I've played about 20 matches combined yesterday and today. Every single killer has camped and tunne



  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    In most cases I would agree. But you can correct me if I'm wrong but they fix like 20 issues with cosmetics that might take away from other bug fixes

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,621

    That's not the point I'm trying to make. I have no problem at all with tunneling, camping or even slugging to death. Killers kill, survivors survive.

    I'm just noticing that when I play "nice", that's the usual outcome. Assuming it's the same experience for other players, even the ones that aren't too competitive are bound to stop playing nice at some point.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    No you don't have to pretend anything. In fact all you have to do is not claim what isn't being said.

    Yes face-camping needs a fix and Camping also needs to be looked at. Simply from the perspective of , it is too easy to do and promotes the same stale meta on survivors (I.E. BT and DS). Am I saying that they should nerf it and that's it? NO. Am I saying that whatever change they do should only benefit survivors? NO. I am saying that the devs should focus on making the game more fun and balanced on both sides.

    I've seen killers complain on the daily about DS and BT and the OP has presented with the reason why. THEY are doing it to themselves.

    I know it's not, but I am saying that you having a reaction over something meaningless that does not change the course of the match, is not the same thing as a playstyle that does make a significant impact on the match.

    You are comparing playing nice (as in not doing any of those things) with survivors BMing you that makes no difference in the outcome because they have a macro and decide they want to be jerks about it.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    I dont even care that is dev problem not mine go speak to them

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    You must have very broad definition of camping and tunneling if it happens to you every single game for 20 games.

    We all love some hyperbole exaggeration to drive a point home but seriously.

    Firstly yes as folks have pointed out its not against the TOS to camp and tunnel so there is probably little that will be done. This is not a bad thing though, as most of what people suggest to fix camping and tunneling are heavily exploitable punitive nerfs and/or punishments that in no way fix the game's balance problems. They are just indirect survivor buffs that really won't help the game overall.

    It's also a common misconception that being camped means you can't play the game. You are still in play while on hook, you are just not participating in gen repair or chases. YOU ARE STILL PLAYING, is the take home point here.

    You got tunneled out because you lost 2-3x chases and died on hook that is game play. Sucks to be you but its an elimination game if caught first you will likely be eliminated first. The moral of the story is don't get caught first.

    Its not inherently toxic, in fact in the current meta its often the smartest play you can make as killer to eliminate someone as early as possible. (Camping isn't that smart but sometimes its all you got, but tunneling definitely is, the quicker you do it the easier the game is, 3x survivors repairing gens is far more manageable than 4x).

    Want to win as survivor split up on gens, want to win as killer eliminate someone early its really that simple. Killer players should expect survivors to split up on gens to spread and maximize pressure, when they do its hard when they don't its great, for killers!

    Survivors should expect killers to do the same, maximize pressure by focusing on an early kill to minimize survivor ability to spread pressure. Again when they do its harder and someone is out early bummer, when they don't its great, for survivors!

    The toxic element of camping and tunneling is typically survivors getting angry about it and feeling justified in abusing people post game, <-- actual toxicity.

    You'll get killer's say post game they camped you because you upset them and engage in toxic abuse but outside of that scenario you have no idea what the motivation of the killer camping is so why upset yourself by imagining its targeted toxicity, when there are plenty of legit game play reasons to camp and tunnel.

    Is camping the most interactive of play? No, but that is a different conversation and again doesn't make it toxic.

    Does getting eliminated early kinda suck? Yes, but you'd expect it to happen sometimes in an elimination game, the idea is to minimize the chances of early elimination by playing well.

    Start with don't run like an idiot to the nearest gen at game start, exercise a lil caution, play less bold initially and maybe you won't be found first and eliminated early should the killer choose to tunnel you out.

    (This post is not only addressing the OP but a lot of the comments which we see rehashed again and again).

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited May 2022

    If you don't care then why are you engaging in the conversation and giving your input in the first place?

    OP never once used the word BAN, you did. You just didn't like the fact that someone called you out even though the 24 people that liked your comment should have done so.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    Because mad survivors trash talk killers for playing like that every time i was told to get cancer or get hit by a truck because i tunnel somebody in video game while not breaking any game rule and i dont even belive that was 20 games like he says and if some killers complain about survivor perks that is not me for sure i'm ok with that and as killer main that play both sides only thing i dislike is face camping

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,621

    No no no ... it's a story, an example (even if it's real).

