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Stop killing yourself on hook againts camping bubba



  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Sometimes in DbD, you make a decision to forgo the better of one survivor for yourself. And no meta perk or SWF is going to save anyone from facecamping Bubba.

    Glad to think you consider facecamping a “healthy match” too. 🙄

  • RequiemLestat
    RequiemLestat Member Posts: 33

    ... Sincerely,

    Camping Bubba

  • RequiemLestat
    RequiemLestat Member Posts: 33

    ..... Sincerely

    Camping Bubba

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    This is on BHVR. They designed DbD to be a team game while at the same time not. On the Steam page, under "Key Features," it says:

    Survive Together… Or Not - Survivors can either cooperate with the others or be selfish.

    Being a team player is a choice that BHVR purposefully put into their game. It is not a requirement. Yeah, it sucks to be a solo queue player, but there's nothing we can do about it except realize the game is us against 4 other players no matter which role we choose. If I assume everyone else will play selfishly, I'm never disappointed, but occasionally I am happily surprised.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Anyone who is DEAD after the FIRST 2 MINUTES should receive an UNSPORTSMANLIKE gift. 5 Minute BAN just like the D/C.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    It's not a survivors job to sit and babysit you while you jerk it to your meme HAHA FUNNY BOOBA and neglect growing enough brain cells to play like normal and get a 4k.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607


    Why waste time on a hook like that?

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    CHILI ain't gonna cook itself SON!! Get some MEAT!

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    In all honesty, you wasted more. You wasted the time it took for them to find a match, the time for the match to start, the amount of time they’ve already played in the match, the offerings, items and add-ons they may have brought to the match and to top it all off, if they DC, the Bloodpoints they had earned that match. I personally find it MUCH more gratifying when they give up, because there is always potential for a trade off or for them to get off of hook entirely if the other survivors play smart enough, but them taking the easy way out ruins that chance and all the other things I had mentioned. Survivors be goofy.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    So what’s the implication? That t bags magically get gens done?

    Didn’t know t bags got survivor’s objective done. Hmmm.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Well can't be mad if bubba facecamps and if survivors play smart they can trade with him if they use bt so everyone can have decent match then but ofcourse one has to die eventually.

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    There’s a difference between survivor and killer though. Killers are responsible for only themselves, where survivors have three others that they should be considering as well.

    Not saying that you’ve said this, but any survivor who complains about a Bubba ruining the game for others by camping hook is just as guilty as Bubba himself for “ruining the game” by killing themselves on hook because they make it to where he can go and get the others faster because he doesn’t have to camp them any longer.

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    There are times where everyone gets out though. It’s a rarity, but it is possible. Even the best Bubbas bumper from time to time. It’s definitely a risk worth taking if you ask me. There’s NOTHING more infuriating to a camping Bubba than all four survivors getting out.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    this is why i hate playing solo q, the much unawareness from the baby survivors i come across. take the camp like a champ and let the others escape, dont promote this """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""playstile""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" by killing on hook, the only thing u are doing is making it viable so it will happen MORE AND MORE and they wont stop cause it works. but if u just take it like a champ and hold there for 2 minutes grab your phone and just hit skillchecks in time to time and let the others do gens so they can escape by doing this u show him how USELESS this playstile is, SADLY lot of bubbas think this playstile is viable when is not, it will give 1 kill per match at most, 2 if said survivor got downed at 5 gens Potentially and buba has noed or something to block gates for longer but that should be it.

    but ey they will say some crap like i dont have 2 minutes to waste so id rather go to another game, yeah obviously cause u didnt have time to queue to play that game right? BTW youll be out in no time cause u are gettign face camped, wich means u will die faster than the rest, this is...madness, and reason why people HATE playing solo q wich btw creates more and more SWF, its a circle.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    People in here acting like the whole team isn't gonna kill themselves throwing themselves at the hooked survivor anyway.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Real question is when are they gonna fix his camping? And no, staying on the hook and letting your team do gens isn’t gonna make all the bubbas stop camping. Also what exactly do you get from it? No pip, no blood points, mmr decreases so worse teammates, and waste of time. The devs need to fix it not let it be a thing since 2017

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    nah better suicide on hook, making the strategy more attractive and then complain about it rather than do something about it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    From the perspective of solo q what real reason is there to stay in the match in that situation?

