MMR has made all my friends quit and I'm thinking of the same
After they implemented the "fantastic" mmr system all my games and my friends games has been so bad as survivor. I'm not saying that what they had before was any good but it was better than what it is now, but as it is now is horrible. My 50+ last matches has been me (not trying to say I'm good but you get the point) as a decent survivor, I know what the objective is and I try to actually do gens/saves/running the killer etc and then you have my teammates which are either completely new to the game or just horrible. They hide at the corner of the map and they don't do gens at all. I'm not even over exaggerating when I say this. It's been so hard to try to keep playing this game when I always lose because I'm in the mmr pit or what you call it I guess?? I can't climb out either since I always get the same type of survivors and my friends don't play anymore so I can't go swf and tryhard to get the win. The killers I'm facing are on my level, they are not new to the game or anything. What kind of mmr have you guys even implemented to this game if I face killers on my skill level but my teammates are people with 2 hours - 80 hours at the game? I'm struggling to keep playing this game, I love the game and have been playing it since 2018 but if you guys can't figure out a way to fix this then you'll lose another player sadly. I would love to see this game getting fixed so I can actually open this game with a smile for once. If someone can give a breakdown of what kind of mmr they have in their game and some tips to get out of the mmr pit then I would be more than happy!=)
You wouldn't be the first.
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That made me actually happy, if they don't take that as a hint to fix the game then I don't even know bro XD
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Have you considered playing killer instead? Perhaps, survivor isn´t the role for you.
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Survivor is my role, played it for over 1000 hours. And it was completely fine before the mmr happened. It's not what I'm playing that is the problem it's the mmr
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Yup. They don't care though. As long as they release cosmetics and DLCS and people come in in hordes buying it, nothing is going to change.
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Just FYI one of the things they mentioned they're working on at the end of their recent MMR post was they want to adjust it so survivors go up or down as a group versus as individuals. That would in theory address the scenario where a survivor intentionally keeps the killer busy and sacrifices themselves to help others escape but, under the current system, has their MMR go down because it treats each survivor as an individual and not as a team. Hypothetically if that type of system does get put in place it should help someone who is "stuck in the low MMR pit" climb out by giving them credit if they can delay the killer long enough for the others to escape. (It's not a guarantee your team would escape, of course, but at least you wouldn't be going even further down in rating if they escaped in part because you sacrificed yourself to help.)
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but, the numbers are bigger then on a release date. Game is not dying. its just because covid restrictions are dropping and people play less now.
(rEaD lIkE tHiS)
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This... doesn't matter at all. Since the issue isn't only MMR. It's the huge gap between solo randoms (get destroyed) and SWF (have an advantage). There's not enough good players in the game to guarantee everyone they'll get a good team of randoms. Killers are too strong versus randoms, and in some cases not strong enough against a sweaty 4-man premade. But, as we established, they don't care.
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No, the problem is that matchmaking doesnt give you babykillers anymore.
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Nobody established any such thing, and it actually would make a difference to the original poster's complaint involving being in "MMR hell".
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Did you even read my original post? I didn't complain about the killer being too good, I simply said that my teammates are either new to the game or just not "in my league". The killers are completely fine but when I always get a team full off people hiding in lockers and corners of the map 80% of the game and never doing gens there is clearly something wrong isn't it? I never had this problem before the mmr
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If the game's not good enough to retain even SOME of the massive surge of new players Covid brought in, the game's in a bad state. And pretending it's not is just fooling yourself.
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mY pOsT wAs SaRcAsM aS sOmE oN tHeSe FoRuMs DeFenD sTeAm ChArTs NuMbErS
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You can also just type /s to indicate sarcasm, my dude.
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Im too old to underastand modern internet slang. Also as I dont underastand why killed is associated with pepsied
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Luckily we have the custom games, I have a lot more fun playing this with friends than still being a survivor...
The good thing is that I focus more on playing killer
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Yea was fine to bully baby killers before mmr i guess
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Yeah I keep checking back in here and there to see if they've finally disabled it with their player count (at least on Steam Charts) in straight decline and a lot of players seemingly unhappy with it or just finding it unfun. A few friends and I would like to play DBD again but SBMM makes the game feel awful to play so we just don't.
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As far as I can tell there is no game where MMR is perfect bro, you can go and play any other game and the matchmaking sometimes is gonna help you and sometimes destroy your willingness to play. And I understand the fact that you cannot have decent teammates most of the times but is you enjoy the game there's always a way to have fun *uses left behind every single match* *cough cough*
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Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. Trust me killer mmr games are complete nonesense. If you play a high mmr killer 90% of the remaining killers are unplayable. Unless you go out of your way to lose a lpad of games. Koller variety is my main qualm with the current system. Killers are so distinctly different in terms of power level that they need to be separated mmr wise.
Then they created coh to nerf the already weak killers #########. As far as i know there is no mmr decay either. So if you take a break back into the deep end.
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Bruh.. ThIs doEsN't MeAn aNyThiNg SteAm IsNt tHe OnLy PlAtFoRm
God it's annoying to type like that.