    I've been playing for ~2.5k hours, do you think I just got that now? Look at the bigger picture it draws.

    Anyway, I've got to kill some survivors now.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    There is no fun in pvp game if both sides play to win you cant fix that.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Most cases killers are maxed out on chase points and it doesn't really give you anything. More can often be earned by breaking stuff and spamming powers than going for that one hit.

    Some people only do it so they can dead hard in your face out the door and deny you the hit, this happens often enough to make any real benevolence of offering up a free hit at the gate a waste of time for all and better to just leave than sit around waiting out the timer for nothing.

    Its odd to me how angry people get about a 4 min bleed out timer yet are really happy to wait out the 3 min egc in its entirety every game just to button mash.

    By all mean chase people out who cares if they are BM'ing but with basically every mechanic in this game perceived as malicious by the other side why bother even waiting to begin with, even to give hits.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited May 2022

    Again. When did the OP use the word ban?

    That was your entire argument in the beginning. How do you know they didn't mean add more survivor resources against it?

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    He dont have to say it mentioning camping and tunneling is not problem because it's not against rules that is it end of story have a nice day

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    So you assume that by him giving his feedback he is saying "Ban these killers?"

    It is a problem with the game, why do you think the devs have said they are already looking into it?

    Continue to deflect. It's amusing because you aren't the only person on this forum who claims someone said something when in fact they did not.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is all about agency, pseudechis. If you bleed them out, they move at, well... Slug speed and cannot perform any action outside of recovering. At the exit gates, they can do whatever they want.

    As with all things in life, there are sweet survivors and there are sour survivors. I never get mad at the nice ones just because there are a lot of clowns. If they want to give me a hit, I take it, even if I am maxed on hit points, because it is the thought that counts.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I get it, I don't get mad either. I also don't bother to wait at the gates if we are all there either because "why bother?" survivor queues are long enough without wasting 3 mins at the gates. I'm sure plenty of killers would agree.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    20 games is definitely possible to run into nothing but killers tunneling and camping. Out of 12 matches yesterday, I ran into a Pinhead who farmed, a Wraith who played for hooks and everyone else camped and tried to tunnel so 10/12 matches? It didn't feel different than most days so a little bit of bad luck in the queues and I could easily see 20.

    Both sides, killer and survivor, have some very valid complaints. One of them for survivors is the prevalence of camping and tunneling and how it's not fun to be the target.

    So as not to be misunderstood, I'm not blaming the players who tunnel and camp either. Players have to follow game mechanics and, until the devs rebalance so it's a bad choice more often than not, I'll see tunnelers and campers. That said, you can't blame people who play survivor for providing feedback either and saying something that is objectively not fun isn't fun.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    You stated "the existing game doesn't compellingly discourage tunnelling or camping..."

    In fact, it actively encourages tunnelling and camping, since the devs set MMR to only advance for kills. There is absolutely zero incentive for a killer to do anything but ensure the maximum amount of kills in any given game, and tunnelling is particularly effective in the early game as the difficulty drops dramatically from 4v1 to 3v1.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    It sounds more like you need to change your definition of camping and tunneling.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited May 2022

    I don't get the people who think this is out of the ordinary. I played 8 matches today and stopped because I just got tired of the same camping and tunneling. I run BT, I run DS, Killers will just stand a few meters from the hook and tunnel through decisive, through other team mates throwing themselves in the way. It just gets tedious and though it isn't against the rules, it's a scummy way to play. No one respects it. It takes no skill to stare at your first hooked survivor until he/she dies. It's not good for game health as it mostly punishes Solo Q.

    I think SWF really ruined the balance of the game. Or else, the game can't be balanced with Killer/SWF and Solo queue at the same time. When I played Killer, I hated SWFs. Many of them are obnoxious, they basically have a variety of extra perks built in through comms (Kindred, Bond etc). They can coordinate their items before the match. They can know their team mates well and strategize (for example, say you're playing against Pinhead- Solo Q players have a shite time with no one solving the Box. SWF can designate Box duty or just call it out).

