Please for the killer side, when someone play legion and start to slash people with feel frenzy, add an number counter on his power for know how things remains, it’s QOL and cool.
and add an indicator for survivor when the 5th one can be one shot.
Legion has an indicator around the edges of their screen
And Survivors see who currently has Deep Wounds
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You can just count the amount of Deep Wounds you see on the screen
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Killers cannot have hook counter, survs cannot have frenzy counter.
They will use it to tunnel into a locker, counters lead to locker tunneling
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No, situational awareness is an integral skill of survivor. Noticing how many stabbies Legion has done is part of that awareness. Literally just count.
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You people can’t count to 5? Or pay attention to the deep wound status of your team mates?
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implying survivors even need situational awareness when there are half a dozen perks that do it for them
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The survivor meta doesn't really gear itself toward that I would say, but I'd also argue both sides have perks that help with it.
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I'd argue Spine Chill alone is a better situational awareness perk than pretty much anything else in the game, but I certainly won't pretend perks like BBQ and Nurses don't exist either.
That said, the survivor meta isn't necessary at all, so people need to be willing to go outside of it. 90% of the time people "need" BT, they could have just led the killer away from the hook and let someone else get the save safely.
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Just add better killer-specific tips on loading screens the first times you play against them. "Legion's 5th frenzy hit can down any survivor including healthy ones" "Killer instinct is not blocked by lockers"
None of this "pallets can be thrown as a distraction", just some short, memorable advice.
Loading screen advice could use updates anyway, dbd mobile has stuff on facecamping etc whereas we get "hitting a healthy survivor with your weapon will injure them"
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Oh yeah you're definitely correct. Spine chill is an extremely powerful information and awareness tool. I think it's fine, but that's because stealth killers give me heart attacks lmao
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Legion has the flashing corners to their screen. As for survivor, it's not hard to count.
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Every time you stab someone in feral frenzy the screen borders become a bit more intense, and I think on the last one they flash a bit
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I really don't like to go against a stealth killer, and I always have Spine Chill.
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Is it... that hard to count to 5?
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Just count the number of deep wounds as a survivor if you receive three other people get hit with deep wounds realise that you're probably going to be the 4th and 5th hit.
As a killer just count the number of people you stab
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Unless you're the fourth person to get tagged, after getting tagged you should be running away from the direction he takes off in anyway. Deep wounds doesnt even tick down until you're outside of his TR, so you don't need to start mending for a while. Realistically, it should only ever be the 4th person (maybe the 3rd, if they were close together) getting double tagged so it shouldn't really matter. Anything else and its 100% the survivors fault for allowing it.
Just take the tag, run away to a gen, work on it until your DW bar goes down a chunk, then mend. No hud notifications or animation changes or anything like that necessary.
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like a extra sound notification warning about the instadown?
because that would be cool tho .. yeah thats a welcome change.🤔 not a "nerf" just a "QoL for solo Q" i like it 😀
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I know, how Naeruuu idiot, count on 5,
first, people can have difficulty to count and it’s just VISUAL PLEASE STOP
and guys, the feral frenzy sfx change yes, but between the 3 and 5 hit there is an low difference
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For real, it gets difficult after 3.
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Just look to your left.
You'll see there very clearly survivor icons. When Legion hits anyone with FF attack, hit survivors will have yellow bar. If you count 3 of them and Legion is coming for you, you know that if he manages to hit you, you are pretty much dead.
You get that? Good.
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Read my last comment here.
you understand ? Fine
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I mean if this is logical why not highlight survivors who have endurance, since counting those seconds might be tricky and them being highlighted helps, maybe making blight display a number each time he rushes so you know how many rushes he has left, I dont wanna sound like an ######### but literally counting and measuring time is something both roles need to refine (not that hard really) and not be grante because... Its somehow hard to keep track of a giant hud/sound effects/animations on the screen, flashlight saves excluded as those need some tricky timing not everyone can pull off always)
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Apply something for an specific things DON'T mean apply for another thing.
I asked the community about one question : why there is no indication about this on legion hud and him power utility new basekit and I forgot how this forum can be just arguing and talkative about nothing.
Thanks for your amazing help dbd community
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Eh, it would be nice - but kinda undermines itself.
As a killer, a clearer red border along the edges of the screen would be nice.
But letting survivors know that the Legion has their down is a double edged sword - they either already know, or they don't.
If they already know, the information is useless.
If they don't know that the legion has their power (By some miracle of ignorance) then how would knowing about the instant down change their behavior? Would it keep them from taking a protection hit or something?
If the major benefactors of this change are the ones it is explicitly designed to punish, it's sadly misplaced.
The Legion should be able to know of their ability, survivors should have to count and pay attention - and stay far, far away from the Killer while doing whatever possible to play safer.
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I've played Legion so many times and never noticed this.
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you're welcome <3