Dear Survivor Mains,


What makes you like playing survivor?

My reason to main killer is because I get scared to death playing survivor Idek how you guys can keep up, ik it's not Friday the 13th like this upcoming friday, but I cant even especially at exit gates, my heart cant take it xD


  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    When I first played, DbD was genuinely terrifying. I'm not joking when I say during the tutorial, I couldn't even vault through the window, cause then I'd be leaving my little safety area. It took about five minutes of hyping myself up. During ACTUAL games I'd hide so much cause I was scared. My heart still races at exit gates though, that part never went away :3

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,499
    edited May 2022

    I enjoy games that promote teamwork hence why I love Twins for the killer role.

    I also find the survivor characters more interesting than the killer roster IMO.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I play both but played surv a lot more.

    Biggest reason is less stress for me.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,972

    I just prefer the role where I feel like I have less power and can break ankles.

    When I play killer, I'm bored because I know I'm going to catch them. It's just a matter of "when" depending on how good they are. As survivor, the thrill of seeing how long I can outrun or juke a killer keeps me coming back

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,073

    I enjoy evading the killer for as long as possible and still giggle when they walk by my bush, unaware that I’m right there.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,285
    edited May 2022

    Just like I enjoy chasing survivors, I also enjoy being chased by killers. That's honestly the primary reason.

    EDIT: Note I am not really an anything "main", but I'm pretty simple-minded like that when it comes to my enjoyment of both killer and survivor. I like hitting survivors, and I like trying to avoid being hit as survivor.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,548

    It's less stressful than killer. That's honestly the only reason. I still enjoy playing killer too, I just play survivor more often.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,788

    I play a bit of killer but I do prefer survivor. I'm a pretty chill player and the only time I get any real anxiety is when I can hear hatch but can't find the bloody thing. Especially so when I can the killer's terror radius getting louder

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,189
    edited May 2022

    I cannot speak for myself (I play both) but among my friends who only played survivor, the reason was that they found killer to be too stressful. (I was regularly pushing them to play killer, unsuccessfully, as playing a killer is the best way to learn to counter it.)

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    I am Killer main.

    I don't hate survivor, but constantly having to put my victory or defeat between the skills of three other people frustrates me.

    Making generators is boring.

    Survivors only differ in skin.

    And I still want to be able to play in a game, which I can't do if the Killer camp me.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,762
    edited May 2022

    The mode to play after a long shift of work

    Easier to use every perk survivors are just skins so

    Overall my favourite dead by daylight moments have been from survivor

    And survivor was my first mode so I stuck with it

    and overall it's more entertaining to be chased

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,072

    Not a survivor main per se, but I play a ton of survivor.

    I think there are a lot of technical aspects of survivor that get overlooked. It's fun to optimize pathing, gens, and overall game flow. I try to approach survivor with a "no wasted motion" mindset.

    Of course, this is when you have a group of like-minded players or you get matched correctly. Nothing more frustrating than randos throwing for challenges or otherwise throwing games when you're there to win.