    I also noted they are more likely to BM. I never play SWF, and as a Solo queue player. I almost never see teabagging or flashlight clicking for the sake of it. Flashlight clicking maybe to bait the Killer into a chase (if the survivor thinks they're a looping hot shot. usually it backfires lol). And I've only seen teabagging on the rare occasions Solo Q's manage to escape a Killer who has BM. I'm sure it happens and Solo Q players aren't all angels, but I'm just saying, I don't see it a lot.

    I honestly just play the game way less. I don't have friends who play to get the insane advantage SWF has, my team mates in Solo Q are degrading since MMR, and Killers just camp and tunnel from the first down.

    I have to ask myself why I even try LOL.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Play 20 matches of killer with no camping or tunneling and tell us how it goes.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    I mean even if you win without tunneling or camping you are gonna get trashtalked so it probably doesnt matter in the end.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    So we are trusting the devs to nerf camping/tunneling and do it fine without making it worse for killer like they did with the deathslinger changes that turned the sniper cowboy into an old man with artritis holding the cringe-launcher?

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    That's lot of tunneling. Personally when I play survivor some killers tunnel and camp maybe like 1 out of 3. Others play pretty fairly and some of them 4K so it's only excuse for killers to not be competive any other way than tunneling and camping. Personally I never tunnel unless I have to or if it's feels only way to get that one kill or if someone makes me mad. I probably tunnel 1 out of 5 matches. Usually I only camp at endgame but if I get 2 survivors in the basement then sometimes I camp before that.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Yes I am trusting the devs because none of you are working on the game. Only they make those changes.

    As for Deathslinger, his changes have nothing to do with Camping.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    If that's what you believe, then I'm sorry you have such a negative attitude. As I said play however you want, it's not against the rules.

    However please don't use an excuse that you may be trash talked at the end. At least own that your attitude is the reason you may be taunted at the end.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Not to mention there are possibly more console players in total than PC players and we dont even get end game chat lol

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Why are you complaining about what the killers are doing to win in a game balanced around low to mid survivors? You should be complaining to the dev's to fix the gameplay loop so it is possible to 12 hook against good players.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    Im not excusing my actitude if I play like a scumbag I know I can get hate for it and thats ok, but since playing normally gets me hate too, why not use the most effective one at the moment if i ahve to play nice to win ill do it if I have to play like scum then i'll do it it doesnt make a difference.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,444

    Im never saying these changes shouldnt be made, only that dbd devs have a very dubious track record in making things "more fun" and less bs as I mentioned slinger got gutted for the sake of fun so I believe I have full justification to say bhvr will mess balance up and either make those mechanics worse or neuter almost all the killer roster.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited May 2022

    Why can't they introduce a REVERSE Borrowed Time NEW PERK? Then people can run Both REVERSE B.T. and NORMAL B.T. and then these Tunnelers will actually have to somewhat work. Both Survivors could tank a hit from BOOBA as well if unhooked before he starts chain-sawing. SUrvivors will be giving up 2 perk slots but getting a chance to get away instead of insta-downed and hard core TUNNELED.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718


  • semm88
    semm88 Member Posts: 27

    You can thank your fellow survivors for that. It is funny to bully the killer, tea bagg and flash click, now you get to deal with consequences because all normal killers stopped playing the game and now you are left with these

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,241
    edited May 2022

    It’s because only sweaty players still play killer. If you play a lot you will notice that that casual killers are a rare breed now outside of extremely low MMR. The remaining killers play every match like they have a family member's life on the line. Killer is not fun for anyone outside of people who have a ton of experience and enjoy playing in the sweatiest way imaginable. Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Circle of Healing, extremely unbalanced maps, weak killers. The OP survivor meta forces killers to play this way. Not to mention the way survivors treat killers. There are threads literally every day where people talk about how anxious and stressed playing killer makes them. Make the game more fun for killers who aren't sweat lords and the game will be less sweaty. If you want a small but easily fixable problem then look at how all four survivors can spawn in a different location. They can all immediately hop on different gens which is just insanely bad game design and overwhelming for new killer players.