5th Bot Killer Today, Game is Legitimately Being Ruined

Ruining the game.
BHVR needs to fix it now. This is my fifth match TODAY against something like this. Is it even worth reporting them?
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You kept trying to play after two? Ballsy.
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Imagine wasting your talent making bots with the sole purpose of ruining the game for other people.
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At this point, it's something of a meme.
Let's see how many I can get in a day.
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We both know the answer to the reporting question unfortunately
I have yet to run into a bot myself but I've only played two games today (and I'm about to hop onto killer now that it's later and I don't' believe they have bot survivors...yet). But yeah, this is going to be a huge mess so we'll see if BHVR thinks it might be worth putting some time and money into some kind of solution instead of just playing whack a mole with bots as they show up (and make their own player base police the game instead of having...anything useful)
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The guy was also streaming, which makes it even better.
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This is ridiculous. I'm sorry you encountered that.
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Well, at least if you play against a bot it'll be over quick.
Unless the guy sitting at their keyboard decides to take control and keep everyone hostage.
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That's pretty scary. The one I've been running into was a Spirit that 4 hooked us in 30 seconds flat...rofl. Blinking around the map at light speed.
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Atleast I'm glad bots aren't holding matches hostage
It's Probably inevitable at this point hackers can do anything
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I have been bringing basically no offerings today as people seem to be getting hammered by this crap and I really don't want to get the "luck of the draw" and use one of my BPS or something only to get a bot game
Although in the last "wave" of bots when it was the BHVR AI thing, I didn't end up running into one then either so I don't know if it's a region thing or what because it sounds like people who deal with bots deal with a LOT of bots where people who don't like me never run into them...
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Finally hackers got a way to take over the game, lmao.
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I had 14 matches of hacking bots today. 6 were spirits, 4 hillbillies and 4 michael myers. I don't know if I should continue playing this game.
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Do you live somewhere in Central Europe?
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Midwestern US.
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It's official. The bots are everywhere.
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This is just ridiculous. This game is becoming unplayable because of these hackers. And you can't leave the match if you face one because you'll get punished for it by the stupid DC penalty. And on top of all of that, reporting them literally does nothing.
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Whats happened to the anti cheat? I went years before facing a hacker in this game and now they are everywhere.
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I faced cheaters with cross play off on my Xbox one.
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I agree, they really should use their talents to help people in need. I mean why ruined someone’s else’s fun while using a hacking bot?
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Had a huntress bot today, she ran out of hatchets and I just ran in a circle for like 6+min while everyone got gens done cause she wouldn't hit. Got the gens done and we all instantly went down lol
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Played against one yesterday, but it seemed to be broken. It was teleporting around and swinging, but would glitch out and stare at walls/ rocks for minutes at a time.
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I don't think it was a bot then respectfully
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That is insane.
I had something similar but with a Hag but it wsn't a bot. I think it was a hacker controlling. I knew something was off from the get go because how often to you start a match directly in the Killer's terror radius?
We all started in the same spot just paces from the Killer. For the first while, I was looping the Hag, stunned her with a pallet, was heading around the shack (got some distance) but suddenly she literally flew through the air and in 2 seconds I'm downed. Then she zipped all over the map to every survivor and instadowned them in under 6 seconds. She didn't hook anyone. One survivor had Unbreakable and as soon as she was up, the Killer teleported in a split second and instadowned her. 2 people disconnected. I didn't want the disconnect penalty and had to lay there bleeding out.
I couldn't report it because I don't record my matches and know if there's no footage, it's just a button they put there for show.
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Be nice if they all streamed so I could monitor and dodge their lobbies.
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Apparently this bot/hack is undetectable at the moment
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I really hope the game doesn't end up like TF2 did
But hey, maybe that's giving BHVR too little credit - I'm sure Valve could actually solve the bot problem if they wanted to...
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Valve does have both the money and human resources required to do something about it, yes.
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No it was 10000% a bot. It was the one that goes through walls and instantly teleports to hooks to hook you. I used a syptic after they ran out of hatchets and just spun. idk if she was coded to wait out a septic or what.
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Just wow.
This is getting out of control even more quickly than I realized.
I really hope they get this fixed by the anniversary.
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I guess I'm fortunate because I haven't run into a single bot yet. I hope I haven't jinxed myself now!
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Actually I quite like this. Finally survivors can't bully the killer, survivor cheats can't help you. And no one wants to play the killer anymore these days so ofc you will see this more often. This game deserves not to be played by anyone considering how unbalanced and outdated it is.
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You’re free to leave, no one is stopping you...
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You can leave whenever you want.
Other people still find joy here and shame on those who would try to ruin that for them.
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Honestly, I’m more concerned about the cheaters using secret aura hacks. BHVR needs to do something against those ASAP.
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They cant.
Game should be rewritten for that
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Love the myers buffs. Thanks bhvr.
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Must be regional, I never see this stuff in NA server
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This was NA.
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This was NA.
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Myers is sick of being looped and started to grab the hatchets in the lockers haha.
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crazy, Ive been putting in crazy hours past few weeks and have wanted to see one, but havent, I play surv daily and never have
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Swear everytime I want to come back something like this happens. No dbd for me
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The new bots were coded from the ground up by the bot devs. The bots from like...a month ago were the "BHVR Bots".
At least according to the videos I've seen on it and the bot developer
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I already left bro, I just visit the forum for the memes 🙏
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I had a Spirit bot last night. Match was over in a minute.
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Basically it's 2016 anti-cheat vs 2022 cheaters.
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I really hope they sort this bot crisis out but honestly the only "solution" I see happening is the community being blessed with a 20K bloodpoint code
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They could, at the very least, give an official response to any of these posts and acknowledge that their player base has been infested with these bot vermin.
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I versed him last night. Killed myself on a hook like he can go across the map in 3 or 4 seconds haha. Stupid.