The Ever Growing List of Killer Perks Survivors Need to Watch Out For

- Pain Resonance
- Corrupt Intervention
- Pop Goes The Weasel
- BBQ and Chili
- Tinkerer
- Dead Man's Switch
- Devour Hope
- Discordance
- No Way Out
- Undying
- Floods of Rage
- Starstruck
- Infectious Fright
- Bamboozle
- Plaything
- Thrilling Tremors
- Franklin's Demise
- Nurse's Calling
- and many more
It should be noted that Killers can only bring four perks total and most killer perks give you clear warning that they are in effect.
And all of these are countered by pressing E
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I get what you mean, but you can't Dead Hard Infectious Fright can you?
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Does dead hard to a locker count?
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>equips distortion to counter like half of these
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Oh yeah, that works, what about noed though?
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Or doing bones
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Killer finds you with infectious fright and starts chase that lasts 80 seconds, you then dead hard to a window and add another 40 seconds to the chase and in that time 3 gens get done
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Killer is about to down you at the exit gate with noed, you press e and tbag at the end
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This one i actually got nothing on, other than dead harding away from the bones when the killer is on top of you
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Not really countering Noed so much as your countering the killers existence on this mortal plane, a better example would be not healing to keep your second health state.
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Oh no, you have to learn about the tools other players can bring to a game and how to work around them? The horror!
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These are definitely perks in dead by Daylight
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That is NOT TRUE! Xbox uses A and PlayStation uses X to negate the reward and satisfaction of playing well for killers...
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What is this thread even trying to say? That survivors should be aware that killers run perks? I don’t get it.
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I originally made another thread for survivor perks that killers need to watch out for that got removed because I mentioned some leaked content (I forgot that was a rule). The main point was that survivors need to worry about less perks than killers because Killers can only bring 4 perks and most of them are easy to figure out if you are paying attention.
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Having to account for oponent's perks isn't a bad thing though. I mean its part of the risk reward element of gameplay.
Smash out the gens and ignore the totems then risk NOED, slug everyone or just slug one and go for another chase risk missing an early hook due to UB. (I've had whole games that I'd basically won reset due 4 slug being countered by a great UB and heal up).
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Low key Distortion is up there on perks that are sneaky strong, it gives a lot of info you wouldn’t get otherwise. You know if they have Nurse’s, BBQ, Floods of Rage, and really strong aura reading add ons. Not to mention losing scratch marks is really nice as well.
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I don't know about you, but I always Dead Hard to my totems
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Yeah it's super annoying because survivors have like 4 perks out of 107 that are on par with the ones on that list. 90% of survivor perks are just meme perks with extremely limited potential to set back the killer's main objective.
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And again, do they need to be "on par" with everything on the killer side?
This isn't 1vs1 but 1vs4 and the game shouldn't compensate for incompetent teammates on all fronts.
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Well, killers can counter survivor perks pressing m1 again