From a survivor - Dear survivors, why are we toxic?
Hi there. I've been playing this game for I think 5 months now, I've mainly played survivor but as of 1 month I really started enjoying killer aswell, I play let's say 50-50.
I used to think that the killers camping and tunneling were the bad guys, but playing as killer aswell I started to realise that survivors are the bad guys. Crouching, clicking the flash light, taunting, the list goes on. Can you blame a killer who's been bullied all day by who knows how many survivors for camping? Then again there are exceptions in both camps, this thread isn't for clearing the killers, some of them just do this by their own will, but I think most of the time it's the survivors.
I think people forget that behind every survivor and killer there is a person, and that person has it's own stress / rage / emotional tolerance and we're just too oblivious to that. I really can't understand what's appealing in taunting someone and inducing them rage.
Can't we just try our best and not spite other people?
What are your opinions on this? Can it be solved?
A survivor.
ahh yes the good ol' crouch move. Makes me wanna cry everytime someone crouches. Super toxic sadly and we killers can't do anything to stop them from bending their knees! Please remove crouching this instant!!
I assume you mean teabagging
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It's fun to troll and I'm never gonna stop doing it, I'll never trash talk you or be rude in the endgame chat but I'm having as much fun as I feel like having in the trial, it's a game and people should get over themselves if they get so upset over nothing.
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I'm only toxic if a killer is toxic. Smacking on hook, T-Bagging as ghost face, Nodding on a down.
Vice Versa when I'm playing killer . Survivor clicking flashlight, Tbagging.
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I do see your point, I personally don't really care that much, but I don't think everyone is the same and just because me or you don't make notice of certain aspects doesn't mean everyone feels the same. That makes me personally reconsider the borderline between I m having as much fun as possible and just having fun. idk
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I just want to say... Who decided that crouching quickly, spamming the flashlight could be considered toxic and insulting?
I don't see the reason that just because you come across a game or two with survivors who have muscle spasms from crouching or clicking, allows the killer to become toxic, or vice versa.
If the killer is toxic, why as a survivor are you going to start making life hard on the killers you meet?
just... Go away, if it makes them laugh to look "smart" because they know very well that the opponent may take it badly the camping, tunneling, clicky clicky or teabag
And that makes them happy
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I think tea-bagging is toxic, but pretty low end on the toxic scale. It definitely doesn't bother me as killer. Just like getting slashed on the hook doesn't bother me as survivor.
To me the only real toxicity is things that make game play unfun and are trolly. Survivors that just hide for 30+ minutes. Killers that slug and never pick up even though you're right under a hook. I had a nurse once just slug me and stand over me until I bleed out. If a survivor picked me up, she just downed me again. I had a Billy spawn literally within 4 meters in a deadzone. Instasawed me and face camped while nodding.
The above examples are actual toxicity. Doesn't happen that much. Tea-bagging and flash light clicking are strategies in the sense that a good looper will use to try to chase/commit to chases. Just ignore them.
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Having about 1K hours in each side, I agree that overwhelming majority of toxicity/BM comes from the survivors. I think this is for a number of reasons: there are more ways to express BM as a surv, as a surv you are one of four and it is always easier to be part of a toxic group than an toxic individual, and survivor is the power role. Also, as a surv even if you're BMing instead of working on objectives, you still have teammates who are working, so you have more freedom to be a pest.
As killer, any wasted time is essentially throwing. And survs also know that BMing can sometimes induce the killer into wasting their time, so in that role BMing is often rewarded.
Obviously killers can be and sometimes are toxic, but most of the time the behaviors considered to be BM are also legitimate aspects of gameplay (tunneling, hook defense), and those that aren't are actively harmful to your own cause as killer.
Do I think it can be fixed? No. People are going to be who they are, for better or worse.
And really, the in game stuff doesn't bother me much anymore, I'd be happy if people simply weren't subjected to garbage in the post game.
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It can't be fixed. Because exactly what you said. Everyone has its demons. And a lot of people find no other way to vent their frustrations and feelings of inferiority, except by being cruel to others who can't fight back, so they can feel strong in the knowledge that there are others beneath them.
Internet is a convenient place to do it, as it has no consequences, unlike beating or insulting those around.
Alas, it would be great if men and women could learn the value of stoicism, humility, Valor and true strength, the world we live could be a better place, including our pvp video-games.
But fear not, if you, as an individual carry this values on your every action, and every game you take part on, know that by this sole action any and all matches you participate in will automatically be better and those who meet you will carry the memory of that nice player.
There will be those that will mock you and be ungrateful to you, but pay them no mind, for they are small and inconsequential.
Reap the ggs and words of appreciation that Will inevitably come your way, for there is no shame in taking pride on it, and cast aside the weeds that will also crop up around, as they deserve not a second look.
By this mindset, you will need not to concern yourself with "toxicity", nor will those around you, at least while you are there.
Play like this. Live like this.
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I like rubbing my victory in killers faces BUT ONLY if they were toxic and/or played a meta killer.
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Here’s the thing; there are no “bad guys” we’re all just playing a video game for fun. What one person thinks is an insult the other thinks is playful teasing. Perceptions like this are the problem, vilify one side and you continue the tribalistic bs this community love to indulge in. Play how you want, say gg and go next.
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I click my flashlight in hopes of getting the killers attention so he can chase me and it works 90% of the times. I don't do it to be toxic I just wanna practice chases 🤙🤙
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from a killer main who play also survivor: survivors do this cause they are sure of winning (especially when the killer play with "honor" and they have multiple 2nd chances stacked like dead hard, instaheals, portable bt, bt, DS, etc etc) and rub the victory in your face... they literally don't fear the killer, they consider it their plaything
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How dares the killer to not use a bad killer? He deserves the toxicity.
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Toxic is a blanket word used in attempt to make a player who is just clicking buttons to feel bad about clicking buttons.
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Us vs.. us?
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It's fun sometimes
I play "toxic" sometimes but then usually give the killer a free kill
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Strength in numbers, strength in survivors toxicity.