What is THE 1 announcement you would want most from the anniversary stream?

For me, it has to be a complete nerf /gutting of the meta on both sides. That's what I would like to hear. How about you guys?
Make the choices more impactful in-game. I don't know how to explain it.
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Fix the grind. Meta sucks n id love to see it freshened up, but id much rather be able to unlock cool perks on characters i like before i die. Plus i think itd be a giant boost to player counts
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We are rewriting the entire code for Dead By Daylight and will be using Unreal Engine 5 from now on.....................................................................................................................................................
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Reduce the grind, Better anti cheat system, remove SBMM/MMR, and new modes.
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Dead By Daylight THE MOVIE! 🤩 That would be hype.
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Dead hard getting binned
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Of the things we've heard about previously, I'm looking forward to probably seeing details on the bloodweb revamp they've been working on the last six months. I'm curious what direction they go with it.
They did mention "quality of life" as well, which I'm guessing includes things other than just the bloodweb. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the daily missions getting a bit of a revamp. For instance, it would be nice to had a mission tracker on the HUD during the match, and also to have either separate mission logs for killer and survivor or have the missions be dual-purposes ones that either a killer or a survivor can complete (like the dual missions on the Rift.)
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Claudette will get a Bush cosmetic that changes shape and color depending on the map. If it’s an indoor map, she just goes invisible when she sits in a corner.
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Dead Hard nerf. Removing perk tiers is a close second.
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Basic graphics and gameplay settings in-game:
Shadow Quality, Post-Processing Quality, Effects, etc.
And a FOV slider for killers, god idk why this is not in the game yet.
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They are selling the game to devs who care
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All I want is the entire stream to have the words "Dead Hard has been deleted" over a 10 hour loop of crab rave
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They're not gonna "gut" all meta perks, my dude.
For me it is a huge grind reduction.
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60 FPS on Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PS4, PS4 Pro and budget PC's.
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Shrine of Secrets expansion, make perks buyable separately
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Dead by Daylight 2 announcement 😉
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This peaked my interest, but how would they go about doing it I wonder?
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Console only crossplay followed closely by dead hard being completely nuked
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Artist Add-On pass
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That they're no longer supporting continued development of the game past (insert date). There will be a month of rewards/events every day leading up to the day they pull the plug on the servers.
People will hop on in droves and play to have fun.
Other people will hop on to ruin everyone's last moments with the game and remind people why dbd ending is a good thing.
My friends will finally be forced to play something other than this game and we can remember what it is to have fun in a video game together after we get used to playing b4b, ED:TG, or wwz or something other than this game.
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Cross progression. Everything you had unlocked on the current DbD gets transferred to the new one.
Which doesn't has a spaghetti code and was made from scratch with the idea to record matches.
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Brave Girls collab with 4 legendary skins for Yun-Jin representing each member and a skin for Trickster representing E-Chan from their Pool Party MV lol.
But realistically more Silent Hill content and major anti-cheat fixes
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Progression overhaul and solo queue/facecamping changes.
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Remove SBMM, take away Dead Hard i-frames (and nerf the really strong killers with this change), reduce grind.
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Theyve been doing that
Thats probably why Year 5 was the buggiest one to date
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A new gamemode or something that shakes up the game like egc
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The grind reduction being ready and it actually being good.
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I need Mathieu Cote to lift up a physical Funko Pop in his hands and say, ‘this will be available for preorder right away’.
I’ve never been so hyped, yet so crushed at the same time when he hastily announced them in the 5th anniversary stream - only to then have complete radio silence. If they’re not coming, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t have added something in as an after-thought that was never going to materialise.
Other than that, gameplay wise - I’d like some practical solutions for; preventing camping, proxy camping and tunnelling. Even something as similar as Pyramid Head’s cages would go a long way. I need people to remember the game is supposed to be fun for both sides, not just defaulting to playing scummy because the match isn’t going your way.
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Legendaries getting prestiged and store cosmetics <3
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Nurse and dead hard nerfed.
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Hatch removal.
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Those built in mori/key mechanics with some info other than soon.jpeg
Also prestige and/or grind reduction info other than soon.jpeg
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An actually optimized game and not "we're below a threshold for console".
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- Removal of the million bloodpoint limit.
- Removal of the 8k point limit per category.
- All perks that award bonus bloodpoints award them after the match (on top of the achieved points).
- Search bar for perks.
- Favorites bar for perks and addons.
- Removal of perk tiers.
- After match thumps up button increases the chances of being matched with/against the same player more often.
- Tournament mode.
- Training mode with/against every killer. With the option to select perks/addons and a skill level for the bots.
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Gen regression balance, i think it would do alot to help the meta/camping/tunneling.
At the moment the best way to win is tunneling survs out rather than trying to slow down gen repair.
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Buff Flashbangs please!
Literally hearing them say that this perk would be getting a buff would make my day.
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What they’re actually going to do about Bubba facecamping.
And potentially DH nerfs/rework, although I expect that to happen with the mid-chapter.
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finally some meaningful base game mechanics changes to reduce the frustrating feeling of playing killer/soloq and making survivor gameplay outside of chases more fun instead of all actions just being ‚hold button in one spot for some time‘
also very much this:
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Hatch removal would make 1v1 games go forever, Hence why it was invented. it's better now keys are "fair" but it's removal would just mean the last surv would just go semi afk until you rage quit.
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My dream quality of life update would be tome challenges giving you confirmation of progress during a match. Especially for challenges with super specific requirements that must be done in one match. For instance, it would be great to know if I've successfully hit survivors X times from Y meters away with Trickster's knives.
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Just kill last survivor, they've already lost team game and no need to give em chance after all.
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That the game will be shutting down.
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Unrealistically: SBMM is deleted.
Realistically: SoloQ improvements.
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The best thing is to completely rework the game honestly.
I'd hope they'd make it into an actual horror game.
but if they announced a better chase, loop and the stuff system that's be cool.
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Dead By Daylight 2.....
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And if you can't find them?
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Remove SBMM is all I'm hoping for
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I would love if i cared at this point
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Start the EGC once there's only one survivor.
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Top 3:
Killer to survivor efficiency changes. Make survivors objective slower or killer faster, rework/change the way hooks work so tunneling is no longer the most efficient all the time.
Remove boons.
Perk tiers removed or another type of grind reduction.