    You aren't getting bloodpoints. You are losing mmr regardless how long you stay on hook. Getting out sooner to requeue just makes more sense than waiting out a game where you aren't getting anything more out of it.

    In swf you have wait for everyone in the lobby to be done so there's no time being wasted staying on hook to give your buddies more time to do gens.

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    That solely depends on the intelligence and perks that the other survivors have. I’ve seen plenty of survivors see that I’m camping and they happily 180° and then go do gens.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Let they killer get 4k as soon as posible and find another match. Don’t play with these kind of people. Eventually bubba would have a nerf because of the number of kills

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    They’re not, ever, because it’s a legitimate strategy.

    What you could get from it is the possibility of getting out if you have smart enough teammates who know how to deal with camping Bubba, or in the least you can feel good about knowing you did all that you possibly could to help the other survivors get out. It’s literally two minutes; it surprises me so much that people are that impatient and selfish that they can’t hang out on a hook for two minutes to try and better the other survivors chances. Not to mention it’s that person’s fault in the first place for getting caught by not being an efficient looper. Giving up on anything never makes you better.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Unfortunately, this is not correct. Survivors have no obligations toward each other beside what the rules forbid about the likes of sandbagging or hostage-taking, for example. But cooperation is entirely optional and can be withdrawn at any time. Survivors are free to play as selfishly as they wish, provided they don't break the general rules. This also mean they have no obligation to hold on hook, as the game itself provide them with the mechanics to take their chances to kobe or simply letting go in the struggle phase. None of those are bannable in and of themselves.

    This has been confirmed many times, it's not a matter of opinion.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Or...I will do whatever I feel like doing in that scenario. My time is precious you know

  • ImaSetUpCamp
    ImaSetUpCamp Member Posts: 10

    Ahh, you’re one of those. First, I said they “should” be taking the other survivors into consideration since the odds of you getting out are significantly lower if y’all don’t work together. Second, I never once said anything about it being bannable. It’s a matter of integrity and being selfless, but if you want to be that guy and ruin things for others because you’re selfish, by all means go ahead, it just says a lot about your character.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited May 2022

    Solo Q MMR death. MMR will throw 1 n00b in your lobby and he will throw every time lmao

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited May 2022

    It's literally built into the whole premise of the game, watch a few of the DbD trailers some time. There's even a perk named "Self-Preservation". And the entire character it was released with is meant to be a selfish little girl.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Then you shouldn't even be playing a game if you can't afford 2-3 minutes of a match

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,027

    Also there's perks like sole survivor where you literally want your teammates to die to use it

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    Usually when I play agains't facecamping bubba's they get 1-2K with noed so it's hard to get everyone out. Sometimes they get 3-4K especially agains't soloQ. Just played match were bubba chased me 3 minutes straight but my teammates only fixed 3 gens. My friend fixed 2 and others only 1 gen. Well bubba gave up on me and got claudette immeditelly after that thought. I went to fix gen then and my friend and other survivor just watched claudette on hook close by I quess. Then bubba knocked the other survivor and I got my gen done and came to revive him. My friend didn't want to take any risk and claudette ended up dying on first hook. I managed to revive the other survivor but bubba came immediatelly on me with the chainsaw. He had the long chainsaw add on so no way to avoid that in open spot. My friend tried flashlight save but did it too early and then bubba carried me on basement I almost wiggled out but nobody didn't try to bodyblock or take a hit so I died on the first hook as well and then he got my friend and he died first hook too. The other survivor managed to barely get out after he did the last gen. Bubba missed like 5 hits on him when he was opening the gate so he was just very lucky. So even bad facecamper bubba can get 3-4K if survivors make mistakes and don't complete their objective (fixing gens) enough fast. I don't remember if everyone has got out agains't one in my games that's probably very rare. I once looped bubba 5 mins and all gens got done and everyone escaped im pretty sure he would facecamp me after that.