for the new season look it up
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Millie Bobby Brown might be 18, but Eleven, the character, is canonically 15 in Season 4. There will be a time skip between Season 4 and Season 5, so it's likely that she will be around 18 in the final season.