pinhead and the entity, the box as an escape ?

most killer got captured but not pinhead he still resides in leviathans realm , why do i think that ?
well his spawning animation is exactly what you think it is and most people miss it
he holds an opened box in the hand (propably triggered by the entity), closes it and then sends it somewhere around the realm he is in .
and everbody who has seen hellraiser knows it can open a door to leviathans realm ,
so in theory couldnt the surv escape out of the entity realm into leviathans realm ?
and there they could make a deal with the cenobites to bring them other souls instead of theyr own ?
and then walk free ?
or do you think leviathan and the entity would be allied ?
I have a theory, maybe the entity had it's eyes set on pinhead but couldn't take him since he was protected by leviathan, so it place a box in the realm and waited for someone to open it. When someone did, the entity altered the box so Pinhead wouldn't be able to leave.
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@Dito175 And that someone was Dwight... I am starting to see why he was left in the woods
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Would Leviathan's realm be better? Both seem like different sections of Dante's Hell in which one experiences sensory overload.
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the box works differently than in the movies so it's probably not the same box. Also box spawns in trails, he can't send people to hell with it etc. Some people belive that he sends people to hell with his mori but it's just their belives