Stop villainizing survivors because you lost

I play both sides but the number of threads from killer mains complaining how most of the survivors are toxic and the only thing they are facing is bully full stacked meta swf squads who will deny you a single hook is getting ridiculous, it's literally the only type of discussion here.
I completely understand how awful it feels to get bodied by a team who will then rub it in your face, we all have been there but people who play killer are just as bad, because it's not really about the role, it's about people feeling the need to make other people feel bad.
Yesterday I was playing solo and I was playing with a random 3 man squad against a mending simulator and after we got 3e they asked me to play with them, after a while one of them left and the rest of us decided to play with no mither. and meme around
We got into a match with a pretty bad spirit - since NM gives you no pools of blood and a nerfed iron will it actually works against her but you just have to not greed pallets that much they were super lost and we managed to smash all 5 gens with 4 of us still alive. The spirit got the 4th rando in the basement and we knew it's either 3e or we all just die, 2 of my new friends came there and got downed and I was standing at the 99 gate and was just screw it, I came to the basement and willingly gave myself in, it was a fun match for us since all of us got some good chases.
After the match the killer started insulting us, writing gg ez and how we are trash at the game because we lost while on comms ( I was not on comms with them).
THe person legit threw a fit even tho they 4k'ed and were playing against 3 No Mithers as effin Spirit, it was so embarrassing that I legit laughed out loud.
Killers are just as salty and awful as Survivors because it's just humans being petty they lost at an unbalanced party game, so please do not take it that serious.
Us vs them.
God this forum is unbearable sometimes.
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I agree, one of the worst aspects of games in general is people never lose because they played bad, its because reasons. Obviusly when they win its never because reasons, its because they played well.
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how about, players stop villainizing other players just in general?
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I villainise teammates and maps. Hardly ever the opposition.
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Inb4: the spirit player was actually a toxic survivor main attempting a spirit challenge and failing.
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"Please don't assume all survivors are evil because you were bullied once, because clearly all killers are evil because I was bullied once."
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And when survs go out of their way to message people after the game after being toxic in it, and even when they escape, even when you "don't tunnel and camp" we're supposed to not "villainize" them because someone else said so? Got it....
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It goes both ways. We shouldn't point fingers one way or the other and say that it's a survivor problem or a killer problem but rather a "people don't know how to act" problem.
If you're a survivor main, you'll encounter more toxic killers and assume that the killer side is more toxic. If you're a killer main, you'll encounter more toxic survivors and assume the survivor side is more toxic.
Speaking as a killer main myself.
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Survivors are the only ones I run into that are routinely salty and sore..... winners. They all escape for one reason or another but then feel the need to be insulting in the post game chat.
It seems like whenever I have a bad match and I only get zero to two out of four, someone feels the need to put me down or be insulting just out of the blue for no reason.
I typically do not see that with Killers when I play survivor.
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I mean when 4 survivors can bring 4 busted perks that pales in comparison to old ruindying with 2 other slowdown.... yeah ima say something.
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If I could give your comment a million likes I would.
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(I play both sides as well) The only thing I “villainize” survivors for is waiting at the exit gates so they can teabag you before they escape. That’s childish and unnecessary toxic behavior. Everything else - the same meta perks every match, abusing broken loops and map layouts, using comms, etc - are all things that BHVR has built into the game to make the game less fun and competitive for killers. Survivor players should be able to use whatever is available to them in the game without being criticized for it. It’s the devs’ fault for most of this, not the individual players.
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And the killer can bring 4 busted perks and most killers have at least 2 busted add ons
This goes both ways
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I generally don't always play my best but even when I do just to lose to 4 people insta running at the slightest hint of my terror radius making me spend 20 seconds JUST for 1 hit then spending at least 50 more because DH for distance..... Yeah I don't really think someone played better than me in that situation especially when I'm playing something like clown where he has mediocre speed and decent slowdown that's really only good for antiloop.
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Ehhh both ways for blight and nurse. Not really the rest of the killers.
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Win or lose I've had people say some of the most horrible stuff to me in the past and I've watched the sort of stuff that still gets said to other people and all I can say is this:
Both sides can be toxic trash, but the side with 4 people tends be more inclined to say the wildest stuff as they are emboldened by the fact they are getting backed up.
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I like it when an escaping survivor teabags me at the exit gate when the only reason they didn't die is because I deliberately chose to go after someone else just to be polite after they were unhooked, or I downed him just because we happened to run into each other and then left them slugged because they were just unhooked a a minute ago.
I wish I had bloopoints for every time that made me roll my eyes.
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I mean if you think the Survivor meta perks are 'busted'
Then yeah, it is the case for the rest of em
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Can you please tell me which for Killer perks if run in tandem are the powerhouse equivalent of four survivors running Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, and Unbreakable?
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Exhaustion which buys a lot of time, unbreakable which prevents you from snowballing, coh which prevents an entire playstyle, bt which buys a lot of time, deli which lets your teammates sit on gens until one starts a chase then get yourself off hook to work on a gen.
Overall killer meta has nothing on this because of the fact that most of the survivor meta has no earning requirement but are still powerful. Mostly all killer perks have that unless its ruin, corrupt, deadlock.
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DH and CoH (yes, still) are certified busted. Can't really think of others. Even NOED, as obnoxious as it is, is a risk to run. Unless the killer never manages to land a hit, DH is gonna bail someone out of their own misplay at least once every single game.
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This game just attracts too many sensitive types that take things too personally in-game and can't handle the pressure of either role they're in IMO.
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There aren't any, of course. It's no accident those perks are the most commonly run in the game.
There are powerful killer perks of course, but there is at least a decision making process when determining which perks are going to be the best ones to run in a given situation.
With surv, I know that the best build would always include DH, BT, and DS. I never run DH and DS, and I know that usually puts me at a disadvantage relative to my own teammates.
One of the biggest issues with DBD is that while there are tons and tons of perks, there are really only 20ish that are good enough to run consistently (if you really want to "win"), and maybe 10 or less if you're playing surv. And that's a game design issue.
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do i need to break out the horrific messages i've gotten?
I don't villainize Survivors as a whole, but its hard not to sometimes.
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Exhaustion perks def buy a lot of time but its not like killers dont have perks at their disposal which buys as much if not more time
Slugging isnt the only tool at your disposal to start snowballing, and even then an Unbreakable play rarely turns the game around
CoH used to deny the hit n run playstyle, how ever the recent nerfs have DEFINITELY had an impact. Just setting up the boon to get a heal is wasting 37.33 seconds and thats not taking into account walking over/finding the totem. Not to mention if the Survivor is interrupted at ANY time during this, all that time is lost and worth nothing. That time could of been spent fixing 50% of a generator. Its definitely not as strong as people make it out to be. (Not saying its not a strong perk, its just not broken)
BT can easily be bypassed by going for the savior, which the only time youre going to be encountering the perk is if you were near the hook when the person was saved
Deli has a requirement and a pretty sizeable downside, its pretty fair.
Comparing that to the killer meta nowadays which is probably Corrupt/Deadlocked/NWY/NOED or Rancor. Giving you free slow down with basically no effort on your end.
Both metas are not only viable but frustrating to deal with.
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I don't think it's sensitivity per se, I just think much of the recent generation of gamers (*old man shaking fist at cloud*) just feel entitled to success, and need to assign blame when it doesn't work out in their favor.
It's why the Soulsborne games are so decisive; some people just cannot reconcile with the idea that games (or opponents in a game) owe you nothing, and that you are primarily responsible for your own gaming failures.
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I think when you play a dozen games and in almost every one of them there's someone clicky clickying you or teabagging you, or just in general being toxic, regardless of how much you just say "Heh, they're so silly. But that doesn't bother me because it's just a game" It's going to make those killers just.. play like scumbags or only play high tier killers.
Both sides can be pretty petty or terrible people, but I don't personally view a killer camping or tunneling as toxic, nor do I think making a post and giving one example of how someone was an ass, really means much. If a killer isn't bleeding me out for the entire timer, sitting in front of me and smacking me, or doing a few other select things.. I'd probably say you're going to find survivors are in general who are going to give you problems more. It is just a game in the end but it's all quite childish.
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That spirit was being pretty cringe, imagine acting all high and mighty because you killed 3 no mither users
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this community deserves itself
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I am always saying that the only reason I win so much as a survivor is because the role is that dirty easy.
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It does show up on the list
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should be on top of the list this game bring the worst out of people.
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I win, I get sh!t talked
I lose, I get sh!t talked
Good times, go next
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"it's literally the only type of discussion here."
There is where I stopped reading and all credibility for what might have came after it was lost.
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This post isn't even really us vs them. More so just calling out the killer side of us vs them.
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Thus making it an "us vs them" post.
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There are way more than 20. Most of the perks are useful to very useful with the right combination.
Granted this sometimes takes team setups and is harder to do when you can communicate with people to tell them your build and what you’re about.
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Are you telling me all those pro streamers wouldnt be able to win against 4 Survivors using DH ever? because thats a lie, they do win against 4 DHs on a daily basis, sometimes they even curbstomp those games, if they can do it then anyone can do it too, it may be hard, it may force people to analyze why they are getting smashed, it may require people to play better but its doable... so yes, you may have lost at least some those games because they were the better players.
Sad but true.
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4 Good survivors that know how to use dh is nearly unbeatable against 90% of the killer roster and has been proven many times in many streams... The only time I have ever seen a sweat squad really get 4k'd was against a good blight or nurse. That's only because they never get overly altruistic if they don't need to.
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People are people.
People have as great a propensity to be good willed and humble as well as arrogant and mean spirited.
People have the ability to lift you up, or tear you down - some will be the former, some will do their best to be the latter.
Killer players and Survivor players all share one thing in common:
They are all people.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
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Also a Dead Hard nerf but yes that too